study abroad

The Denys Holland Scholarship, Deadline- 07/07/2017 .  Start you dream Tutoring career or Find your best Tutors Globally for free visit www.welcometutor.comInternational Scholarship, Aberystwyth University, UK

Company News

University College London (UCL), Global Undergraduate Scholarship, UK

Field of study: All Undergraduate degrees
Scholarship value: 10 awards of full tuition fees and maintenance allowance, and 23 awards of full tuition fees
Deadline: 22 April 2024
Number of Awards: 33
To know more in details, please visit here

International Student Scholarships, York University, Canada

Field of study: Any undergraduate degree program that begins in the Fall 2024 term under the following faculties: Arts, Media, Performance & Design; Environmental Studies; Education; Glendon; Health; Lassonde School of Engineering; Liberal Arts & Professional Studies; Science; or the Schulich School of Busines

Scholarship value:  
a) President’s International Scholarship of Excellence: $180,000 ($45,000 x 4 years)
b) Tentanda Via Award: $120,000 ($30,000 x 4 years)
c) Global Leader of Tomorrow Award: $80,000 ($20,000 x 4 years)

Deadline: 15 February 2024

Number of Awards:

a) President’s International Scholarship of Excellence: 20
b) Tentanda Via Award: 15
c) Global Leader of Tomorrow Award: 2

To check details, please click here

Uppsala University scholarships, Sweden

Field of study: Master Programs commencing August 2024.
Scholarship value: The scholarships will cover the full cost of tuition fees
Deadline: 23:59 CET (Central European Time) on Monday, 22 January 2024.
Target group: Citizens of countries outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland.

To check details, please visit website

Think Big postgraduate/Undergraduate award, Bristol University, UK

Field of study: Any full-time Undergraduate program (except Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science) or any one-year, full-time Postgraduate program or one of the eligible two-year program – Social Work (MSc) and Law (MA) offered at the University
Scholarship value:  £6,500, £13,000 and £26,000  per year
Deadline: for undergraduate scholarships is 26 February 2024, 10 am (UK time) for postgraduate scholarships is 29 April 2024, 10 am (UK time).

To check details and to get the direct link, please visit website


KTH Scholarship for master program, Sweden

Host Institution(s): KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden
Level and Field(s) of study: Master’s Degree Program
Number of Scholarships: In 2023, 8 % of the scholarship applicants admitted to a program were nominated for the KTH Scholarship (55 out of 677).
Scholarship value/inclusions: Tuition fee of a one or two year master's program
Deadline: 15 Jan 2024
More Details

Study Abroad scholarships for International Students at Aberystwyth University, UK, Deadline- 29/07/2017

International Scholarship, Aberystwyth University, UK 
The Aberystwyth International study abroad Scholarships, worth £2,000 a year each towards tuition fees, will be available for International (non-EU) students commencing a full-time undergraduate programme in September 2017. In order to be considered for one of these study abroad awards, an application for a place on a relevant programme at Aberystwyth University must be received by 29th July. It is not necessary to apply for the Scholarship – all international applicants will automatically be considered.

Value of this Study Abroad Scholarship- £2,000 a year
Rules and regulations below for this Study Abroad Scholarship-
Scholarships worth £2,000 a year towards tuition fees for full-time non-EU students are available for students who commence their studies in September 2017 in Aberystwyth.
Separate application forms are not required. Therefore it is essential that the application for a place be received by the University by 29th July 2017 at the very latest.  
Selection of this study abroad scholarship will be on the basis of academic performance and the applicant’s suitability for their proposed course.
Acceptance of an offer of an award must be received within 2 weeks of being offered.
Decisions for 2017 will be made for this study abroad scholarship centrally in-line with the decision making process.  
Scholarships are available essentially for self-financed students, i.e. they cannot be held by:
1) students with full-awards, e.g. Chevening Scholarships, Commonwealth Shared Scholarship or any governmental award or any AU 
award or
2) any partial awards with a resultant combined value greater than 25% of the value of the tuition fees, with the exception of the International Excellence Undergraduate Scholarship.

Scholarships should be used the year for which they are applied and awarded for. In the event of candidates deferring the year of entry the study abroad scholarship can also be deferred. If it is deemed necessary for the Scholarship holder to suspend their studies, the scholarship will be held on University account and carried forward to the year of resumption of studies and the candidate will be expected to pay their contribution on a pro-rata basis.
During and after the period of study the candidate may be asked to participate in promotional activities for the University. This may include receptions and social events, testimonial or publicity articles or even assisting with activities in their home country.
If, in the view of the appropriate Institute Director, a scholarship holder’s progress is deemed unsatisfactory, the scholarship may be withdrawn. A scholarship may also be withdrawn on the grounds of failure to comply with any of the conditions of the award. The candidate may be required to repay the University any award which has been made, in whole or in part. If the scholar feels that such a withdrawal is unjustified s/he may appeal in writing to the Director of the International Office within 15 days of the date of notification.
Where the applicant arranges to pay fees by instalment the study abroad scholarship will be deducted from the final instalment.  Where the candidate arranges to pay their tuition fees in full in advance, they will receive the scholarship deduction immediately and the tuition fee will be adjusted accordingly. International (non-EU) applicants are required to pay a deposit towards their tuition fees in accordance with University policy.* 
This study abroad scholarship scheme is subject to annual review. The University reserves the right to make, amend, withdraw, suspend or cancel without notice these and other such Regulations as may be in force from time to time and such decisions shall be final.

For more information about this Study Abroad scholarship, please visit

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Study Abroad News

4 ways students can carry money abroad 

Before you travel abroad for your studies, it’s important you know about the various options available to carry out monetary transactions overseas. Here’s what you need to know:
forex cards
A convenient and secure way to carry money abroad, prepaid cards are offered by all leading banks and some non-banking financial companies as well. “It is the most economical and safe way of carrying forex abroad. They are enabled with chip and pin, making it safer than other instruments,” says Sudarshan Motwani, Founder and CEO, BookMyForex. Some organisations charge a nominal fee of Rs 100-250 for issuing the card while others offer it for free. Prepaid cards are useful for daily living expenses, shopping, booking flight tickets, etc. Some colleges also accept fee through these cards. Swiping of prepaid cards at 
merchant point of sale terminals does not attract a fee. Also, you can lock-in the exchange rate before you travel overseas. “The applicable forex rate is the one on the day of purchase of the prepaid card,” says Motwani. Parents can top up the balance on the prepaid cards as per need

The downside to these cards is that countries including the UK, the US, Canada and Australia allow for limited withdrawals— around Rs 20-40,000 from ATMs in one go. Some banks may also charge a fee for withdrawals.

Foreign currency demand draft (FCDD)

Foreign currency demand draft (FCDD), which costs Rs 300-500, is one of the most efficient ways to carry out forex transactions. “It saves intermediary bank charges, and the amount gets deposited directly into the beneficiary bank’s account,” says Motwani. FCCD is valid for six months and can be encashed at the beneficiary bank. It is best used for payment of university and hostel accommodation fee. Bear in mind though, it takes nearly two weeks to credit the money into the payee’s account via FCCD. So, it cannot be used where the payment has to be made immediately. “Many universities are now recommending alternate mode of payments to pay the fees since FCCD takes time. Also, in case of damage to the instrument (demand draft) the refund process is long and cumbersome,” says Mahesh Iyer, CEO, Thomas Cook, India.

Wire transfer
A speedy way of sending money abroad, wire transfers can be used for a variety of payments—college application fee, tuition, hostel fee, etc. “It takes approximately 24-48 hours for the money to be transferred. A reference number of the transaction is given immediately to keep track of it,” says M.P. Hariprasad, Head, Treasury, CentrumDirect. Wire transfers may incur commission charges from both the sender and the receiver banks.

Travellers cheque
Among the oldest options, 
Travellers cheque (TC) is a secure way of carrying out forex transactions. TCs are available in all major currencies. “They cannot be used by others in case of theft/loss. They also offer better exchange rates than cash,” says Yash Sharma, CEO, QuickForex. TCs also do not have an expiry date. The downside is that they can be encashed only at a limited number of authorised dealers. “Also, if there’s a signature mismatch, travellers cheques gets
void,” says Motwani.


Abroad Education scholarships for International Students at University College London, UK, Deadline- 07/07/2017

The Denys Holland Scholarship, University College London, UK​
Important Information about this Abroad Education scholarship for All Applicants
Professor Denys Holland, in whose memory the Denys Holland Fund was created via donations from his students, was a sociable, compassionate man. A Professor of Law and Dean of Students, one of his principal concerns was the welfare and fulfilment of students under his care. His admissions policy for the Faculty of Laws was aimed at a broad range of students who would enter fully into college life. The Denys Holland Scholarship aims to support undergraduate students from any country, who without the support of the scholarship would be unable to secure the funding required to study at UCL, and who can demonstrate their intention to make full use of the activities offered by UCL and the Student Union.

Eligibility requirements for 
this Abroad Education Scholarship-
Applicants should be:
holding an offer of admission to UCL for full-time undergraduate study in any department;

in financial hardship, and be able to demonstrate that without the scholarship they would be unable to study at UCL;
preferably aged 25 or below at the time of commencing their studies;
able to demonstrate that they have broad interests and intend to be actively involved in and contribute to the life of the university.

Selection criteria 
for this Abroad Education Scholarship-
The scholarship is awarded on the basis of financial hardship, subject to applicants demonstrating their intention to play a full part in extracurricular activities of UCL and the Students Union.

Value: benefits and duration of
this Abroad Education Scholarship
The scholarship is worth £9,000 per year for three years, subject to satisfactory academic progress and scholars may choose to use all or part of the scholarship to cover fees. Any remainder is paid to the scholar as a maintenance stipend. The scholarship may be held alongside other grants, bursaries, awards or scholarships, provided annual total funding does not exceed the cost of fees plus a reasonable sum for maintenance in any one year (as determined by UCL).

Applications deadline and procedure 
for this Abroad Education Scholarship
The deadline for your application is: Friday, 7 July 2017 at 5 pm (UK time). Applicants must provide UCL Student Number or UCAS Application Number for applications to be considered valid. If an application is received after this deadline it will not be deemed eligible and cannot be considered. Forms for this abroad education scholarship are available in UCL website. Complete applications and supporting documentations should be submitted by email to:

Applicants will be required to detail their current outside interests and indicate areas of non-academic activity which they would hope to pursue while a student. They will also have to provide information on their financial circumstances and other sources of income being sought to fund their studies - additional information may be requested by the selection panel.

Notification of results 
for this Abroad Education Scholarship
The Denys Holland Scholarship Committee meets in mid-August, and successful candidates can expect to be notified by email in early/mid-September. If you do not hear from the UCL Student Funding Office by mid-September, please assume your application has been unsuccessful. Please also check this web page, we will put up a note to let you know the date the successful candidate has been informed.

For more information about this Abroad Education scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education scholarships for International Students at University of Brighton, UK, Deadline- 30/06/2017

About these Overseas Education Scholarships- A minimum of two international research scholarships worth the full tuition fee for each year of your research degree (for up to a maximum of three years) are available to outstanding international research students in all areas of study.

for these Overseas Education Scholarships
academic merit (including English language ability)
full fee-paying international student status and
acceptance onto a research degree at the University of Brighton.

Who is eligible for 
these Overseas Education Scholarships
In order to be eligible for the scholarship, you must be a new, full-time international research student with an unconditional place for entry in October 2017.

How to apply 
for these Overseas Education Scholarships
Email with your applicant number in the subject line and we will send you an overseas education scholarship application pack. Application forms will only be sent to students who meet our eligibility criteria.

Application Deadline 
for these Overseas Education Scholarships
The deadline for completed applications is 5 pm on 30 June 2017. Your application will be considered at the appropriate Doctoral College committee meeting prior to your intended start date.
The decision of the Doctoral College committee will be communicated to applicants soon after the meeting and that decision is final. Please note that accompanying documentation will not be returned.
For more information about this Overseas Education scholarship, please visit

Study Abroad scholarships for MBA Students in Sweden, Deadline- 29/06/2017

MBA Scholarship, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
This study abroad scholarship is based on cooperation between Dagens Industri, and Stockholm School of Economics and covers the full tuition fee of SEK 465.000 + VAT for SSE MBA Executive Format. 

The study abroad scholarship is given to a person who is expected to serve as a good ambassador for Sweden, through his/her leadership and responsible business development. 
In particular, the candidate’s potential and experience in the following areas are reviewed:
creating new value through entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship

promoting Swedish-based business in an international market
with (at least) a Bachelor degree, a high level of English proficiency and a minimum of five years relevant work experience

The application process for this 
study abroad scholarship will open in March. Please apply for this study abroad scholarship on June 29, 2017, at the latest. 12 to 15 of the applicants are asked to provide a full application, and 5 to 7 finalists are interviewed and presented to the jury, consisting of representatives from Dagens Industri, and Stockholm School of Economics. The jury selects the recipient of the study abroad scholarship.

For more information about this study abroad scholarship, please visit

Abroad study scholarships for Post Graduate International students in UK, Deadline- 28/06/2017

Post Graduate Research Scholarship at University of Greenwich, UK
Project Title: Bioinformatician: Evolution of whiteflies belonging to the Bemisia tabaci species complex
Lead Supervisor: Professor Susan Seal
Faculty: Engineering & Science
Department: Natural Resources Institute
Duration: 3 years, Full-Time Study
Bursary available (subject to satisfactory performance) for this Abroad Study Program: Year 1: £14,553 Year 2: In line with RCUK rate Year 3: In line with RCUK rate. In addition, the successful candidate will have their tuition fees paid for a period of three years. Abroad Study Scholarships are available for three years from the date scholars first register as an MPhil/PhD student with the university. Scholarships are available for full-time study only and applicants must meet the programme entry requirements. 

for this Abroad Study Program:
Education and Training required
for this Abroad Study Program:
1st Class or 2nd class, First Division (Upper Second Class) Honours Degree or a taught Master’s degree with a minimum average of 60% in all areas of assessment (UK or UK equivalent) in Bioinformatics or a related discipline

For those whose first language is not English and/or if from a country where English is not the majority spoken language (as recognised by the UKBA), a
language proficiency score of at least IELTS 6.5 (in all elements of the test) or an equivalent UK VISA and Immigration
secure English Language Test is required, unless the degree above was taught in English and obtained in a majority English speaking country, e.g. UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand, etc, as recognised by the UKBA.

Experience & Skills
required for this Abroad Study Program:
Previous experience of undertaking research (e.g. undergraduate or taught masters dissertation)
• Master’s degree (
UK or UK equivalent) in Bioinformatics 
• Previous experience working on Unix/Linux batch systems 
• Proficiency in Perl or Python and R

Personal Attributes
required for this Abroad Study Program:
Understands the fundamental differences between a taught degree and a research degree in terms of approach and personal discipline/motivation
• Able to, under guidance, complete independent work successfully
Other Requirements:
This scholarship may require Academic Technology Approval Scheme approval for the successful candidate if from outside of the EU/EEA
• A
1 page research outline describing how you would approach this topic E
• The scholarship must commence before 29 September 2017

Closing date of applications 
for this Abroad Study Program: midnight UTC on 28 June 2017
Application procedure 
for this Abroad Study Program:
Please read this information before making an application. Information on the application process is 
available at: . Applications need to be made online via this link. No other form of application will be considered.
All applications must include the following information. Applications not containing these documents will not be considered.
• Scholarship Reference Number (Ref)– included in the personal statement section together with your personal statement as to why you are applying
• a
1 page research outline describing how you would approach this topic*
• a CV including 2 referees *
• academic qualification certificates/transcripts and
IELTs/English Language certificate if you are an international applicant or if English is not your first language or you are from a country
where English is not the majority 
spoken language as defined by the UK Border Agency *
*upload to the qualification section of the application form. Attachments must be a PDF format.
For more information about this abroad study scholarship, please visit

Study Abroad scholarships for International students in UK, Deadline- 22/06/2017

The Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarships, Bath Spa University, UK 
The Vice Chancellor is pleased to offer several study abroad scholarships for international students, celebrating our commitment to internationalisation and excellence in creativity, culture and enterprise. One of these, the Vice Chancellor's International Scholarship, is available to postgraduate taught Master's applicants.

Value of this Study Abroad Scholarship: £5000
Number of availability of this 
Study Abroad Scholarship: 1
Selection Criteria 
for this study Abroad Scholarship 
Applications are welcome from international students who have achieved high academic results and who can demonstrate a commitment and experience to creativity, culture and enterprise. 

Applicants must hold an offer of admission for a Bath Spa University postgraduate taught Master's degree programme that is full-time and taught on-campus, and complete the international scholarships application form.

Please note:

Applicants fee status must be International. UK and EU students are not eligible.
Applicants must hold an offer of admission, conditional or unconditional, to an appropriate Bath Spa University programme at the point of application. The programme must be a Master's degree, be at least one year’s duration, be full-time on-campus, and lead to an award of Bath Spa University.
Scholarships are awarded as a part-fee waiver.
Bath Spa University reserves the right to award a study abroad scholarship only after careful consideration of an applicant’s qualifications and verification of authenticity, plus financial capability. You must be able to prove that you have the financial ability to support the remaining tuition fees and living costs to be able to accept a scholarship award. The University is unable to provide feedback on unsuccessful scholarship applications.
Other terms and conditions apply.

Application deadline 
for this study Abroad Scholarship 
Applications close on 22 June 2017 for students starting in September 2017.

For more information, about this study abroad Scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education scholarships for Master students in USA, Deadline- 15/06/2017

Fulbright-Nehru Master’s Fellowships, USA
The Fulbright-Nehru Master's Overseas Education Fellowships are designed for outstanding Indians residing in India to pursue a master's degree program at selected U.S. colleges and universities in the areas of Arts and Culture Management including Heritage Conservation and Museum Studies; Environmental Science/Studies; Higher Education Administration; International Legal Studies; Public Administration; Public Health; Urban and Regional Planning; and Women's Studies/Gender Studies. These Overseas Education fellowships are for highly motivated individuals who demonstrate leadership qualities, have completed the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor's degree, have at least three years professional work experience, and are committed to return and contribute to their communities. The fellowships are for one to two years.
Benefits of this Overseas Education Fellowship
The fellowship will provide the following benefits:
J-1 visa support;

Round-trip economy class air travel from fellow's home city to the host institution in the U.S.
Funding for tuition and fees*, living and related costs; and
Accident and sickness coverage per U.S. Government guidelines.
* USIEF funding may not cover all costs and the scholar may need to supplement grant benefits with other resources. The Fulbright-Nehru Master's Fellowships provide no financial support for dependents.
Eligibility Requirements for 
this Overseas Education Fellowship
In addition to the General Prerequisites, the applicants should:
have completed an equivalent of a U.S. bachelor's degree from a recognised Indian university with at least 55% marks. Applicants should either possess a four-year bachelor's degree or a completed master's degree, if the bachelor's degree is of less than four years' duration
have at least three years' full-time professional work experience relevant to your proposed field of study at the time of application
demonstrate experience in leadership and community service
must not have another degree from a U.S. university or be enrolled in a U.S. degree program; and
if you are employed, please follow the instructions carefully regarding employer's endorsement. If applicable, please obtain the endorsement from the appropriate administrative authority on the FNMasters Employer's Endorsement Form. The employer must indicate that leave will be granted for the fellowship period.
Eligible Fields of Study 
for this Overseas Education Fellowship
Each applicant should choose one field of study that matches his/her chief area of interest. The following field descriptions are illustrative and applicants should note that individual academic host institution programs of study may differ in course offerings, subspecialties, and academic requirements.
Arts and Culture Management including Heritage Conservation and Museum Studies
Environmental Science/Studies
Higher Education Administration
International Legal Studies 
Public Administration
Public Health
Urban and Regional Planning 
Women's Studies/Gender Studies 
Application Due Date
for this Overseas Education Fellowship: June 15, 2017, 23:59:59 hrs (IST)
For more information, about this O
verseas Education Scholarship, please visit

Study Abroad scholarships for MBA students at Stanford University, USA, Deadline- 07/06/2017

Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship, Stanford University, USA
Reliance Industries Limited generously created the Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai study abroad Fellowship Program to support Indian nationals living in India who need financial assistance in obtaining an MBA at StanfordStanford GSB has a strong emphasis on global management education. Stanford GSB is proud to have enrolled many Indian students over the years; they are a vital part of our student body and provide our community with direct and personal insight into an emerging global economy that also is the world’s largest democracy. We hope this study abroad fellowship encourages talented and motivated Indian men and women who may not otherwise apply to the business school because of financial concerns.

The Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Program provides future Indian leaders with the educational foundation 
to effect positive change in India. Fellows return to India to lead organizations that are at the forefront of growth and development in the rapidly emerging Indian economy. 
Each year,
Value of this Study Abroad Fellowship-
may award up to five study abroad fellowships:
Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows will receive financial support for the cost of tuition and associated fees for each year of the two-year Stanford MBA Program (approximately $150,000 total).

Within two years of completing their Stanford MBA studies, Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows are required to return to India for a period of at least two years to work for an Indian organization.
 Upon their return to India, Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows are integral members of Stanford University, Stanford GSB, and Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows communities.
Process and Evaluation Criteria for this Study Abroad Fellowship
Apply for Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Program
Apply to Stanford MBA Program
Attend Stanford MBA Program
Return to work in India for at least two years

Stage 1: Complete the Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Program Application

Criteria for this Study Abroad Fellowship
Up to 50 Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows finalists will be selected based on:
Commitment to developing India
Financial need
Stage 2: Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Program Finalists Complete the Standard Application Process for the Stanford MBA Program
As part of the MBA admission process, Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Program finalists must meet all Stanford GSB application requirements, including submission of GMAT or GRE and IELTS, PTE, or TOEFL if applicable.

Stanford may select up to five Reliance Dhirubhai study abroad Fellows each year from among the finalists based on our primary admission criteria:

Intellectual vitality
Demonstrated leadership potential
Personal qualities and contributions
Important Dates for this Study Abroad Fellowship
24 April 2017 - 7 June 2017    Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Program application available online
7 June 2017- (5:00pm
Pacific Time) Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Program application submission deadline
30 June 2017    Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Program finalists notified
Round 1: 19 Sept 2017 Round 2: 10 Jan 2018    Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Program finalists prepare and submit Stanford MBA application
Round 1: 14 Dec 2017 Round 2: 29 March 2018    Stanford releases admission decisions, including those for Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows
September 2018 Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows matriculate in Stanford MBA Program
Application Materials required for this Study Abroad Fellowship
Please read this website carefully, as requirements to apply to this Fellowship differ from the requirements for the MBA Program application. Fellowship application materials include:

Educational history and scores: 10 board exams, 12 board exams, Joint Entrance Exam (JEE), and/or Common Admission Test (CAT). You may also submit the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) and/or Graduate Record Examination (GRE), if available. These are optional at the fellowship application stage. If you’re selected as a finalist, you’ll be required to take one of these exams as part of your application to the MBA Program. If you went to an undergraduate college or university where the language of instruction was not English, you may also be required to take an English-language exam. Official transcripts are not considered at this stage. Finalists will be required to submit an unofficial copy of your transcripts in the MBA Application and will submit official copies upon admission to the MBA Program.
Awards and honors (academic or social)
Employment history: Letters of recommendation are not considered at this stage. Finalists will be required to submit two Letters of Recommendation in the MBA Application.
One-page resume or curriculum vitae (CV)
250-word essay
Individual financial information
For more information, about this study abroad Scholarship, please visit

Study Abroad scholarships for Undergraduate students at University of Leeds, UK, Deadline- 26/05/2017

Business School International Excellence Scholarships, University of Leeds, UK
Value of this Study Abroad Scholarship
An award of £2,500 per year for each standard year of study towards the cost of fees.

Who qualifies for 
this Study Abroad Scholarship?
There are up to 8 study abroad scholarships available. All international self-funding applicants who apply for an undergraduate course at Leeds University Business School and are classed as international for fee purposes are considered with the exception of applicants progressing from NCUK programmes; the University of Leeds International Foundation Year and the Leeds International Study Centre Foundation Year. Dedicated study abroad scholarships are available for applicants progressing from these programmes.

How do I apply for 
this Study Abroad Scholarship?
In order to be considered for a study abroad scholarship, you must be currently holding a conditional or unconditional offer for 2017 entry. Candidates are required to submit an application form. The deadline for applications is Wednesday 31 May 2017.

When will I be told if I am successful 
this Study Abroad Scholarship?
Applications will be considered on the basis of the application form and be 
awarded conditional upon you exceeding the conditions of your offer. If you have applied will receive the outcome of this first stage by Friday 16 June 2017.
The award of the scholarship will be confirmed by the Admissions team by Friday 1 September 2017.
For more information, about this study abroad Scholarship, please visit

Abroad Education scholarships for Undergraduate students at University of Edinburg, UK, Deadline- 26/05/2017

Edinburgh Global Undergraduate Maths Scholarships, University of Edinburg, UK
A number of abroad education scholarships are offered to Mathematics students of outstanding ability from countries outside the European Union for the academic session 2017-2018.
Details of the abroad Education Award
The abroad education scholarships are worth £1,000 per year and tenable for the duration of the programme of study, subject to satisfactory progress. A student is deemed to have made Satisfactory Progress in each year if there has been a formal School decision of either "Progress" or "Conditional Progression", without the student needing to repeat a year. If a student does not make satisfactory progress in any one year the award will terminate from that point onwards. Abroad Education Scholarship cheques are handed to the winners at an award ceremony at the beginning of the academic session.

Eligibility criteria for this Abroad Education Scholarship-
It is awarded to applicants from countries outside the European Union who are accepted for full-time admission to an undergraduate degree programme offered by the School of Mathematics at the University. The scholarship is not available to students 
already on programme. Applicants should have applied through the University and Colleges Admission Service (UCAS) and been offered a place at the University of Edinburgh by the abroad education scholarship closing date of 26 May 2017.

for this Abroad Education Scholarship
This abroad education scholarship is competitive and based on academic merit.

Application procedure
for this Abroad Education Scholarship
Eligible applicants should complete an online application. The closing date for applications is 26th May 2017. Please note you will not be able to access the online application form unless you have applied for admission to the University of Edinburgh.The online scholarship application form is located in EUCLID and can be accessed via MyEdourweb based information portal at When loggingin to MyEd, you will need your University User Name and password. If you require assistance, please go to

Notification of
for this Abroad Education Scholarship
The winners of the scholarships will be announced in June 2017.

For more information, about 
this abroad education Scholarship, please visit

Abroad Study scholarships for International Student in University of Warwick UK, Deadline- 20/05/2017

WMG Excellence Scholarships, University of Warwick, UK
Details about this Abroad Study Scholarship-
WMG will be awarding over £700,000 in scholarships and bursaries to students commencing study on our full-time MSc programmes beginning in October 2017. WMG Excellence Scholarships are available on a competitive basis. Awards will be based on past academic achievement, previous experience, extracurricular activities, reasons for study, and your vision for the future. Students must complete an abroad study Scholarship Application in order to be considered for the WMG Excellence Scholarships.
Up to a total 
of 50 WMG Excellence study abroad Scholarships will be awarded on a % discount of the tuition fees. Awards will range from 25% to 50% fee discount. Applications to the WMG Excellence study abroad Scholarships will close on the 20th May 2017.

Eligibility criteria for this Abroad Study Scholarship
Applicants should have applied to study on a WMG Full-time MSc course that runs in the UK, starting October 2017, before applying for the WMG Excellence study abroad Scholarship.

Applicants should have an excellent academic track-record. The WMG Scholarship committee will be reviewing both the academic achievement (usually the equivalent of a British 1st Class Honours Degree) and study abroad Scholarship Statement when awarding.
For conditional offer-holders, study abroad scholarship awards will also be conditional on achieving the awardee's final predicted grade.
WMG Excellence abroad study Scholarships are for self-funded students only. NB: students with partial bursaries on scholarship-loan schemes or partially funded by an external organisation may be considered. Awardees should inform the scholarship committee if they are in receipt of another scholarship or are later awarded other funding.
WMG Excellence study abroad Scholarships are awarded for study on UK Full-time MSc Programmes only.
WMG Excellence study abroad Scholarships are paid towards tuition fees only and cannot be paid in cash or towards accommodation or maintenance costs.
WMG will award WMG Excellence study abroad Scholarships across all WMG Full-time MSc Programmes to maximize nationality and gender diversity.
In order to maximise your chances of success, we recommend you submit your MSc application as early as possible.
For more information, about this abroad study Scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education scholarships for International Student in University of Aberdeen, UK, Deadline- 19/05/2017

Jim Duncan Scholarships, University of Aberdeen, UK
Summary of this Overseas Education Scholarship-
There are two Jim Duncan Overseas Education Scholarships available. They are open to applicants who have decided to go to the University of Aberdeen to undertake an undergraduate degree starting in September 2017 after having had a break in their education, or who are resuming their undergraduate studies at the University after 
an interruption, and require financial assistance.

of this Overseas Education Scholarship
EachOverseas Education scholarship is valued at £1,500 per annum. The Overseas Education scholarships shall initially be awarded for a two-year period of the undergraduate course in order to give security to the scholar awarded. Thereafter, the scholar may apply to have the Overseas Education scholarship renewed on an annual basis. The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of financial need and academic potential.

Eligibility requirements 
for this Overseas Education Scholarship
The Jim DuncanOverseas Education Scholarships are open to applicants who have decided to go to the University of Aberdeen to undertake an undergraduate degree starting in September 2017 after having had a break in their education, or who are resuming their undergraduate studies at the University after an interruption, and require financial assistance. The Overseas Education scholarships are open to all applicants regardless of nationality or fee status. Applications from medical students would be particularly welcome. To be considered for a Jim Duncan Overseas Education Scholarship you will need to have applied to the University of Aberdeen for a place starting in September 2017; to be awarded an Overseas Education scholarship you must receive and then firmly accept an offer, either conditional or unconditional, of a place at the University. The Overseas Education scholarships can only be held by students of the University – they cannot be transferred to another institution. The only exception to the above is if you are resuming your undergraduate studies at the University of Aberdeen after an interruption.

for this Overseas Education Scholarship
Scholarships are available for all full-time undergraduate areas of study, (MA, LLB, BSc, MSci, MChem, MPhys, MEng, BEng, BScEng, MBChB, BD, BTh, BEd, BMus), but not the PGDE or BA education programmes.

Application Procedure 
of this Overseas Education Scholarship
Please fill in the application form and return it by post to the University (address in Guidelines document) along with your reference.  The deadline for applications is the 19th May 2017.  Please see the Guidelines document below for full details. As the scholarships are awarded on the basis of financial need the Scholarship Panel expects to see supporting documentary evidence and your application will be unsuccessful if this is not provided.
for this Overseas Education Scholarship- 19th of May 2017
For more information, about this Overseas Education Scholarship, please visit

Study Abroad scholarships for International Student in Singapore, Deadline- 17/05/2017

This is a highly coveted study abroad scholarship designed to identify the most talented new Diploma students with excellent academic achievement, strong leadership potential and passion for the arts. 
Eligibility criteria for this Study Abroad Scholarship
All nationalities

Applicants must have been offered a place in a full-time Diploma programme for the August 2017 intake
Non-recipients of any other scholarships /bursaries / financial aid awarded by external organisations
Assessment Criteria 
for this Study Abroad Scholarship
Impressive academic record with portfolio/audition/interview or other criteria as may be laid down from time to time
Outstanding track record and/or relevant experience in chosen field
Demonstrates engagement in chosen field with activities outside of coursework, such as participation and/or achievements in external activities
High level of maturity and strong leadership qualities
Value & Tenure of
 this Study Abroad Scholarship
Up to a maximum of S$5,000 for the first year of studies in LASALLE.
for this Study Abroad Scholarship: 1 Feb – 17 May 2017. 
All applications must reach LASALLE by Wed, 17 May 2017,
5:00 pm.  
Applications are to be submitted to LASALLE College of the Arts, Division of Student Administration, Block E Level 2, Mondays – Fridays,
9:00am5:00 pm. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of award by end June 2017.  
For more information, about this Study Abroad Scholarship, please visit

Abroad Education scholarships for International Student, Deadline- 12/05/2017

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarships for International Students, Istituto Marangoni, Italy
Scholarship Campaign Details of this Abroad Education Program – Intake October 2017, Istituto Marangoni offers every year scholarships up to the amount of 1,000,000 Euro as a facilitation to the enrollment in its courses to the best talents. Scholarships in this case are intended as a deduction on the tuition fees. This Regulation refers to this abroad education Scholarship Campaign dedicated to those applying to Courses starting in the October 2017 intake.
The Abroad Education scholarship opportunities available for this Campaign are:
5.000 €
deduction on the tuition fee

50%deduction on the tuition fee and enrollment fee
100%deduction on the tuition fee
for courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level offered by Istituto Marangoni at:

Milano School of Design
Milano School of Fashion
London School of Fashion
Paris School of Fashion
Firenze School of Fashion & Art
Other scholarships/deductions might be available for designated special projects. The courses available at each School and related funding opportunities are specified 
in the dedicated website. 
Specifications about each course are available 
at :
Please note that:
1) Available courses for this abroad education program with scholarships at postgraduate level are the following:

Master’s Degree at the London School of Fashion
Cycle de Spécialisation at the Paris School of Fashion
Master’s programme at the Milano School of Fashion, Milano School of Design and Firenze School of Fashion & Art 
Semester programmes at theMlano School of Fashion, Paris School of Fashion and Firenze School of Fashion & Art
executive Master’s programmes at the Milano School of Fashion, Milano School of Design and Firenze School of Fashion & Art
2) Available courses 
for this Abroad Education Program with scholarships at the undergraduate level are the following:
Three-Year**/BA(Hons) courses
for those applying to three-year courses: please be informed that any Scholarship awarded (regardless of the amount) is only applied to the 1st year of study.
One Year courses

How to apply for 
this Abroad Education Program with scholarships
In order to submit the application, candidates will need to:
register on the Istituto Marangoni Scholarship website;
upload their own “dream” (see below);
submit the application in the dedicated website area, including all the necessary documents.

About “your dream” and how the platform works
Candidates shall present their free-subject creative concept (the dream) through the following:
one or more images (.jpg, max size: 2mb per image, minimum dimension: 600 x 400 px),
an evocative phrase about your “dream” (max 100 characters),
a profile description (max 800 characters),
a candidate photograph (.jpg, max size: 2mb per image, minimum dimension: 720 x 500 px).
Deadlines o
this Abroad Education Program with scholarships
Candidates interested in courses at the postgraduate and undergraduate level, starting in the October 2017 intake, shall upload the requested materials and finalize the application no later than Friday, May 12th, 2017
Required documents for Postgraduate Courses at Master Level
The required documents to apply for 
this Abroad Education Program with scholarships for a course at postgraduate level are:
Signed letter stating your motivation for a scholarship request
Curriculum Vitae
2 reference letters
Copy of University Degree certificate
Copy of passport
Portfolio (where requested)
Grades Transcript
English language certificate
Required documents for Postgraduate Courses – Semester
The required documents to apply for this Abroad Education program with scholarships for a course at postgraduate level are:

Signed letter stating your motivation for a scholarship request
Curriculum Vitae
2 reference letters
Copy of University Degree Certificate
Transcript grades of latest or current studies
Copy of passport
Portfolio (where requested)
Required documents for Undergraduate Courses
The required documents to apply for this Abroad Education Program with scholarships for a course at the 
undergraduate level are:

Signed letter stating your motivation for a scholarship request
Photocopy of High School Diploma and school certificates
Photocopy of passport
Curriculum Vitae
Grades transcript
6 creative ideas (where requested)
English language certificate
For more information, about this Abroad Education Scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education scholarships for Indian Student, Deadline- 10/05/2017

Goa Education Trust Scholarships
The Goa Education Trust (GET) scholarship is offered to selected Indian students annually for pursuing a Masters in the UK. Initially conceptualised for Goans, the scholarship has now been opened up to all Indian students applying for any Master’s programme in any UK universities. The British Council collaboratively formed the Goa Education Trust with the Dempo and the Fomento Group. Since its inception this overseas education scholarship has provided opportunities to pursue higher education in UK Universities in various disciplines including Journalism, Education, Ancient History and Law
Eligibility criteria for this Overseas Education Scholarship-
The candidate should:
Identify a suitable Masters programme in the UK beginning in September / October 2017 (Proof 
of admission/application will be required at the time of the interview).

Be an Indian national with valid Indian Passport and must be in India at the time of applying for the Scholarship
Be not more than 30 years of age at the time of applying 
Have an excellent track record in academics and extra- curricular achievements
Value of 
this Overseas Education Scholarship-
Scholarships will fund young Indians to pursue a Masters in the UK and will cover part or full tuition fees.
Application Guideline of 
this Overseas Education Scholarship-
1.Download the application form from the 'Downloads'
section at the bottom of the page of the British Council website
2.Fill the complete application form in word format and please ensure to insert an image of your photograph in the relevant section.
3.Ensure the following supporting documents are scanned to be mailed along with the filled in application form

Copy of birth certificate as applicant’s age proof
Copy of passport details as applicant’s address proof
Copy of your conditional/ unconditional admission letter from the UK institution (if already received)
One academic and one professional reference letter, although recent graduates may submit two academic references of not more than one A4 size page each
4. Entire application pack including the filled in application form with photograph and all the required supporting scanned documents to be mailed in one email not exceeding 10 MB to
In case the candidate cannot submit this
 Overseas Education Scholarship application electronically; applications will also be accepted in hard copy at the below-mentioned address:
FAO: GET Scholarship 2017 Application
British Council Division,
British Deputy High Commission, 
901, Tower 1, One Indiabulls Centre, 
Elphinstone Road (West), 
Mumbai – 400 013
Deadline for receiving applications
for his Overseas Education Scholarship online and via post: 10 May 2017 
Please note, applications not accompanied by supporting documents will be rejected. Please do not send additional documents other than the reference letters and a copy of your admission letter to a UK institution.
For more information, about this Overseas Education Scholarship, please visit

Abroad Education scholarships for International Student in Finland, Deadline- 09/05/2017

Scholarships for International Students at Metropolia University, Finland
Details about this Abroad Education Scholarship- Per each degree programme it is agreed that 50% of the applicants coming outside EU / EEA countries, having the most successful results in the entrance examination, will receive a full exemption from the tuition fee in the first academic year, if they have applied for the abroad education scholarship. During the 2.-4. academic years, a study abroad scholarship covering 75% of the yearly tuition fee will be granted provided that the student has accrued:
a minimum of 55 credits (ECTS) during the previous academic year (ending on 31st July ) in a Bachelor degree programme. The study credits must be included in the degree.This abroad education scholarship scheme during the 2.-4. academic years also applies to those students accepted as degree students through the Open Application Path process.

a minimum of 25 credits (ECTS) during the previous semester (autumn semester ending  31.12. and spring semester ending 31.7.) in a Master degree programme. The study credits must be included in the degree. 
In years 2-4, the remaining 25% of a student’s tuition fee may be waived if the school determines that it is justified based on social, health, or other reasons.
Our partner universities’ students, with non-EU/EEA citizenship, who study in international double degree programs, or through bilateral agreements at Metropolia, will be granted a full 100% scholarship. However, the 100% abroad education scholarship policy does not apply to those applicants of international double degree programmes applying through the Finnish joint application system ( They are subject to payment of the yearly tuition fees, and the normal scholarship practice will be applied in their case.
Application, processing and approval of this abroad education scholarships-If you are obliged to pay the tuition fee and want to apply for a scholarship, fill in the online application form by 9 May 2017 the latest. Attach a copy of your residence permit card to the scholarship application. Please note: Scholarships in Metropolia UAS cover only the tuition fee, not living costs. Scholarship notices will be sent to scholarship recipients by 30 June 2017
For more information, about this Abroad Education Scholarship, please visit

Study Abroad scholarships for Indian Student, Deadline- 07/05/2017

The Vinod & Saryu Doshi Foundation is a non-profit charity trust that supports initiatives in the fields of Art Culture, Education and Community. It seeks to embody the lifelong passions and values of Vinod and Saryu Doshi, who believed that the mind is enriched through education and the spirit through art and culture. They have spent a considerable part of their lives supporting these causes.
The Foundation provides study abroad scholarships to financially challenged young Indians enabling them to catapult themselves to a higher economic and social orbit. It fosters emerging talent in the visual and performing arts through Fellowships, performances, exhibitions and festivals. It is committed to improving the community by funding initiatives in environment protection and social upliftment.The Vinod & Saryu Doshi Foundation has extended its support towards education by setting up a rigorous and challenging study abroad Post Graduate Fellowships in Liberal Arts & Sciences.
The study abroad Fellowships aim to support students of Indian nationality who have received acceptance at a University abroad to pursue post-graduation in the field of Liberal Arts (Masters, Postgraduate Diploma/Certificate or Doctorate). The study abroad Fellowships are applicable to the fields of Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
The main aim of this study abroad fellowship program is to enhance the higher education by giving an opportunity to academically bright students who 
have a drive to succeed but are unable to do so due to their financial challenges. This is a need-based merit study abroad Fellowship and abides by the Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action policy. The maximum amount for this study abroad Fellowship will be up to Rs 3 lakhs per fellow, which will be payable as a one-time amount.
For more information, about this study abroad Scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education scholarships for MBA applicants in Imperial College Business School, UK, Deadline- 05/05/2017

Future Leaders MBA Scholarship, Imperial College Business School, UK
The Future Leaders Scholarships are awarded to applicants with outstanding leadership potential. Awards of up to £23,500 are available. If you want to be considered for this scholarship, you should make sure you submit your MBA application by 5 May 2017.
Value of these Overseas Education Scholarships- Scholarships of up to £23,500 are available.
Eligibility requirements 
of these Overseas Education Scholarships- Successful applicants will demonstrate the ability and passion to become a visionary business leader. To be considered for this scholarship, you must display leadership qualities and exceptional career potential in your application.
The overseas education scholarship will be awarded to applicants based on the following criteria:
A strong academic background, a high and well-balanced GMAT score, and an excellent track record of professional achievement

Your performance during the admissions process, where academic and professional merit will be judged
Your professional references
Under six years’ postgraduate work experience preferred
for this Overseas Education Scholarship- You should have submitted your MBA application by 5 May 2017 to be considered for this scholarship.
How to apply 
for this Overseas Education Scholarship- Candidates who apply before 5 May 2017 and receive an offer for the Full-Time MBA programme commencing in September 2017 will automatically be considered. All candidates should address the requirements of the scholarship in their personal statement.
For more information, about this Overseas Education Scholarship, please visit

Abroad Education scholarships for International Students in University of Westminster, UK, Deadline- 04/05/2017

The University offers a number of full tuition fee award scholarships to exceptionally well-qualified students from outside the UK/EU. Please note this scholarship covers tuition fees only, not living expenses or accommodation.
The amount of 
this Abroad Education Scholarships: Full tuition fee award only.
Eligibility criteria of this Abroad Education Scholarship:
a) You must be an international student and hold an offer for a full-time undergraduate degree at the University. The scholarship will be renewed each year subject to satisfactory academic performance.
b) Academic excellence and financial need.
Number available:    2
Deadline for 
this Abroad Education Scholarship: 4 May 2017
VICE-CHANCELLOR SCHOLARSHIP, University of Westminster, UK
University of Westminster' s most prestigious scholarship is aimed at fully funding a student from a developing country to study a full-time Masters at the University.
The amount of 
this Abroad Education Scholarship: - Full tuition fee award, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and from London.
Eligibility criteria of 
this Abroad Education Scholarship:  
a) You must be an international student from a developing country and hold an offer for a full-time Masters. For the list of developing countries, check the website.
Equivalent to a UK First Class Honours degree, financial need and development potential.
Number available: 1
Deadline for 
this Abroad Education Scholarship: 4 May 2017
For more information, about this Abroad Education Scholarship, please visit

Study Abroad scholarship for Postgraduate Students in University of West England (UAE), UK, Deadline- 30/04/2017

Chancellor’s Scholarships for International Students, University of West England (UAE), UK
Recipients of this study abroad scholarship will be required to undertake an internship working within the International Office or other departments and will also be required to undertake ambassadorial activity for the University throughout the duration of the course. Following graduation, recipients will also be expected to be an active member of the UWE Bristol Alumni Network by helping the University to promote its programmes to prospective students.
Study level of this Study Abroad Scholarship- Postgraduate
of this Study Abroad Scholarship- 100% full tuition fees
of this Study Abroad Scholarship- One academic year
Number of awards available-    1 for September 2017 start
Nationalities accepted 
for this Study Abroad Scholarship   All classed as overseas for fees purposes
Eligibility criteria 
for this Study Abroad Scholarship     
have achieved the equivalent of a British 1st in an undergraduate degree

hold an unconditional offer or a conditional offer where IELTS or equivalent English language is the only condition
be a new student to UWE Bristol with no previous UK study
be classed as overseas for fees purposes
not be a sponsored student or in receipt of another scholarship/award
provide official transcripts at the time of application.
How to apply 
for this Study Abroad Scholarship
The deadline for application is 30 April 2017.  Students can apply via their UWE Welcome portal by completing the scholarship task. Contact if you have any queries.
For more information, about this Study Abroad Scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education scholarship for Undergraduate Students in University of Aberdeen, UK, Deadline- 29/04/2017

Ever thought you would make a fantastic international student who wants to pursue an overseas education program in the UK?  
Are you from India, Indonesia, Thailand or Malaysia with a dream of study abroad
Are you the first member of your immediate family to attend university?
Do you need financial support to allow you to pursue a university education? 
If you have answered “Yes” to all these questions, the University of Aberdeen and HSBC are offering you the chance to win a fully-funded undergraduate Scholarship for the University of Aberdeen worth over £100,000 over four years, which includes tuition fees, travel and maintenance (stipend) costs.
The successful scholar will receive funding each year for the duration of their four-year overseas education program 
Year 1: Fees* £14,300/ Travel: £2,000/Stipend: £13,000/TOTAL: £29,300
Year 2: Fees* £14,300/Travel: £2,000/Stipend: £13,000/TOTAL: £29,300
Year 3: Fees* £14,300/Travel: £2,000/Stipend: £13,000/TOTAL: £29,300
Year 4: Fees** £0/Travel: £2000/Stipend: £13000/TOTAL: £15,000
If you are academically outstanding, the first member of your immediate family to attend University and have the enthusiasm and motivation to succeed academically and professionally in an overseas education program, you could be the lucky recipient of this amazing opportunity.   
Guidelines for Applicants for this Overseas Education Program- The Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of nationality, academic merit, financial hardship and personal characteristics.  ONE scholarship valued at over £100,000 will be awarded for September 2017.
Terms and Conditions 
for this Overseas Education Program- 
1. Indian, Indonesian, Thai or Malaysian nationals, who are normally resident in the relevant country i.e. India, Indonesia, Thailand or Malaysia, and classified as paying international students fees, commencing a full-time undergraduate degree at the University of Aberdeen in September 2017 are eligible to apply.
2. Students need to be year 1 entrants. Advanced entrants are not eligible.
3. Preference will be given to those applicants who have not studied in the UK before.
4. The scholarship can only be held by a student of the University of Aberdeen commencing study in September 2017 – it cannot be transferred to other institutions or deferred to a different start date.  If an applicant defers they will lose their scholarship and it will be offered to the next best candidate.
5. Applicants must be the first member of their immediate family (other than siblings) to attend university.
6. Academic merit: Applicants must be able to demonstrate that they have 
outstanding academic ability and have achieved the minimum of the following academic credentials:
5.1 Overseas Study Applicants from India:
• Indian School Certificate or Higher Secondary School Certificate 
• For ALL courses, a minimum grade of 80% in English at Standard XII
• For SCIENCE courses: at Standard XII a minimum grade of 80% overall, including 80% or more in two science subjects or mathematics and a science subject. A minimum grade of 80% is required where the applicant specifies good performance in a particular subject. 
• For ENGINEERING: at Standard XII a minimum percentage of 80% overall, including 80% or more in two science subjects or mathematics and Physics
5.2 Overseas Study Applicants from Indonesia:
• Students must have completed their High School in Indonesia and either have completed a 1 year at University or a bridging course to be eligible for first-year entry in their chosen degree programme.
5.3 Overseas Study Applicants from Malaysia
• Sijil Tinggi Pesekolahan Malaysia (STPM) 
• For ALL courses, a Grade C or better in GCE O level English
• For SCIENCE courses: a CGPA of 3.0 or more, including grade B or better in two science based subjects or Mathematics and a science based subject.  A minimum grade of B is required where an applicant specifies good performance in a particular subject.
• For ENGINEERING courses: a CGPA of 3.0 or more, including grade B or better in Mathematics and Physics
Overseas Study Applicants from Thailand
• Mathayom Suksa 6 (M6);
• Mathayom 6 is the final examination taken by students at the end of their three years of upper secondary education and is acceptable at grade 1 or better in lieu of GCSE on a subject for subject basis, except in
English language.  It would need to be supplemented by GCE A Levels, Scottish Highers or Advanced Highers; or a bridging course.
7. English Language requirements for this Overseas Education program.  Proficiency in written and spoken English, as per the standard entry requirements are detailed at 
8. Applicants must be a privately funded student, and not in receipt of any other financial assistance
for this Overseas Education program.  
9. Personal characteristics
for this Overseas Education program must: 
• Have aspirations to attend the University of Aberdeen specifically;
• Are enthusiastic, highly motivated and determined to succeed academically and professionally.
• Have a strong commitment to self-development and take a pro-active and committed approach to their education
• Possess good communication and
inter-personal skills
• Have an awareness of and interest in, their chosen field of study.
• Think you will benefit in terms of career and personal development from obtaining this qualification.
10. Where a student is required to repeat a year of study because they failed to reach the required academic requirements, payment will not be made for the repeat year and resumption of the scholarship will be based on individual circumstances and will be at the discretion of the Head of School. 
11. Undergraduate Degree and Eligible Subjects 
for this Overseas Education program 
Business Management
Chemical Engineering
Civil and Structural Engineering
Computing Science
Conservation Biology
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Environmental Science
Geology and Petroleum Geology
Information Systems
Information Systems and Management
Legal Studies
Marine Biology
Mechanical Engineering
Natural Philosophy (Physics)
Petroleum Engineering
Plant and Soil Science
Politics and International Relations
For more information, about this Overseas Education Program with Scholarship please visit

Abroad study scholarship for PhD Students UK, Deadline- 28/04/2017

Overseas Research Scholarship (NUORS), Newcastle University, UK
Value of this Overseas Research award- Tuition fee scholarships of typically £7,800 - £11,700 per year. The award covers the difference between fees for UK/EU students and international students.
Number of 
Overseas Research awards- 15
Application closing date- 28 April 2017
Overview of this 
Overseas Research award-Newcastle University is committed to offering support to the very best international students hoping to pursue a programme of research. We are pleased to offer a small number of University fundedNUORS awards for outstanding international students who apply to commence PhD studies in any subject in 2017/18.
Sponsor- Newcastle University
Eligibility Criteria 
of this Overseas Research award
You could be eligible to apply 
for a NUORS award if:
you have been offered a place on a PhD research programme
you have been assessed as international/overseas for fees purposes, and are wholly or partially self-financing
you intend to register to start your studies during the 2017/18 academic year. 
Applications for a NUORS award cannot be made for a course that has already been started by a student.
How to apply 
for this Overseas Research award
You must have already applied for and been offered a place to study at Newcastle University before you apply for a NUORS award. Please complete the NUORS application form (MS Word: 57.5KB) electronically and in accordance with the NUORS regulations, which are provided at the end of the application form.  You will also be required to provide details of an academic referee; the University will then contact your referee directly. Applications must be submitted electronically via the email address provided below.Unfortunately paper copies cannot be accepted.  If you experience problems with the application form, please contact Student Financial Support who can e-mail a copy of the form and the regulations to you.
Student Wellbeing Service
Student Financial Support
Newcastle University
King's Gate
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)191 208 5537/8107
For more information, about this 
Overseas Research award, Study Abroad Scholarship please visit

Abroad Education scholarship for Master Students UK, Deadline- 26/04/2017

Graduate Support Scheme (GSS), The London School of Economics, UK 
Around £2 million is available annually in the form of awards from the Graduate Support Scheme (GSS). The Scheme is designed to help International students who do not have the necessary funds to meet all their costs of study. GSS awards range in value from £5,000 to a maximum of £15,000 and have an average value of £7,000. 
Eligibility for this Abroad Education Scholarship- This scheme is open to all applicants, with the exception of those undertaking specific modular or executive programmes such as the MSc in Finance (Part time), the MSc in Health Economics, Policy and Management and the MSc International Strategy and Diplomacy. Applicants to the following double degree programmes are eligible to apply to the Graduate Support Scheme, but a different application procedure is in place.
MSc in Affaires Internationales and International Relations or International Political Economy (LSE and Sciences Po)
Double Degree European Studies (LSE and Science Po)
MSc in International Affairs (LSE and PKU)
MSc in Public Administration and Government (LSE and PKU)
MSc International & World History (LSE and Columbia)
MSc in Urban Policy (LSE and Sciences Po)
More information about the Graduate Support Scheme for double degree students.
Applicants to the MA in Global History (Erasmus Mundus) dual degree follow the standard application procedure, as outlined below.
Application Procedure for the Abroad Education Program- The closing date for applications to the Graduate Support Scheme is the 26th April 2017, if you have an offer of admission please submit your application as soon as possible. Application to the Graduate Support Scheme is via the LSE Graduate Financial Support Application form. Once you have applied for admission, you can access the LSE Graduate Financial Support Application via Graduate Admissions online application tracker.
How to complete the Abroad Education Scholarship i.e. LSE Graduate Financial Support Application- LSE does not publicise the precise details of the criteria used to assess applications but we would like to 
emphasis the following points:
1. Graduate Support Scheme awards are intended to supplement funding already secured or expected, and not to provide a full funding package to applicants.
2. Attempts to secure financial support from other sources (e.g. help from household, non-LSE scholarships, government awards, loans etc) are therefore viewed very favourably.
3. Your chances of securing an award will increase if you provide as much information as possible about your individual financial situation.
4. Concealing information or being dishonest normally only disadvantages an applicant. This is because we can only assess if we are able to assist an applicant, and the appropriate level of an 
award, if we have a full picture of an applicant's financial situation.
6. Because of the large numbers of applicants applying, the means test threshold is set at a particularly low level.
7. Access to the online application will be provided once you have submitted your 
applciation for admission. The Graduate Support Scheme closes at 5 pm UK time on the 26th April 2017. 
Application Period for this Abroad Education Program with Scholarship-You are encouraged to apply as early as possible after you have completed the application. You do not need to wait for an offer of admission to be made but you will have to 
had submitted your application for admission in order to be given access to the online application form. 
Result o
f this Abroad Education Program with Scholarship- The decision will be made available on Graduate Admissions' web tracker system and in your offer of admission letter. The Graduate Support Scheme closes at 5 pm UK time on the 26th April 2017. You will need to have submitted a complete application and received a formal offer of admission by that date to be considered. If you are offered a Graduate Support Scheme award, you will not be considered for any other LSE award. If your financial circumstances, fee status, mode of study or programme of study changes, any award will be reviewed and may be amended or withdrawn.
For more information, about this Abroad Education program with Scholarship please visit

Study abroad scholarship for Master Students in Sweden,

The local University West scholarship programme is open for students admitted for any of our master's programmes. The study abroad scholarship will cover the tuition fee for the programme, fully or partly, not costs for travel, living costs or other. The study abroad scholarships for international fee-paying students is offered as a reduction of the tuition fee. A scholarship committee is overall responsible for the principle of the scholarships and decides every year on how to distribute the funds available between departments/faculties. It is the departments/faculties that decides about structure (100% or 50% reduction of tuition fee or a combination of them both) and number of scholarships for every program. It is also the department/faculty responsible for each Master’s program that decides which applicants should be awarded scholarships. If an International student is awarded a 50% reduction the tuition fee invoice sent will be reduced with the same amount. 
Scholarships Available for Study Abroad Program
For the academic year of 2017/18 it has been decided to distribute the scholarship funds as follows: 
Master in Finance –  2 scholarships covering half the tuition fee
Master in International Business  – 2 scholarships covering half the tuition fee
Master in IT and Management, 2 scholarships covering half the tuition fee
Master in Manufacturing Engineering – 1 scholarship covering the full tuition fee
Master in Robotics and Automation – 1 scholarship covering the full tuition fee, 1 scholarship covering half the tuition fee
Master in International Politics – 2 scholarships covering half the tuition fee 
Selection Process for this Study abroad Program With Scholarship
The scholarship applicants are ranked based on two criteria. The relevance of the bachelor program of which the student has been admitted and the academic results achieved. If students are given the same merit number after these two criteria the ranking of the home university that issued the Bachelor degree and working experience can be taken into consideration. But only if two candidates can’t be separated by the first two criteria. 
How To Apply for this Study Abroad Program 
You apply for the scholarship by filling the form below and submitting it before April 23. The students who are awarded a scholarship will be notified before April 27 by e-mail. If someone does not accept the scholarship next in line will be given notice as soon as possible. The results will be posted on this website after all scholarships has
been awarded/or if something other is decided.

For more information, about this Study Abroad Scholarship please visit

Overseas Education scholarship for MBA Students in Italy,

MBA International Scholarships, LUISS Business School, Italy
To encourage highly talented international students to study in Italy, Luiss Business School offer 3 International Scholarships for the 27th Edition (2017 intake) of the Master in Business Administration. One scholarship will cover full tuition fees, equivalent to 27,000.00 EUR. Two scholarships will cover half the tuition fees, equivalent to 13,500.00 EUR.
Eligibility criteria for the Overseas Education Scholarship- International candidates must be accepted into the MBA program and have an excellent GMAT score (Italian citizens excluded).
Application Process for this International MBA Scholarship
Applicants must provide:
 Proof of a valid GMAT score (not older than 5 years)
 An essay explaining why they qualify for the scholarship
Evaluatioin- Candidates will be considered and evaluated based on merit, taking into account the quality of their admission application and interviews, their GMAT score and their scholarship essay.
Deadline and Notification for this overseas Education Scholarship
 Applications for the scholarships must be submitted by April
21, 2017 to
 Successful candidates will be contacted approximately three days after the above-mentioned deadline.
 Awarded students must confirm the acceptance of the grant within 5 working days after reception of the notification.
 If a scholarship is not allocated, candidates on the waiting list will be considered. Grants will be offered to students on the waiting list, based on their position in the merit ranking.
Incase of program withdrawal or exclusion for any reason, the scholarship winner will be required to refund the total scholarship grant and other administrative charges.
 Please note that only the scholarship winner will be exempted from all or part of the tuition fees; the winners will be refunded any fee instalment already paid.
 To formally become students, candidates not granted a scholarship are required to proceed with payment of the first instalment of the tuition fees within the deadline communicated in the official admission notification sent by our representative office. If a candidate does not proceed with payment of the first instalment within the deadline communicated, he/she will lose their place on
the MBA program.

For more information, about this Overseas Education Scholarship please visit

Abroad Education scholarship for Master Students in Spain

Masters Scholarships for International Students at University of Lleida, Spain
Objective of this Study Abroad Scholarship- The purpose of the programme is to provide financial support for students with a foreign degree that would like to apply for a master's degree programme at the UdL
of this Study Abroad Scholarship- Students with a foreign degree are invited to apply for these grants.
All applicants must 
fulfil the following requirements:
 gain entry to the official master's degree programme with a degree issued by a university outside the Spanish higher education system,

enrol for the credits in an official master's degree programme offered by the UdL during the course 2017-18,
not being a scholarship holder, on the date of the application, from any other scholarship or financial support offered by the UdL to subsidize the studies into which the beneficiary has been pre-admitted

Details of the Study Abroad Grants-
The call forecasts two modalities of grants:
Modality A: - The help will be granted to support the amount of the registration, rates and school insurance.
Modality B: - The help will be granted to support the amount of the registration, rates, school insurance, and subsistence and accommodation in Lleida. A maximum of six grants will be given in this modality.
Students coming from the following countries will be able to choose this modality:
Cameroon, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Gambia, Lebanon, Morocco, Mozambique, Senegal, Western Sahara, Palestine and people belonging to countries in 
war that are likely to seek asylum and subsidiary protection.

The Study Abroad grant will be paid in the following way:
Accommodation: The International Relations Office will book and pay the cost of accommodation to the University residence.
Subsistence: The student will receive 3 payments of 900€ at the 
beginning of each quarter period. To make the second and the third payment effective, it will be necessary to turn in a report from the director of the master's degree programme.
All application forms that fail to meet the established requirements or that are not submitted by the deadline will be dismissed. If the requested documentation is not complete, applicants will have 10 working days to make amendments.

Selection criteria of this Study Abroad Grant- The coordinators of the master's degree programs and the International Relation and Mobility Commission are in charge of the evaluation of the application forms.

All application forms will be evaluated using the following criteria:

 Academic transcript (up to 10 points)
Curriculum Vitae: previous training, languages, temporary stays abroad, mobility programmes and work experience (up to 3 points)
Applicants with an academic degree from one of the universities the UdL hasan specif agreement signed with (0.5 points) or within the framework of a double degree (2 points).
Enrolling for a:
Full-time master's degree programmes 1 point;
Part-time master's degree programmes 0,5 points
Erasmus Mundus's programmes 0,5 points 

Applicants applying for the third or 
fourth semester must have passed all the registered credits during the course 2017/18. Neither students with a PhD degree nor with a permanent residence in Spain cannot participate in this call. The number of grants will depend on the availability of places for each master's degree programme.
For more information about this Study Abroad Scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education scholarship for MBA Student in USA

International Scholarship, University of Berkeley, USA
In 2016-2017, the Berkeley-Haas School of Business has awarded approximately $3.5 million in overseas education scholarships to entering students in the Full-Time MBA program. Listed below are the overseas education scholarships available for Full-time MBA students along with the essay question for each. Most Haas Scholarships requires completion of our Haas Online Application to be considered. Depending on the scholarship, a supplemental personal statement is often required. Unless otherwise noted, the following are all two-year awards, one quarter of which is disbursed at the beginning of each semester.

Berkeley-Haas Fellowships & Scholarships for Admitted Students:
The following Berkeley-Haas Scholarships are only open to admitted student. Most require supplemental information and specifics are identified below. The admissions application will play a different role for each award. Students may apply to as many awards as they are eligible for.
Berkeley MBA Grant
The Berkeley MBA Grant for $20,000 to $60,000 is awarded to students based primarily on significant financial need.

SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR THIS OVERSEAS EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP: Submit all documents as one PDF file only. Include documentation for self and spouse/partners where applicable. If your documents contain an SSN or other sensitive data, you must black it out before you upload it into our system.
REQUIRED FOR THIS OVERSEAS EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP: Please explain any special circumstances if applicable. Provide details as needed on any resources listed in the application, or not captured in the resources section. Limit your response to 200 words.
REQUIRED FOR THIS OVERSEAS EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP: Please note that the need-based Berkeley MBA Grant, in addition to the online scholarship application, requires you to submit your most recent 1040 form or equivalent tax return. If you have not filed yet for 2016, submit the 2015 tax form to us. If you have filed your 2016 tax return, you must submit the 2016 tax form to us. The same methodology applies to foreign tax returns and their respective tax years. You are required to upload the following documentation once you submit this application as follows:
Year to date earnings for 2016
Employer verification for 
calendar year 2016
Pay stub with totals or W2
Completed Federal Tax return
Pre-April 2017: submit return for 2015
Post-April 2017: submit return for 2016
Statements for all assets noted for the last 3 months starting as of the end of this application
A note for International Applicants - If you are not required to file a tax return, please provide us with an earnings statement. If you have filed taxes outside of the US, provide a copy of your federal tax return as well as a translation of the following items from your return or asset
statements, if applicable:
Total Earned Income
Other Income
Adjusted Gross Income
Total Tax Paid
Dates and Balances on Asset Statements

Dean's Fellowship
The Dean's Fellowships of $120,000 are awarded based on the applicants who embody the defining principles.
REQUIRED FOR THIS OVERSEAS EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP: Our mission at Berkeley-Haas is to develop leaders who embody our defining principles and redefine how we do business. How do you embody our Defining Principles? Please demonstrate your strong potential for business, economic, or governmental leadership in your home country. How will Haas serve as a catalyst for that potential compared to other schools to which you have been admitted? Limit your response to 500 words.

Haas Achievement Scholarship
The Haas Achievement Awards of $50,000 are awarded to individuals who have achieved tremendous success in spite of significant economic, educational, health-related, or other obstacles.
REQUIRED FOR THIS OVERSEAS EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP: Describe the significant obstacle or hardship you have faced in your life (i.e., economic, health-related, environmental, discriminatory, etc.). How did this impact you? How did you achieve success in spite of this adversity? How has it changed you going forward? Limit your response to 500 words.

The Coan Torres Family Fellowship
Provided by the generosity of Mr. Michael Torres. This one-year $10,000 fellowship is awarded to an MBA student who are US citizens with demonstrated leadership and commitment to diversity, preference for California high school graduates and first-generation college students.

REQUIRED FOR THIS OVERSEAS EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP: Please define the difference between a leader and a follower, using an experience in your life. Please limit your response to 350 words.
this Overseas Education Scholarship- 06/04/2017
For more information, about this Overseas Education Scholarship, please visit

Study abroad scholarship for Post Graduate Student

K. C. Mahindra Scholarships for Post-Graduate Studies Abroad
In the year 1953, late Mr. K. C. Mahindra established this Trust for promoting education among Indian nationals in Engineering, Natural Sciences, Humanities, Medicine and Business Management including the study of Military, Naval and Aviation Sciences. Interest-free loan scholarships for higher education abroad are being awarded since the year 1956. Govt. and Quasi-Govt. officers with a creditable academic record, going abroad for specialised qualification are also eligible to apply. Preference will be given to students who are interested to pursue their studies in subjects important for the development of the country, such as Survey and Prospecting of the mineral resources of the country, alternate Sources of Energy, like Solar, Wind and Tidal Energy, and Bio-Gas Technology for rural areas, Oceanography,Off-shore Drilling, Harvesting of ocean wealth, like Sea-bed Mining, Fisheries and Exploration of other oceanic products, Water Management, Agricultural Research and Engineering, Transportation Economics, High-Tech. Electronics and any other emerging areas and industry. 

DURATION OF THIS STUDY ABROAD LOAN SCHOLARSHIP:Duration of studies abroad would be for a maximum of two years unless specific approval of the Trust is obtained by the scholar to extend studies exceeding this period.
OF THIS STUDY ABROAD LOAN SCHOLARSHIP: - The maximum amountfor the scholarship will be Rs. 4 lakhs per scholar, except for the 3 K.C. Mahindra fellow scholarships for which
the maximum amount will be Rs. 8 lakhs per scholar
OF THIS STUDY ABROAD LOAN SCHOLARSHIP: - To be eligible to apply for the K. C. Mahindra Education Trust Scholarships the Applicant is required to satisfy the following conditions:-
(a) Applicant is required to possess a First Class degree or an equivalent diploma of similar standard of a 
recognized Indian University.
(b) Applicant must have secured admission or
atleast have applied for admission in reputable foreign Universities or Institution.
In addition to the above conditions the Applicant’s character, aptitude and ambition will be the major factors in guiding the Trustees to arrive at a decision regarding the final selection.
The Applicant is required to state definitely all sources of financial help by the way of University Scholarships, College Fellowships or other financial support from relations and friends or from other Trusts.
OF THIS STUDY ABROAD LOAN SCHOLARSHIP: - Announcements will be made in leading newspapers of the country of the inviting applications for the award for that particular year. Upon receipt of the Application Form:-
(a) the candidate is required to go through the form carefully and answer all question relevantly and in detail, taking care not leave any column blank.
(b) where names of referees have been asked for, 
candidate is required to have their permission prior to giving their names as referees.
(c) The Application Form will have to be signed by:
(i) the candidate
(ii) candidate’s parent or guardian
(iii) the person who will guarantee the repayment of the loan scholarship.
The Application Form must reach the office of the Trust before the specified date. Forms received late will not be considered for the scholarship award. For any queries please contact the Trust office on (022) 2289 5526. 
1) The form needs to be printed on legal / full
scape size paper.
2) The last date to submit the form is 31.03.2017
3) Students going abroad for undergraduate studies, seminars & conferences and are not eligible for this study abroad loan scholarship.
4) The completed form needs to be sent to the following address:
K.C. Mahindra Education Trust
Cecil Court, 3rd Floor, Near Regal Cinema, Mahakavi Bhushan Marg,
Colaba, Mumbai - 400 001

For more information, about this Study Abroad Scholarship please visit

Study abroad scholarship for Master and PhD students in UK Deadline- 29/03/2017

Commonwealth Shared Scholarships, UK
Commonwealth Scholarships for Master’s and PhD study in the UK are offered for citizens of developing Commonwealth countries. These study abroad scholarships are funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), with the aim of contributing to the UK’s international development aims and wider overseas interests, supporting excellence in UK higher education, and sustaining the principles of the Commonwealth. Students from developing countries who would not otherwise be able to study in the UK can apply for Commonwealth Shared Scholarships for Master’s study, jointly supported by UK universities.
Purpose of this Study Abroad Scholarship: To contribute to development needs of Commonwealth countries by providing training for skilled and qualified professionals and academics who would not otherwise have been able to study in the UK.
Intended beneficiaries of this
Study Abroad Scholarship: High-quality postgraduate students who have not studied extensively overseas before, who would not otherwise have the opportunity to study in the UK, and who have the potential to enhance the development of their home countries with the knowledge and leadership skills they acquire. Commonwealth Shared Scholarships are offered for selected taught Master’s courses, and are usually tenable for one year only. These scholarships do not cover undergraduate courses, PhD study, or any pre-sessional English language teaching.
Eligibility criteria for this 
Study Abroad ScholarshipTo apply for these scholarships, you must:
Be a Commonwealth citizen, refugee, or British protected person

Be permanently resident in a developing Commonwealth country (for a full list of eligible countries, see the terms and conditions)
Be available to start your academic studies in the UK by the start of the UK academic year in September/October 2017
By August 2017, hold a first degree of either first or upper second class (2:1) classification, or lower second class (2:2) classification plus a relevant postgraduate qualification (usually a Master’s degree)
Not have studied or worked for one (academic) year or more in a developed country
Be unable, either yourself or through your family, to pay to study in the UK
The CSC promotes equal opportunity, gender equity, and cultural exchange. Applications are encouraged from a diverse range of candidates. The CSC is committed to administering and managing its scholarships and fellowships in a fair and transparent manner – for more information, see the CSC anti-fraud policy.
Terms and conditions for this 
Study Abroad Scholarship
For full terms and conditions, see the Commonwealth Shared Scholarships 2017 terms and conditions
Selection process for this 
Study Abroad Scholarship
Each participating UK university will conduct its own recruitment process to select a specified number of candidates for Shared Scholarships. Universities must put forward their selected candidates to the CSC by 26 April 2017. The CSC will then confirm that these candidates meet the eligibility criteria for this scheme. Universities will inform candidates of their results by July 2017.
Selection criteria for this 
Study Abroad Scholarship include:
Academic merit of the candidate

Potential impact of the work on the development of the candidate’s home country.
How to apply for this 
Study Abroad Scholarship:
You should apply to study an eligible Master’s course at a UK university that is participating in the Shared Scholarship scheme. Click here for a list of participating universities and eligible courses. You must make your application using the CSC’s Electronic Application System (EAS). Click here for full information on how to use the EAS, including detailed guides. Before applying, you must check with your UK university for their specific advice, admission requirements, and rules for applying. Some universities may require you to complete their own admissions application form as well, which may have a separate closing date. You must take the necessary steps to secure admission to your chosen course(s) at your preferred university/universities at the same time as applying for a Shared Scholarship. Click here for a list of contact details. You can apply for more than one course and/or to more than one university, but you may only accept one offer of a Shared Scholarship. The CSC will not accept any applications that are not submitted via the EAS to your UK university, or any applications directly from individuals. All applications must be submitted by 23.59 (BST) on 29 March 2017 at the latest. Each university has its own closing date for applications, and most are before 29 March 2017. For a full list of closing dates, see the terms and conditions.
For more information, about this Study Abroad Scholarship please visit

Overseas Education scholarship for Undergraduate students in UK

International Excellence Scholarships, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Five overseas education scholarships are available to new eligible undergraduates studying any subject and with international fee status and one overseas education scholarship is available to a new undergraduate studying Electronic Engineering.  Scholarships are offered as tuition fee waivers of £10,000 in total over three years of study at Royal Holloway.

Am I eligible for this Overseas Education Scholarship?
Open to new undergraduate students with international fee status and normally with minimum grades at GCE A-level of AAA or equivalent and a strong scholarship statement. The strength of a candidate’s previous academic background will also be considered. This will be assessed via the documents submitted as part of their degree application. Please note that in order to be eligible to apply for the overseas education scholarship you need to hold a current conditional or unconditional to study at Royal Holloway.

How do I apply for this Overseas Education Scholarship?
You need to complete an online overseas education scholarship application form before the deadline: 28 March 2017.
Once you have been given an offer to study at Royal Holloway the form will be available in your applicant portal. Before starting your application, please ensure that you have read the application guidelines and the eligibility criteria associated with the scholarship you are applying for.

Additional terms and conditions 
for this Overseas Education Scholarship
These overseas education scholarships are offered as tuition fee waivers of £10,000 in total, given in instalments over three years of study at Royal Holloway: £4,000 in year 1, £3,000 in year 2 and £3,000 in year 3, unless a student spends a year abroad or on an industrial placement. In such cases, the payment will be made in year 4 instead of year 3.
For students on a four-year programme with no industrial placement or a five-year programme with an industrial placement, the overseas education scholarship will be paid in the first three years of the degree programme only.
For more information about overseas education scholarship, please visit

Study abroad scholarship in Italy Deadline- 22/03/2017

Bocconi Scholarship for International Students, Italy
Bocconi University is committed to making higher education accessible to our students from all backgrounds worldwide. Università Bocconi offers need-based study abroad scholarships to international first-year Bocconi Master of Science Program applicants for the 2017-2018 academic year. The awarding of the scholarship takes into consideration not only the economic conditions of the students but also their academic performances; applications required.

The Bocconi study abroad Scholarship for International Students includes a full tuition waiver, worth up to € 12,700 per year.

Applicants for the first 5 “international” sessions, who are neither a resident or citizen of Italy nor have earned an Italian Undergraduate degree in Italy or abroad,  will have the opportunity to apply for the Bocconi study abroad Scholarship for International Students by completing the online application; link found in the top right-hand corner of this page. The study abroad scholarship application must be submitted online by the same deadline as the one for the online admission's application. Late applications or applications submitted for a later round will not be taken into consideration. Study Abroad Scholarships will be awarded by a Commission whose decision is unquestionable and final: no appeals will be considered.

Awardees will be informed of assignment shortly after admission in Bocconi; the assignment of an award will be noted in the Admission's Portal.The evaluation will 
primarily be based on the candidate’s need for aid, however, the candidates academic achievements will also be taken into consideration. The complete dossier provided to the Admissions office will be evaluated.

The Bocconi Scholarship for International Students will be automatically renewed for the 
second year provided the required minimum academic progress is met as specified in the scholarship acceptance form that must be signed and returned to the University by awardees.
Please check the 2017-2018 Bocconi study abroad Scholarship for International Students Application Requirements and Regulations. 
Students can apply for other study abroad scholarships and they will be taken into consideration for all financial aid for which they apply, however, students can only receive one scholarship.
Deadline for 
this study abroad scholarship- 22/03/2017
For more information about this study abroad scholarship, please visit

Study abroad scholarship for Undergraduate students in UK Deadline- 16/03/2017

International Undergraduate Scholarship, University of St Andrews, UK
These entrant study abroad scholarships are for international students who will be studying at StAndrews for an undergraduate degree. The study abroad scholarships will be awarded as a tuition fee reduction of up to £4,000 per year for each year of the student's undergraduate studies and will be awarded on the basis of financial need.

Eligibility criteria for this Study Abroad Program with Scholarship- 
Geographical criteria- International
Domicile for fee status- International
Level of study- Undergraduate
Year of entry- Entrant students in 2017
Subjects- All subjects.  (Please note that this study abroad scholarship is not available to students applying for BA International Honours)
Schools- All
Other criteria- Selection is on the basis of financial need.

What does this Study Abroad Scholarship Cover?
Duration of award- Annually for the duration of the student's undergraduate programme.
Value of award (per year)- Between £1,000 and £4,000
Tuition or maintenance award?- Contribution towards tuition fee.
Number of awards available- Variable

How to apply for this Study Abroad Scholarship?
This study abroad scholarship is available for application through Scholarships and Funding. After you have applied to a new course beginning in the 2017-2018 academic year, you can access Scholarships and
Funding through My Application.

Information for USA applicants
If you are including a Student Aid Report (SAR) with your scholarship application, please upload this in place of the household income evidence requested in the study abroad scholarship application form. To find out how to complete the FAFSA and receive your Student Aid Report, or for general information about US loans, please visit the Loans for US
students webpages. This copy of your student aid report is for your scholarship application only and will not be transferred to the University’s Finance Department for processing your loan application.

When do applications open for this Study Abroad Scholarship?- Early November 2016
Study Abroad Scholarship application deadline- 16 March 2017
When should I apply to my chosen course?- Please apply for this Study Abroad scholarship after you have submitted your application for a place at StAndrews.  You do not need to wait until you have received an offer of a place before applying for the scholarship.
When will I hear if my application has been successful?- Mid-April 2017
Undergraduate Scholarships
Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2365
For more information about this Study Abroad Scholarship, please visit

Abroad Study scholarship for Post Graduate students in Switzerland Deadline- 15/03/2017

Excellence Master Fellowships, University of Geneva, Switzerland
The Faculty of science of the University of Geneva is an internationally top-ranked scientific institution covering a broad range of scientific disciplines: Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Computer Sciences, Mathematics, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Physics. It has a strong focus on research and hosts three National Centres of Competence in Research of the highly competitive Swiss National Science Foundation (Chemical Biology; SwissMAP; Planets) and many European collaborative research projects. The Masters of the Faculty of Science constitute an ideal entry for high-level professional and academic careers.

The Faculty of Science, in collaboration with several sponsors, has established an Excellence Fellowship Program to support outstanding and highly motivated candidates who intend to pursue a Master of Science in any of the disciplines covered by the Faculty. Admission criteria for this abroad education program can be consulted on the relevant Master Web pages. French proficiency is not a formal requirement for the Masters of the Faculty of science.

Application for an Excellence Fellowship is open to students from any university with very good performance in their studies (belonging to the best 10% of their bachelor's program) and that have completed the Bachelor degree or expect to complete it within 6 months3. Selection of the applicants will be based on excellence. Evaluation for this abroad education program will be made on the basis of the documentation sent by the applicants.

The application (in English or French) for this abroad education program consists of:
Application Form (60 Kb, doc)

A Curriculum Vitae including the transcript of exams passed during the bachelor education, with grades.
A two-page essay in which the applicant describes his/her specific scientific interests, specifies the Master's program at the Faculty of Science he/her would like to pursue, and motivates the intention to pursue a Master of Science programme at the University of Geneva.
If possible: Letters of references from two professors (preferably sent by them directly to the e-mail address indicated below). They should specifically attest if the candidate fulfils the conditions of the Excellence Fellowship Program (see above).
Any other pertinent information like results of GRE (General requirement examination), of TOEFL or other language test.
The Excellence Fellowship consists of a grant amounting to CHF 10'000 to CHF 15’000/year (no teaching duties); it is awarded for one year and extended for the regular duration of the chosen Master's programme (three or four semesters) provided the applicant is academically successful at the end of his/her first semester of studies.

Next application deadline is 15 March 2017 (for Masters starting September 18, 2017) for this abroad education program. Applications should be sent as 
an UNIQUE pdf file by e-mail to the Dean of the Faculty of Science:

For more information about this abroad study scholarship, please visit

Study abroad scholarship for MBA students Deadline- 13/03/2017

INSEAD Deepak and Sunita Gupta Endowed Scholarship(s)
Description of this Study Abroad Scholarship: Deepak Gupta MBA'93J and his wife Sunita have generously created an endowed scholarship fund targeted at students from emerging markets. Their intention is to help build human capacity and to create economic and social value in the most economically challenged regions of the world. Outstanding candidates with limited financial means will be granted scholarships and the fund will enable INSEAD to continue to attract diverse candidates onto the MBA Programme. One or two significant awards will be granted in each class. 

Eligibility criteria 
for this Study Abroad Scholarship: Candidates from emerging/developing countries who can demonstrate proven financial need. 
Essay topic for this Study Abroad Scholarship:
1).The essays submitted for INSEAD Diversity Scholarships will be reviewed.
2).Only if you would like to be considered for the IAF Special Profile scholarships, please answer the following question in no more than 400 words: Briefly describe an instance or aspect in your life to date that has made you stand out amongst your peers or that you consider exceptional in one way or another.
3).In approximately 350 words provide a concise but accurate description of your financial circumstances as well as a cash flow forecast for the year e.g. details of income (such as your income, investment income, savings, property rentals,etc) set against details of expenditure (such as local outgoings, INSEAD fees, rent living expenses). How do you expect to finance your studies if you do not obtain a scholarship or financial aid from INSEAD? Why
INSEAD should consider you for the Diversity scholarship? What amount do you consider appropriate?Please do not forget to submit a number of supporting documents as required.

of this Study Abroad Scholarship: Up to €25,000 
Application Format for
this Study Abroad Scholarship: To be considered for this scholarship please refer to the INSEAD Diversity Scholarship pages and submit your application and background material accordingly. 

Application Deadline
for this Study Abroad Scholarship: 13/03/2017
For more information about this study abroad scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education scholarship for research students in UK Deadline- 10/03/2017

Faculty of Arts Graduate School Scholarships/Faculty of ArtsCross Disciplinary Research Scholarships (CDRS), University of Leeds, UK

Two Faculty of Arts Cross Disciplinary Research overseas education Scholarships will be available for UK/EU/International students for doctoral study commencing in October 2017. These scholarships have been created to meet a need for studentships for postgraduate research proposals that clearly cross two Schools within the Faculty of Arts.

Application Closing Date for this Overseas Education Program with Scholarship: 17:00 (UK time) 10th March 2017

Value of
 this Overseas Education Scholarship
Academic Fees- The award will cover fees at the University of Leeds standard UK rate; pro-rata if part-time. Fees for 2017/18 will be £4,250. (Fees may rise during the course of your candidature: this will be by no more than the rate of inflation, calculated according to the Retail Price Index).
Maintenance-£14,296 in Session 2016/17+ for full-time study, part-time will be pro-rata. (The amount increases per annum in line with the Research Council UK rate which is announced on
Travel/Research Costs- There are no additional allowances for travel or research costs.
Duration of this overseas education Scholarship- Full-time or part-time - 3* years in total for full-time; part-time 5** years in total.
*The award will be made for one year in the first instance and renewable for a further period of up to two years, subject to satisfactory academic progress;
** the award is tenable for 24 months (two calendar years) in the first instance and is renewable annually for a maximum period of five years subject to satisfactory academic progress.
Eligibility Criteria 
for this Overseas Education Program with Scholarship
The Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures (English, History, LCS, PRHS) Graduate School is seeking applicants that fulfil the following criteria:
Applicants MUST have submitted a research degree study application form and be in receipt of a Student ID Number.
Applicants MUST have submitted an application for a Faculty of Arts
Cross Disciplinary Research Scholarship to their Lead School.
Applicants MUST have a named Supervisor in both their Lead and Partner Schools.
Applicants must hold a First Degree at undergraduate level equivalent to at least a UK Upper Second Class Honours degree.
Applicants whose first language is not English must meet the School’s English Language requirements (prior to or at registration).
These awards are not open to individuals who have already been awarded or are currently studying for a Doctoral degree.

These include the following (full information on the regulations will be sent to all successful applicants):
Awards must be taken up by 1 October 2017;
The awards are available for new Postgraduate Researchers undertaking full-time or part-time research study leading to the degree of PhD. Students who are already registered for PhD research study are excluded from applying;
Applicants must live within a reasonable distance of the University of Leeds whilst in receipt of this Scholarship.
Selection of Award Holders

After a School selection process, recommendations for
award are then made at the Faculty level. Selection is by academic merit and no other factors such as financial hardship are taken into account.

How to Apply 
for this Overseas Education Program with Scholarship
Once you are in receipt of your student ID Number please download an application form - Download
We welcome scholarship applications from all 
suitably-qualified candidates, but UK black and minority ethnic (BME) researchers are currently under-represented in our Postgraduate Research community, and we would therefore particularly encourage applications from UK BME candidates. All scholarships will be awarded on the basis of merit.
For more information about this overseas education scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education scholarship for research students in UK Deadline- 24/02/2017

Vice-Chancellor's Research Scholarships (VCRS), Ulster University, UK
GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS OVERSEAS EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP - Students wishing to take up the offer of a scholarship must register as a full-time student on a programme of research studies leading to the award of the degree of PhD. Scholarships are awarded for up to a maximum of three years and the award will be coterminous with the recipient’s period of full-time study

 THIS OVERSEAS EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP- To be eligible for an award:
 a candidate should hold or expect to hold by 15 August of the year of application, a first or 
uppersecond class Honours degree in a subject area closely related to the project to be undertaken. Other additional conditions may be set depending on the constraints of the discipline and are as advertised;
 Applicants with up to one year’s current or previous registration for PhD at any institution may be considered for an award subject to the applicant providing evidence of good academic progress, formal release from all IP restrictions and ethical approval (if required). Three-year awards may be allocated to such applicants where they 
are taking-up a new project at Ulster. In cases where the applicant is continuing with a project already commenced at Ulster, the duration of the award will be reduced by the full period of any previous registration. 

A scholarship comprises the following subject to satisfactory progress and annual review:
 all tuition fees for a maximum period of three years;
 annual maintenance allowance (£14,296, in 2016-2017 which is subject to annual adjustment). Payments for periods less than twelve months will be reduced proportionately.
For more information about this overseas education program with scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education scholarship for Undergraduate student at Trent University, Canada Deadline- 15/02/2017

Trent International Scholarships and Awards, Trent University, Canada
1) Trent International Global Citizen Scholarships and Awards- Awarded to entering international students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement, community service, leadership potential, and some financial need. This Overseas Education Scholarships and Awards partially fund tuition and ancillary fees at Trent in amounts between $2,000 and $22,000 per year.

2) Trent International Program Tuition Levy Scholarship- This overseas education scholarship is funded by Trent University students through an annual levy. Based on high academic achievement and a strong record of community and/or international service, this 
overseas education scholarship is awarded to a student from a developing country. The overseas education scholarship covers international tuition and ancillary fees of approximately $22,000 per year.

3) Trent-United World
Collges (UWC) Scholarships- Awarded to an international student entering Trent University from a UWC college who demonstrates outstanding academic achievement, community service, leadership potential and financial need. The value of the
overseas education scholarship is determined upon assessment of financial need and may extend to cover international tuition and ancillary fees of approximately $22,000 per year.

3) Jack Matthews International Scholarship- Named in honour of Jack Matthews, the founding director of both Pearson College of the Pacific and the Trent International Program. Awarded to an international student entering Trent University from Pearson College of the Pacific who demonstrates outstanding academic achievement, community service, leadership potential and financial need. The value of the
overseas education scholarship is determined upon assessment of financial need and may extend to cover international tuition and ancillary fees of approximately $22,000 per year.

4) Justin Chiu International Scholarships- Established by Justin Chiu, who benefited from the Trent experience as an international student. Awarded to entering international students from Asia who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement, community service, leadership potential, and some financial need. This 
overseas education Scholarship partially fund the costs of a Trent education in amounts between $3,000 and $15,000 per year.

5) Scotiabank International Student Awards- The Scotiabank International Awards are to support students upon entrance to Trent University from countries in which Scotiabank operates internationally, and are based upon academic excellence, extra-curricular involvement and leadership. The value of this
overseas education scholarship is up to $5,000 per year.

Entrance Scholarships (automatic)

1) Trent University Entrance Scholarships- All students, Canadian and International, applying to Trent will be automatically considered for Trent University Entrance
overseas education scholarship, awarded for academic excellence. These range in value from $1,000 to $3,000. Students on a Year/Term Study Abroad at Trent are not eligible for Entrance Scholarship. ESL students are eligible for consideration, however, the overseas education scholarship is tenable for undergraduate studies (and not for ESL).

2) IB Entrance Scholarships- All international students applying for admission to Trent on the basis of IB diploma will be automatically considered for an IB Entrance Scholarship. To qualify for a $1,000 IB Entrance Scholarship, students must complete an IB diploma with a minimum IB score of 28. The scholarship can be combined with a Trent University Entrance Scholarship and Trent International Global Citizen Scholarships and Awards.

A completed "Application for Trent International Scholarships and Awards" form.
An essay in which you outline your academic aspirations and future career goals and how Trent University can help you in achieving these goals (maximum 1 page, 300-500 words).

A record of your most recent (last 2 years) extra-curricular activities, community service, and leadership, and an essay indicating how your service or leadership has been a meaningful part of your education. The committee is most interested in specific examples of your accomplishments (maximum 2 pages for both parts).
An essay discussing a local, national or international issue and its personal importance to you (maximum 1 page; 300-500 words).
Three letters of reference, including at least two from teachers/former teachers. There is no special reference form, however, the letter must address the following points: the applicant’s academic work and intellectual qualities, involvement in extra-curricular activities and community events, leadership skills and character. Please note: Reference letters can be e-mailed directly by the referee to and must state the name of the student in the Subject line.
Documentation of Income: Official statement of annual salary from parent(s) employer(s) on company letterhead OR most recent statement of income tax returns from parent(s)
For more information about this overseas education scholarship, please visit

Abroad Education scholarship for Undergraduate student at Oxford University, UK

Reach Oxford Scholarship, Oxford University, UK
A number of Reach Oxford abroad education scholarships (formerly Oxford Student Scholarships) are offered to students from low-income countries who, for political or financial reasons, or because suitable educational facilities do not exist, cannot study for a degree in their own countries.

Nationality: Applicants must be nationals of countries who receive official development assistance from the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD): Afghanistan; Albania; Algeria; Angola; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bangladesh; Belarus; Belize; Benin; Bhutan; Bolivia; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Botswana; Brazil; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cambodia; Cameroon; Cape Verde; Central African Rep.; Chad; Chile; China; Colombia; Comoros; Congo, Dem. Rep.; Congo, Rep.; Cook Islands; Costa Rica; Côte d’Ivoire; Cuba; Djibouti; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Egypt; El Salvador; Equatorial Guinea; Eritrea; Ethiopia; Fiji; Gabon; Gambia; Georgia; Ghana; Grenada; Guatemala; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Guyana; Haiti; Honduras; India; Indonesia; Iran; Iraq; Jamaica; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Kiribati; Korea, Dem. Rep.; Kosovo; Kyrgyz Rep.; Laos; Lebanon; Lesotho; Liberia; Libya; Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of; Madagascar; Malawi; Malaysia; Maldives; Mali; Marshall Islands; Mauritania; Mauritius; Mexico; Micronesia, Federated States; Moldova; Mongolia; Montenegro; Montserrat; Morocco; Mozambique; Myanmar; Namibia; Nauru; Nepal; Nicaragua; Niger; Nigeria; Niue; Pakistan; Palau; Panama; Papua New Guinea; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Rwanda; Saint Helena; Samoa; São Tomé and Príncipe; Senegal; Serbia; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Solomon Islands; Somalia; South Africa; South Sudan; Sri Lanka; St. Lucia; St. Vincent and Grenadines; Sudan; Suriname; Swaziland; Syria; Tajikistan; Tanzania; Thailand; Timor-Leste; Togo; Tokelau; Tonga; Tunisia; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Tuvalu; Uganda; Ukraine; Uruguay; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Venezuela; Vietnam; Wallis and Futuna; West Bank and Gaza Strip; Yemen; Zambia; Zimbabwe.

Fee status of this abroad Education Program with Scholarship: Overseas
Level of study
of this abroad Education Program with Scholarship: Undergraduate 
Year of study: New students 
Subject offered by
of this abroad Education Program with Scholarship: All subjects in the course listing, except medicine
College: Not all colleges are able to offer Reach Oxford Scholarships every year. If you are accepted by a college that is not participating in the scheme, this will not prevent you from applying for and being awarded a scholarship. If your application is successful, arrangements will be made to transfer you between colleges.
Other criteria
for this abroad Education Program with Scholarship: This scheme is only suitable for candidates who have received an offer and who are of the highest academic ability. Financial need and social commitment are also major criteria for selection. Applicants should be intending to return to their country of ordinary residence following their studies. Priority will be given to students who have not studied at the undergraduate level before.

of this abroad Education Program with Scholarship: 3 or 4 years depending on course length
Value of this Abroad Education Scholarship: Tuition fees and college fees, a grant for living expenses and one return air fare per year 
Number: Around 2-3 awards per year

How do I apply
for this abroad Education Program with Scholarship?
Applications for those with an offer to study at Oxford from October 2017 are currently open. Read the Guidance notes (see Related documents on this page) and submit your application via the Undergraduate scholarships application form.
Applications must be submitted by 12 noon (UK time) on Wednesday 15 February 2017.
The selection process will be undertaken in Spring 2017.
Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application in May 2017.
For more information about this abroad education program with scholarship, please visit

Study abroad scholarship for Undergraduate and Post Graduate students in Australia, Deadline- 09/02/2017

Humanities and Languages Equity Scholarship, UNSW, Australia
Outline of this Study Abroad Scholarship- The purpose of this Study Abroad Scholarship is to encourage and support disadvantaged students to undertake programs of study run by the School of Humanities and Languages.
Value and Duration
of this Study Abroad ScholarshipEach study abroad scholarship will have a value of $10,000 per annum and a total maximum value of $20,000. The duration of the scholarship will normally be two years.
Eligibility criteria 
of this Study Abroad Scholarship-
To be eligible, applicants must meet all of the following criteria:
Be commencing one of the following UNSW degrees:
Bachelor of International Studies (in single or dual mode)
Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management
Master of Applied Linguistics
Master of Environmental Management
Master of Interpreting
Master of Interpreting and Translation
Master of Translation; and
Be able to demonstrate financial disadvantage and/or other socioeconomic circumstances by applying through UAC for an Equity Scholarship. There are no residency requirements. All students (local and international students) are eligible.
Selection process
of this Study Abroad Scholarship-
Candidates will be considered on the basis of their UAC Equity online application. Each applicant must be experiencing 
low socio-economic circumstances and will be assessed on their eligibility to demonstrate one or more of the following criteria:
Indigenous Australian

Long-term medical condition/disability or ongoing affects of abuse
Carer responsibilities
Financial need
Regional or remote disadvantages
Sole parent responsibilities
How to Apply
for this Study Abroad Scholarship-
Applicants must submit a UAC Equity Scholarship application by Friday 9th February 2017.
For more information about this study abroad scholarship, please visit

Study abroad scholarship for MBA students, Deadline- 31/01/2017

INSEAD L'Oreal Scholarship, INSEAD Business School
Description of this study abroad scholarship: L'Oreal is the worldwide leader in beauty products. L'Oreal funds one MBA study abroad scholarship per class at INSEAD with the explicit purpose of fostering:

(1) CREATIVITY-"You must have imagination, you must dream. You must have a feeling for words and images. You must be able to see that things communicate not just because it is written down but because an image itself can communicate something, a symbol." Lindsey Owen-Jones (MBA '69), Cite de la Reussite, 14/02/2002.

(2) DIVERSITY- Our company culture fosters and values diversity. To a large extent, our strength is the diversity of our teams. People of all origins and cultures, different ages and levels of experience work together on a daily basis. Interdisciplinary - and multicultural - teams interact every day, stimulating innovation and fostering personal growth.

(3) ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT- Initiative and commitment, enthusiasm and a willingness to challenge assumptions are part of the required entrepreneurial spirit. 

Eligibility requirement of this Study Abroad Scholarship: - Candidates of any nationality, who demonstrate a capacity for creativity, innovation through diversity and entrepreneurial activity. Preference will be given to candidates who provide proof of financial need.
Applicants short-listed for an award will have a phone/Skype interview with the L’Oreal representative. 

Essay topic 
for this Study Abroad Scholarship: - In 450 words for all the questions that follow: 1. Give any relevant example of a particularly creative personal achievement. 2. Give an example in which you set yourself a very ambitious and even risky objective. 3. Provide a concise but accurate description of your financial circumstances. 4. Explain why you believe you should be considered for the L'Oreal Scholarship. What amount do you think appropriate?

Award value of this Study Abroad Scholarship:- 20 000 Euros 
Scholarship Application Deadline for this Study Abroad Program: 31 January, 2017
For more information about this Study Abroad Program with Scholarship, please visit

Study abroad scholarship in Italy, Deadline- 26/01/2017

Bocconi Scholarship for International Students, Italy 
Bocconi University is committed to making higher education accessible to our students from all backgrounds worldwide. Università Bocconi offers need-based study abroad scholarships to international first-year Bocconi Master of Science Program applicants for the 2017-2018 academic year. The awarding of the study abroad scholarship takes into consideration not only the economic conditions of the students but also their academic performances; applications required.

The Bocconi study abroad Scholarship for International Students includes a full tuition waiver, worth up to € 12,700 per year.
Applicants for the first 5 “international” sessions, who are neither a resident or citizen of Italy nor have earned an Italian Undergraduate degree in Italy or abroad,  will have the opportunity to apply for the Bocconi Scholarship for International Students by completing the online application; link found in the top right-hand corner of this page. The study abroad scholarship application must be submitted online by the same deadline as the one for the online admission's application. Late applications or applications submitted for a later round will not be taken into consideration. Study Abroad Scholarships will be awarded by a Commission whose decision is unquestionable and final: no appeals will be considered.

Awardees will be informed of assignment shortly after admission in Bocconi; the assignment of an award will be noted in the Admission's Portal. The evaluation will 
primarily be based on the candidate’s need for aid, however, the candidate's academic achievements will also be taken into consideration. The complete dossier provided to the Admissions office will be evaluated.

The Bocconi study abroad Scholarship for International Students will be automatically renewed for the 
second year provided the required minimum academic progress is met as specified in the study abroad scholarship acceptance form that must be signed and returned to the University by awardees. Please check the 2017-2018 Bocconi study abroad Scholarship for International Students Application Requirements and Regulations. Students can apply for other study abroad scholarships and they will be taken into consideration for all financial aid for which they apply, however, students can only receive one  study abroad scholarship.
For more information about this study abroad program with scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education scholarship at Master Students Finland, Deadline- 25/01/2017

Scholarship in Master of Science in Technology or Architecture (2 yrs), Aalto University, Finland
Selection schedule for this Overseas Education program with Scholarship- Admissions to the master's programmes at Aalto University are organised once a year. The application period for studies starting in autumn 2017 runs from 15 December 2016 to 25 January 2017.
Who can apply for this Overseas Education Scholarship- Applicants with an appropriate degree from a university or a university of applied sciences may apply directly to a master’s programme in the field of science and technology at Aalto University. Admissions are organized once a year and applications are accepted only during the application period.
Applicants are eligible to apply for a master-level studies in the field of science and technology if they have completed:
A 3–4 year bachelor’s degree from a university or the equivalent education. The degree must entitle the graduate to apply for university-level master’s degree studies in the country in question.
A polytechnic degree (Finnish university of applied sciences.
A polytechnic degree in an EU country if the degree entitles the graduate to apply for university-level master’s degree studies in the country in question.
The university has to fulfil the following criteria:
The university must be an official and recognised part of the national education system.
The university has to be found on an official list or in an international handbook that is completed by some 
international organisation (e.g. UNESCO).
Programmes offered by Overseas Education-
In the field of science and technology, the study options are either master's programmes or their major subjects. You can apply to a maximum of two study options. The language of instruction in the master’s programmes is English and the estimated study time is two years. The programmes are not obligated to fill up all the available study places.
Compulsory documents required for this Overseas Education program with scholarship
1. An officially attested copy of an official Bachelor's degree certificate/diploma or a certificate of equivalent studies (the studies must be completed by 31 July 2017)
2. Authorised translation of the degree certificate/diploma- if applicable
3.An official transcript of records- or an officially attested copy of it
4.Authorised translation of the transcript of records- if applicable
5. CV- Either as a pdf file uploaded in the application system (the file name must be in format CV_Lastname_ApplicationID.pdf) or as a printed copy attached to the hard copy of the application
6. Copy of passport or an official identification indicating the citizenship of the applicant
7. A demonstration of language proficiency, i.e. language test scores, Please see the language requirements for more detailed information
8.Portfolio- For those applying to the study options in the field of architecture or landscape architecture
For more information about this Overseas Education Program with scholarship, please visit

Study abroad scholarship at Oxford University in UK, Deadline- 20/01/2017

Oxford-Radcliffe Graduate Scholarships, Oxford University, UK
Up to 14 full study abroad scholarships are available for applicants to a range of courses (details to be confirmed). The study abroad scholarship covers course fees, college fees and a grant for living costs for full-time students of at least £14,296 (students on part-time courses will receive a study support grant instead). Study abroad Awards are made for the full duration of your fee liability for the agreed course. These study abroad scholarships are jointly funded by the University and by a historic gift to University College from an anonymous group of Old Members (alumni). The study abroad scholarship is only tenable at University College. All eligible applicants will be considered for this study abroad scholarship, regardless of which college (if any) you state as your preference on the graduate application form. However, successful applicants will be transferred to University College in order to take up the scholarship.
There is no separate application process for this scholarship: to be considered, submit your application for graduate study by the relevant January deadline (6 or 20 January 2017, depending on your course). Selection is expected to take place in April 2017. Please see the Standard study abroad scholarship selection terms for more information about the application and selection process.
Standard study abroad scholarship selection termsYou will be considered automatically for these scholarships if:
You are applying to start a new graduate course;

You submit your course application by the relevant January admissions deadline;
You are subsequently offered a place after consideration of applications received by the deadline;
Your application is not placed on a waiting list or held back after the January admissions deadline to be re-evaluated against applications received by the March admissions deadline, and You meet the eligibility criteria.
About the selection process of this 
study abroad scholarship:
The eligibility criteria will be applied automatically, using the details you provide in the relevant sections of the graduate application form (for example, your country of ordinary residence and your previous education institutions), to determine whether you are eligible. Selection is based on academic 
merit, unless specified otherwise. Some of the study abroad scholarships are only tenable at specific colleges. Unless specified otherwise, you do not need to select that college as your preference on the graduate application form. All eligible applicants will be considered, regardless of which college (if any) you state as your preference. However, successful applicants will be transferred to the relevant college in order to take up the study abroad scholarship. Applicants who hold deferred offers to start in 2017-18 are not eligible to be considered for these study abroad scholarships.
Study Abroad Scholarship outcomes
Study Abroad Scholarship selection normally takes place between late February and June. If you have not heard from us by the dates indicated in the scholarship information, then please assume that you have been unsuccessful. Due to the volume of applications we receive, we are unable to contact unsuccessful applicants individually or provide feedback.
For more information about this Study Abroad Scholarship, please visit

Study abroad scholarship for PhD applicants in UK, Deadline- 18/01/2017

Chancellor's International Scholarship, University of Warwick, UK
The University of Warwick is committed to being able to ensure as many academically outstanding students as possible from around the world are able to study here. The Chancellor's International Study abroad Scholarships are allocated annually via a combined postgraduate research scholarship competition and are open to all overseas students in any discipline offered at Warwick.
Details of this Study Abroad Scholarship
For 2017/18 entry there will be 25 Chancellor's International Scholarships available to be awarded to the most outstanding international PhD applicants. Awards made for entry in Autumn 2017 will include both of the following:
The full payment of overseas tuition fees (worth up to £19,740 at 16/17 rates, this figure is likely to increase with inflation for 2017/18)

A maintenance stipend in line with RCUK rates (provisional £14,539* for full-time award holders in 2017/18)
Length of funding: 3.5 years unless you are already in your first year of study when you apply then the length of funding will be reduced accordingly
* Please note this is 
a RCUK provisional predicted figure and is subject to change.
Eligibility criteria for this Study Abroad Scholarship

Applicants for a Chancellor's International Scholarship must also be applying for a PhD at the University of Warwick to begin in October 2017;
Students currently enrolled on a PhD or MPhil/PhD at the University of Warwick may apply in their first year of registration only.
Applicants must expect to be 'overseas' students for fees purposes, but there is no other nationality criteria;
Applicants may be from any discipline at Warwick.
Essential Reading
We strongly advise that all applicants read the guidance listed below before completing an application form.
PGR Scoring Criteria 
Guidance notes for applicants
Please note due to the volume of enquiries the Graduate School is unable to send any application materials to potential applicants.
How to Apply 
for this Study Abroad Scholarship-
Applicants should read the guidance notes carefully before completing the application form. New applicants can apply for the Chancellor’s International Scholarship by completing the Joint Postgraduate Admissions and Scholarship Application form. If you are eligible for this scholarship you will be asked if you would like to be considered for funding as part of your application to the University. Please select YES at this point and you will be invited to complete further information that will form the basis of your application for this Scholarship. If you are in the first year of your PhD or applied before 1st August 2016 and would like to be considered for this Scholarship to fund the remainder of your studies please complete the Single Scholarship Application form.
Application Deadline 
for this Study Abroad Scholarship-
The Application deadline for this year’s competition is23:59 pm (GMT) on Wednesday 18th January 2017. All supporting documents (references and transcripts) must be uploaded by Wednesday 1st February 2017 at the latest. Please note no late applications will be accepted.
for this Study Abroad Scholarship-
Results of the PGR Scholarships Competition will be communicated through email by mid March 2017.
Please do not contact the Graduate School before this date to enquire about results.
For more information about this Study Abroad Scholarship, please visit

Study abroad scholarship for Honours Students in Australia, Deadline- 13/01/2017

University of Sydney Honours Scholarship, Australia
Applications are now open for this Study Abroad Scholarship: Apply now
For: New or continuing students intending to enrol in an appended Honours program at The University of Sydney for the following year.
Study About scholarship Amount- $6,000 for One year
Before completing the Application Form, please ensure you have read the following information;
To be eligible for an Honours Scholarship you must apply for entry at the University of Sydney commencing in 2017, either in semester 1 or semester 2. Honours Scholarship applications are open only once a year. Regardless of which semester you will commence in, please lodge an application for the year of enrolment. The Honours program must involve an additional year to a standard Bachelor degree, i.e. degrees that allow course completion in an Honours stream are not eligible for this scholarship.
You must be either be: 
a local student (an Australian or New Zealand citizen, or permanent resident of Australia); or
an international student who has completed their undergraduate degree at the University of Sydney.
Please ensure you have read the Conditions of Award prior to completing this form.
You must upload the following documentation to your application:
Academic transcripts- You must provide copies of all transcripts detailing previous tertiary study at institutions other than the University of Sydney.
Equity applications- If you have elected to apply for the equity Honours Scholarships with either the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Health Sciences, or the University of Sydney Business School please include a copy of a Centrelink Income Statement or other documentation demonstrating disadvantage (eg. medical certificates) or up to one half-A4 page statement detailing your reasons for applying for an Honours Equity Scholarship. 
Personal statement- Students enrolling in faculties other than those listed below must submit a general personal statement (no longer than one A4 page). As a guide, this document might include details of past academic achievements, positions of leadership, communication skills, relevant work experience and why you have decided to undertake Honours study. It will also be useful to the selection panel if you provide a general description of your research project.
Students enrolling in the faculties listed below have the following additional requirements:
Faculty of Architecture-Applicants must include a 
one page research proposal outlining their intended research topic IN ADDITION to their one A4 page personal statement.
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences- Applicants personal statements must address the following criteria:
(a) demonstrated leadership potential and/or experience;
(b) reason for undertaking honours (eg. career and/or learning outcomes); and
(c) any claim for the award on equity grounds.
University of Sydney Business School - Applicants personal statements, in addition to the requirements et out above, must also provide a:
(a) one page outline of their intended research topic, including its potential contribution to business and society
(b) supporting statement if applying on the grounds of diversity and social inclusion
NB: Missing information or supporting documents will not be followed up due to the number of applications we receive. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all relevant information is submitted. If information is not supplied by the closing date, this will mean that your application is incomplete and will be ineligible for consideration.
How to apply for this Study Abroad Scholarship: Applications for the Honours Scholarship for 2017 are now open. Applications will close on the 13th of January 2017 at
For more information about this Study Abroad Scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education scholarship for Master Students in France, Deadline- 12/01/2017

 Ampère Scholarships of Excellence & MILYON Scholarship, ENS de Lyon, France
The ENS de Lyon and its partners offer overseas education scholarships (Ampère & MILYON Scholarships) for excellent international students to enrol in its Masters programs in the Exact Sciences, the Arts, and Human and Social Sciences (except FEADép Master's programs)
Ampère Scholarships of Excellence 
Master's programs concerned: all Master’s programs (except FEADép Master's programs)
Amount: 1,000€ a month during one or two academic years
Rules pertaining to the Ampère scholarship (please check the
More information:

MILYON Scholarship 
Master’s programs concerned: Advanced Mathematics and Fundamental Computer Science 
The project is funded within the framework of the French government’s "Investissement
d'avenir" program.
Call for application 2017-2018: opening on December 6, 2016
Deadline to submit: January 
12th 2017, 12 pm (Time at Lyon - France) 
Complete and submit the online form 
Candidates living in a country where the CEF
procdeure applies: complete the online CampusFrance procedure (same master's programs) and indicate in the scholarships application form your CampusFrance registration number.
Documents to be uploaded on the online form:
Two referee forms from professors who have close knowledge of your work: download the referee evaluation form
Motivation Letter
Curriculum Vitae
Certificate of diplomas and degrees already obtained (ex: Bachelor degree)
University academic transcript of records
If you are applying for a Master’s program in the Arts, Humanities, Languages or Social Sciences: a summary of your research project in French (3 pages maximum) the reasons underlying the choice, the justification in relation to previous research in the same field (whether personal or not), methodological direction, an indicative bibliography, a list of personal publications or participations in colloquia (if applicable)
a certificate of Proficiency in French: DALF, DELF, TCF
If you are applying for admission in the Exact Sciences: a certificate of Proficiency in French (DALF, DELF, TCF) and in English (IELTS or TOEFL).
If you don't speak French, please join a letter stating this point.
If you are applying for the Master "Architecture de
l'information": completed academic questionnaire 

The results will only be available on this website. If your application is accepted, you will receive a letter of pre-enrolment and the procedures to be followed for enrolment. Students coming from a country with CEF procedure will receive afterwards instructions to register via Campus France. Furthermore, ENS de Lyon shall inform directly Campus France too. 
For more information about these overseas education scholarships, please visit

Overseas Education scholarship for Post Graduate & PhD Students in France, Deadline- 06/01/2017

Eiffel Excellence Scholarships in France for International Students, France
EIFFEL PROGRAMME- The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Programme has two branches:
- a master’s branch, which funds master’s courses lasting between 12 and 36 months;
- a PhD branch, which offers funding for PhD students to spend ten months in France, through joint supervision or dual enrolment (preferably in the second
year of their PhD).
1. Objectives of the Eiffel Programme- The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Programme was established by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development to enable French higher education establishments to attract top foreign students to enrol in their master’s and PhD courses. It helps to shape the future foreign decision-makers of the private and public sectors, in priority areas of study, and encourages applications from emerging countries at master’s level, and from emerging and 
industrialized countries at PhD level.
2. Areas of study for this overseas education program with scholarship- Eiffel scholarships are available in three main fields:
- engineering science at master’s level, science in the broadest sense at PhD level (engineering science; exact sciences: mathematics, physics, chemistry and life sciences, nano- and biotechnology, earth sciences, sciences of the universe, environmental sciences, information and communication science and technology);
- economics and management;
- law and political sciences.
3. Levels of study of this overseas education program with scholarship-
French higher education establishments nominating candidates for the Eiffel Program undertake to enrol them:
- either in a master’s degree course;
- or in a PhD programme, under joint supervision or dual enrolment, in partnership with a foreign higher education establishment.
4. Duration of the overseas education scholarship
4.1. Master’s level The scholarship is awarded for:
- a maximum of 12 months for entry at M2 level,
- a maximum of 24 months for entry at M1 level,
- a maximum of 36 months for an engineering degree.

4.2. PhD level
The Eiffel scholarship is awarded for a maximum of ten months. For scientific and economic disciplines, no language course is provided for and the scholarship duration cannot be divided up. For law students, the ten-month scholarship can, with the consent of the selection 
committee, be split into two or three stays in France, of three or four months each. These stays must take place over a maximum of three calendar years. Only law students have the option of taking French lessons alongside their studies. This must be clearly requested in the application.
5. Benefits provided for this overseas education program with scholarship-
5.1. Master’s level- The Eiffel scholarship includes a monthly allowance of €1,181 (a maintenance allowance of €1,031 and a monthly stipend of €150). In addition, the following expenses are directly covered:
- one international return journey;
- social security cover;
- cultural activities.
Scholarship holders may also receive an additional housing allowance, under certain conditions.
5.2. PhD level- The Eiffel scholarship includes a monthly allowance of €1,400. In addition, the following expenses are directly covered:
- one international return journey (for students in law or political sciences who may make several trips, only one return journey shall be covered);
- social security cover;
- cultural activities.
Scholarship holders may also receive an additional housing allowance, under certain conditions.

6. Eligibility criteria for this overseas education scholarship-
- Nationality: this programme is reserved for candidates of non-French nationality. Candidates with two nationalities, one of which is French, are not eligible.
- Age: for master’s courses, candidates must be no older than 30 on the date of the selection committee meeting, 6th of March 2017; at PhD level, candidates must be no older than 35 on the date of the selection committee meeting, 6th of March 2017. - Origin of applications: only applications submitted by French educational establishments are accepted. These establishments undertake to enrol scholarship holders on the course for which they have been selected. Applications submitted by any other means shall not be considered. Furthermore, any candidate nominated by more than one establishment shall be disqualified.
- Language skills: when pre-selecting non-French-speaking candidates, establishments must make sure that their language skills meet the requirements of
the relevant course of study. Students undertaking a course of study abroad take priority over those already living in France.
7. Calendar
- Application forms available online: week starting 3 October 2016.
- Deadline for receipt of applications by Campus France: 6 January 2017.
Announcement of results: week starting 20 March 2017.
For more information about this overseas education scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education scholarship for Post Graduate Students in New York, USA

The Graduate School of Arts and Science of New York University is pleased to announce the Falak Sufi Overseas Education Scholarships awarded by the master’s program in Near Eastern Studies at the Kevorkian Center. Candidates for the master’s program in Near Eastern Studies are eligible to apply, including applicants to the program’s joint degree with Journalism, the concentration with Museum Studies, and the business track.
Falak Sufi was born in Pakistan in 1983. She possessed a generous heart, the urge to engage with and change the world, and a brilliantly original, vivacious mind. She graduated from the National University of Singapore with first 
class honors in Political Science. While young, she began to publish the work that showed her great gifts and talent. Among her interests were women and gender in South Asia, the historiography of this region, and the strength of the humanities. However, no list can capture the range of subjects about which she thought, spoke, and wrote. She was a much beloved, deeply admired graduate student in Near Eastern Studies at the Kevorkian Center of New York University when she died tragically in New York in 2008. 
The Falak Sufi overseas education Scholarship is 
to honour her memory and to support students from countries with a majority Islamic population in South Asia who might not otherwise be able to obtain a graduate education. These students, preferably female, will be enrolled in the two-year master’s program in Near Eastern Studies.
The holders of this overseas education scholarship should embody the intellectual spirit and promise of Falak Sufi, and possess a deep and abiding commitment to the role of women in academia and to the questions that she explored, primarily the study of gender in the countries of the Near East, Middle East, and/or South Asia with a majority Islamic population. 
For 2017–18, the overseas education scholarship includes an academic-year stipend (a minimum of $26,855), tuition, student health insurance, and registration and services fees for up to two years, provided that academic standards of the Graduate School and the graduate program are met.
Application information for all potential students to the master’s program in Near Eastern Studies can be found online in the GSAS Application Resource Center. The online application for admission is also the application for all Graduate School financial aid. No additional forms are required. If an applicant explicitly wishes to be considered for a Falak Sufi overseas education Scholarship, that person should add one paragraph to the application’s “Statement of Purpose” explaining how the candidate meets the criteria for the scholarship and how the award will enable the candidate to pursue graduate education
The application deadline of this overseas education scholarship for fall 2017 admission is January 4, 2017.
For more information for overseas education scholarship, please visit

Abroad Education Scholarship in Switzerland

IBSA Foundation Fellowship for Young Researchers in Switzerland​
IBSA FOUNDATION funds each year several young researchers to promote and facilitate the realization of their postdoctoral traineeships with 12 months fellowships of € 24,000.00 in five research fields

Eligibility criteria for this Abroad Education Scholarship- The applicant may be of any nationality, under 35 at the deadline for the submission of proposals and in possession of a degree in medicine, biology, pharmacy, biotechnology, bioengineer, open to PhDs,post-docs, residents. For the entire duration of the grant, applicants must operate in the Hosting Institution, i.e. a research organization (such as universities, hospitals or other research centers), irrespective of its legal status (organized under public or private law), whose primary goal is to independently conduct non-economic biomedical research and to disseminate its results.
Evaluation criteria 
for this Abroad Education Scholarship- The evaluation of proposals is carried out by the International Scientific Board of the Foundation. The IBSA Foundation Direction will make its final decision upon considering the recommendations of the International Scientific Board. Final award decisions are indisputable. Awardees will be invited to attend a ceremony that will take place in the first quarter of 2017 at the IBSA Foundation’s headquarters in Lugano (Switzerland). Publications related to the research awarded should acknowledge the support of IBSA Foundation in the acknowledgement section of the manuscript.
Application documents required 
for this Abroad Education Scholarship
Applicants should include in the proposal 3 separate files:
1. Short curriculum vitae with relevant publications
2. Short description of the proposal (both basic and clinical), a clear objective, containing background and significance, specific aims, research plan, and references (4 pages max)
3. Letter of acceptance by the Hosting Institution for the 12-month duration of the fellowship
Applicants are invited to submit proposals 
no later than 31st December 2016 by e-mail at
and also the hard copy by regular mail to:
IBSA FOUNDATION for scientific research
Via del Piano, 29 CH-6915 •
Pambio Noranco, Lugano
For more information about this abroad education scholarship, please visit

Study Abroad Scholarships for Indian Students in UK, Deadline- 16/12/2016

India GREAT Scholarship, De Montfort University, UK
A total of three £5,000 Study Abroad Scholarships will be awarded to students from India who have excelled academically, with a minimum 65% average. The application deadline is 16 December 2016.
Study Abroad Scholarship Value- A £5,000 scholarship will be awarded to two students who hold an offer to study in the Faculty of Business and Law
Only the following courses are eligible for this study abroad scholarship:
- MBA Global
- MSc Business Economics and Business Finance
- MSc Business Economics and International Relations
- MSc Business Economics and Marketing
- MSc Business Economics and Risk Management
- MSc International Business and Corporate Social Responsibility
- MSc International Business and Entrepreneurship
- MSc International Business and Finance
- MSc International Business and Human Resource Management
- MSc International Business and Management
- MSc International Business and Marketing
- MSc Project Management
- MA Politics

Study Abroad Scholarship Value- A £5,000 scholarship will be awarded to one student who holds an offer to study in the Faculty of Technology
Only the following courses are eligible for this study abroad scholarship:
- MSc Computing
- MSc Cyber Security
- MSc Cyber Technology
- MSc Data Analytics
- MSc Intelligent Systems
- MSc Intelligent Systems and Robotics
- MSc Information Systems Management
- MSc Software Engineering
- MSc Electronic Engineering
- MSc Energy and Sustainable Development
- MSc Engineering Management
- MSc Mechanical Engineering
- MSc Mechatronics

For more information about this study abroad scholarship, please visit

Study Abroad Scholarships for post graduate Students in Denmark, Deadline- 14/12/2016

Scholarships for MSc in Engineering, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
The University of Southern Denmark stands for top quality research based postgraduate education, and choosing a postgraduate education from the University will provide you with a solid basis for your future career. The University constantly seeks students of the highest quality, and, in recognition of the important investment that overseas students are making in their education, we are pleased to offer scholarships to certain applicants!
There are a few scholarship schemes at the University of Southern Denmark. The largest one is the Danish Government Scholarship – supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education. Through this scheme the Faculty of Engineering offers scholarships to highly qualified students enrolled in the following two-year master degree study programmes:
MSc(Eng) in Innovation and Business (Campus Soenderborg) 
MSc(Eng) in Mechatronics (Campus Soenderborg) 
The scholarship consists of two parts: full tuition fee waiver with the possibility for a grant to help cover living costs (DKK 2,000 per month).
Who can get the study abroad scholarship?
Candidates must come from a non-EU/EEA country and be eligible to pay tuition fees. The study abroad scholarship will be awarded to the best qualified of the eligible applicants to 
the above mentioned master degree study programmes.
Selection criteria for this Study abroad Scholarship
The best-qualified candidates based on grades and a motivated application will be awarded the study abroad scholarship.A requirement to be considered for the grant to help cover living cost is that the applicant must be willing to spend part of the study in a private company in Demark either as an in company period in the 3rd semester or in connection with the MSc (Eng) thesis.
Application and application deadline for this Study Abroad Scholarship-
To be considered for the study abroad scholarship an application form and a motivated application must be submitted with the required documentation as described in the application form. Application deadline: 14 December 2016. Applicants for the study programme who have not applied for the study abroad scholarship separately may be considered for a scholarship if someone who has been awarded a study abroad scholarship cancels his/her application. 
Note: application for admission must be submitted separately. The study abroad scholarship application is only for the scholarship. 
For further information about the study abroad scholarships please contact Student Service  
When will I know if I get this study abroad scholarship?
Those who are awarded a scholarship will be informed before the end of January. 
For more information about this study abroad scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education Scholarships for Indian Undergraduate applicant in Italy, Deadline- 12/12/2016

Bocconi Scholarship for International Students applying to the first year of a Bachelor program or an Integrated Master of Arts in Law at Bocconi University
, Italy
Università Bocconi offers need-based scholarships to international students applying to a Bachelor program or a Law Program at Bocconi for the AY 2017-2018. The awarding of the scholarship takes into consideration not only the economic conditions of the students but also their academic profiles.
The Scholarship provides a full tuition waiver, worth approximately € 11,500.00 per year for a maximum of 3 academic years (for Bachelor programs) or 5 academic years (for the Law program). The renewal of the scholarship is subject to meeting merit criteria.
Only applicants for the first year of a Bocconi Bachelor or Integrated Master of Arts in Law program who meet all the following conditions will be taken into consideration for the awarding of the scholarship:
- non-Italian citizenship;
- non-Italian residence;
- a non-Italian High School Diploma degree earned abroad or in Italy.
Applicants must fill out and submit the online Bocconi Scholarship application form, available at, by 3 PM Italian time (GMT+1) on the date of the applicant’s relevant deadline
Candidates awarded a scholarship must complete the following steps (failure to do so will result in the revocation of the scholarship: no exceptions will be made):
nroll in Bocconi according to the timeline and methods as laid out by the Admissions Office and make the payment of the advance on the 1stinstallment of 2017-18 tuition and fees of approximately € 1,565.00 (it will be reimbursed approximately by the end of February 2018 by Università Bocconi, with the exception of the MAV fee);
2) ACCEPT SCHOLARSHIP: Print, fill out completely, sign, date, scan and upload in the “Admissions Portal” by the deadline for enrollment the copy of the 2017-18 Bocconi Scholarship for International Students –Undergraduate Acceptance form available in the “Admissions Portal”.
3) SEND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: send to the Student Services Office a complete set of the documents outlined below by the deadline for your round of Admission indicated in the table above. Documents sent to other Bocconi offices or after the deadline will not be taken into consideration. 
For more information about this overseas education scholarship, please visit

Study abroad scholarship in UK

Gates Cambridge Scholarship, University of Cambridge, UK
The Gates Cambridge Study abroad Scholarship programme was established in October 2000 by a donation of US$210m from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to the University of Cambridge; this is the largest ever single donation to a UK university. Scholarships are awarded to outstanding applicants from countries outside the UK to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject available at the University of Cambridge.
The selection criteria for this Study Abroad Scholarship are:
outstanding intellectual ability

leadership potential
a commitment to improving the lives of others
a good fit between the applicant's qualifications and aspirations and the postgraduate programme at Cambridge for which they are applying
You can apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship if you are:

a citizen of any country outside the United Kingdom
applying to pursue one of the following full-time residential courses of study at the University of Cambridge:
PhD (
three-year research-only degree)
MSc or MLitt (
two-year research-only degree)
One year postgraduate course (e.g. MPhil, LLM, MASt, Diploma, MBA etc.)
To be considered for postgraduate admission and a Gates Cambridge study abroad Scholarship all applicants must submit the following documents to the Graduate Admissions Office by the relevant deadline:-

Graduate Application Form (which includes a Gates Cambridge section)
Academic transcripts
2 academic references
1 personal reference (for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship)
For research only Masters degrees and all PhD applications, Gates Cambridge requests that you upload a research proposal, even if your department does not require this information. Please follow the research proposal guidelines provided by your department for information on word count and structure - you do not need to submit a separate Gates Cambridge research proposal. If your course does not provide guidelines, we ask that you submit a research proposal of approximately 1,000 words (excluding references). Please note that if your course does not require you to submit a research proposal, it will not be listed as a required document in your self-service application account. In this situation, you should upload your research proposal under the "other" documents section so it can be considered by the study abroad scholarship committee.
English language test scores - all applicants for whom English is not a native language will be asked to upload evidence of their Competence in English. Information .
Application Deadline for this Study Abroad Scholarship- 07/12/2016 
For more information about this Study Abroad Scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education Scholarships for Indian Post graduate applicant in Australia, Deadline- 02/12/2016

Ashok Khurana Scholarship for Outstanding Indian Students, The University of Adelaide, Australia
This overseas education scholarship has been established by Professor Ashok Khurana to support the post-graduate education of outstanding Indian students who are undertaking full-time post-graduate studies at the University. The overseas education scholarship consists of $25,000 for one year, payable towards the recipient's airfares, living expenses and tuition fees. The successful applicant will also receive a 50% discount on the tuition fees for one year of their program. The overseas education Scholarship will be open to candidates who will be undertaking a postgraduate coursework program of study, on a full-time basis at the University in the areas of:

Agriculture (including Food Security and Wine);
Health Services (including Biotechnology);
Clean Technology;
Environment (including Urban Planning and Architecture);
Resources; and any other programs as agreed by the Donor and the University
Selection of the overseas scholarship applicant will be made according to:

academic merit; and
a personal statement which demonstrates outstanding leadership qualities and an intention to significantly enhance India's development in their field of study upon completion of their studies.
Application Process of this overseas study scholarship- This scholarship is open for applications.
Application Closing Date for this overseas education scholarship: 2 December 2016
For more information about overseas education scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education Scholarships for International Undergraduate applicants in USA, Deadline- 01/12/2016

Purpose of this Overseas Education Scholarship: The International Undergraduate Student Scholarship encourages the recruitment and retention of high-achieving international undergraduate degree-seeking students at UH Manoa and serves the strategic and diversity goals of the university.
Award value of this
Overseas Education Scholarship: $10,000 per academic year ($5,000 per semester, fall and spring), renewable based on continuing eligibility. Applied directly toward UH Manoa tuition and fees only. Cannot be applied to enrollment in other UH campus courses. No cash awards.
Eligibility criteria
of this Overseas Education Scholarship: Open to new and continuing UH MANOA UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS who hold or will hold F-1 or J-1 visa status during the award period. Additionally:
A CONTINUING student must carry at least a 3.5 Cumulative GPA. (If you are in your first semester and do not yet have a GPA from UH Manoa, then you must use the GPA from the last school attended.).
A new TRANSFER student must carry at least a 3.5 Cumulative GPA or equivalent from 
recognised U.S./foreign institution.
A new FRESHMAN must carry at least a 3.5 Cumulative GPA from high school, or SAT score of 1550 or ACT score of 23 composite. 
New transfer/freshmen must submit an admission application to UHM prior to applying for this scholarship. Second bachelor's degree applicants and non-degree students (for example, students from other schools here on exchange programs) are NOT eligible.
For more information about this overseas education scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education Scholarships for International Undergraduate applicants in Australia, Deadline- 30/11/2016

ABOUT THIS OVERSEAS EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP: The International College of Management, Sydney (ICMS) is offering a overseas education scholarship to an International student who will be commencing their studies at ICMS in February 2017. The scholarship is awarded based on a 3 component application process, which will result in the successful applicant being awarded a scholarship of up to AU$25,000 within one of the following bachelor programs commencing February 2017: Hospitality Management, International Tourism, Event Management, Business Management, Sports Management, Property Management. Partial scholarships may be awarded.
Step 1: Apply for an undergraduate degree at ICMS
Step 2: Accept your unconditional letter of offer
Step 3: Download the scholarship application form
Step 4: Complete the application form
Step 5: Submit the application form by 5 pm, Wednesday 30 November 2016.
For more information about this overseas education scholarship, please visit
For any guidance about this overseas education scholarship or any type of overseas education admission guidance please contact with your CV. 

Overseas Education Scholarships for International MBA applicants in UK, Deadline- 30/11/2016

Full-time MBA Scholarship, Brunel Business School, UK 
Overseas Education Scholarship details - The Brunel Business School (BBS) are offering 10 MBA scholarships for UK/EU and international applicants joining the full-time Brunel MBA in  January 2017 academic year. Successful awardees will be expected to undertake specified duties as Brunel Ambassadors for the Brunel Business School (BBS). Activities might involve representing the MBA programme at internal and external marketing and recruitment events, providing guest talks and seminars to undergraduate/postgraduate students, providing reports on each event and writing a Brunel MBA Blog and/or other initiatives as appropriate. In addition, awardees will also be expected to assume mentoring responsibilities as required by BBS.
Value of this Overseas Education Scholarship: £10,000 tuition fee waiver
How many: 10 scholarships are available
Application process
for this Overseas Education Scholarship:     
Apply for the MBA programme in the usual way.

Applicants must complete the application form for the MBA scholarship by the final deadline of 30 November 2016, for the January 2017 intake.
The application will comprise of an essay of no more than 500 words explaining why the applicant would make good ambassador for the Brunel MBA. You should describe how your academic study, professional experience and other activities merit the award.
Eligibility criteria
for this Overseas Education Scholarship-
To be eligible for a Brunel MBA Scholarship an applicant must:
Apply and fulfil the entry criteria for admission to the Brunel Full-Time MBA programme.

Be in receipt of an offer to study on the above programme starting in September 2016 or January 2017.
Complete the Brunel MBA scholarship application form comprising of an essay of no more than 500 words and a supporting statement.
Applicants will normally be interviewed by members of the MBA team to assess motivation and contribution to the cohort. Interviews will take place throughout the application year.
Allocation process
of this Overseas Education Scholarship-
Applicants applying for the overseas education scholarship must pass a rigorous selection and a transparent evaluation process which includes a written essay as well as an interview conducted by the members of the BBS Scholarship Committee. 
The Panel will seek applicants from a wide range of industries and sectors. Preference may be given to those who specify an interest in undertaking one of the programme specialisations (Health Care Management and Aviation Management). These Overseas Education Scholarships will be allocated twice a year. In August for the September intake and in December for the January intake.
For more information about this overseas education scholarship, please visit
For any guidance about this overseas education scholarship or any type of overseas education admission guidance please contact with your CV. 

Study Abroad News

QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2017​
Which universities are best at creating student-employer connections? Which claim the most impressive alumni outcomes, or the strongest reputation among employers? The QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2017 celebrates 300 leading institutions in this field, based on five key aspects of graduate employability. The aspects are

1. Employer Reputation (30%)
2. Partnerships with Employers & Faculty/Staff (25%)
3. Alumni Outcomes (20%)
4. Employer/Student Connections (15%)
5. Graduate Employment Rate (10%)

Top Ten-- 

1. Stanford University 
2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 
3. Tsinghua University 
4. The University of Sydney 
5. University of Cambridge 
6. Ecole Polytechnique ParisTech 
7. Columbia University 
8. University of Oxford 
9. University
of California, Berkeley (UCB) 
10. Princeton University 

To see the full list of ranking, please visit

Study abroad scholarship in UK

Commonwealth Scholarships for Master’s and PhD study for developing country in UK
The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) is one of the largest and most prestigious study abroad scholarship schemes for international study in the world funded by the UK government managed by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom (CSC). 
Support towards completion of a full-time doctoral postgraduate qualification at an eligible UK university.
Purpose of this Study Abroad Scholarship: To enhance individual teaching and research capacity leading to increased institutional capacity in academic and other sectors in Commonwealth countries, and to contribute to UK higher education and research by attracting high-calibre international candidates and encouraging links and collaboration.
Intended beneficiaries: High-quality graduates who have the potential to become influential leaders, teachers, or researchers in their home countries, and whose proposed research topic has been described to the satisfaction of the selection committee as having a developmental and leadership focus.
12 months’ support towards completion of a full-time taught postgraduate qualification at an eligible UK university. The CSC funds one-year Master’s
programmesonly, and does not fund MBAs.
Purpose of this Study Abroad Scholarship: To contribute to development needs of Commonwealth countries by providing training for skilled and qualified professionals and academics, and to contribute to UK higher education and foreign policy aims by encouraging collaboration and links.
Intended beneficiaries: High-quality postgraduate students who have the potential to enhance the development of their home countries with the knowledge and leadership skills they acquire.
To apply for these scholarships, you must:
Be a Commonwealth citizen, refugee, or British protected person

Be permanently resident in a developing Commonwealth country. For a full list of eligible countries, visit
Be available to start your academic studies in the UK by the start of the UK academic year in September/October 2017
By October 2017, hold a first degree of at least upper second class (2:1) honours standard, or a second class degree and a relevant postgraduate qualification (usually a Master’s degree)
The CSC promotes equal opportunity, gender equity, and cultural exchange. Applications are encouraged from a diverse range of candidates.
You should apply to study at Master’s/PhD level at a UK university with which the CSC has a part funding agreement. Part funding agreements are at the discretion of individual universities. For a list of universities that have already agreed to part fund Commonwealth study abroad Scholarships, visit subject areas are eligible – although you should note that the CSC’s selection criteria give priority to applications that demonstrate the strongest relevance to development.
You must apply to one of the following nominating bodies in the first instance – the CSC does not accept direct applications for these scholarships:

National nominating agencies – this is the main route of application. For a full list of agencies and contact details, visit
Selected universities/university bodies, which can nominate their own academic staff. For a full list of eligible universities, visit
Selected non-governmental organisations and charitable bodies
All applications must be made through your nominating body in your home country. Each nominating body is responsible for its own selection process. You must check with your nominating body for their specific advice and rules for applying, and for their own closing date for applications. The CSC does not impose any age limit on applicants, but nominating bodies may do so in line with their own priorities.
You must make your application using the CSC’s Electronic Application System (EAS) – information on how to use the EAS, including detailed guides, is available at
Your application must be submitted to and endorsed by one of the approved nominating bodies listed above. The CSC will not accept any applications that are not submitted via the EAS to a nominating body in your home country.
All applications must be submitted by 15 November 2016 at the latest.
You must provide the following supporting documentation to be received by the CSC by 6 January 2017 in order for your application to be eligible for consideration:

References from at least two individuals
For PhD candidates only, supporting statement from a proposed supervisor in the UK from at least one of the institutions named on your application form
Each study abroad scholarship provides:

Approved airfare from your home country to the UK and return at the end of your award (the CSC will not reimburse the cost of fares for dependants, nor usually the cost of journeys made before your award is finally confirmed)
Approved tuition and examination fees
Stipend (living allowance) at the rate of £1,043 per month, or £1,279 per month for those at universities in the London metropolitan area (rates quoted at 2016-2017 levels)
Thesis grant towards the cost of preparing a thesis or dissertation, where applicable
Warm clothing allowance, where applicable
Study travel grant towards the costs of study-related travel within the UK or overseas
For PhD Scholars, fieldwork grant towards the cost of fieldwork undertaken overseas (usually the cost of one economy class return airfare to your fieldwork location), where approved
For PhD Scholars, paid mid-term visit (airfare) to your home country (unless you have claimed (or intend to claim) spouse and/or child allowances during your scholarship, or have received a return airfare to your home country for fieldwork)
If your scholarship is at least 18 months long, the following family allowances:
Spouse allowance of £224 per month if you and your spouse are living together at the same address in the UK (unless your spouse is also in receipt of a scholarship; other conditions also apply)
Child allowance of £224 per month for the first child, and £110 per month for the second and third child under the age of 16, if you are accompanied by your spouse and children and they are living with you at the same address in the UK
If you are widowed, divorced, or a single parent (irrespective of the length of your scholarship), child allowance of £448 per month for the first child, and £110 per month for the second and third child under the age of 16, if you are accompanied by your children and they are living with you at the same address in the UK
For more information about this study abroad scholarship, please visit

Abroad Education Scholarship for Indian/International Students in UK Deadline-13/11/2016

Chancellors Scholarship, University of West England, Bristol, UK 
Recipients of this abroad education scholarship will be required to undertake an internship working within the International Office or other departments and will also be required to undertake the ambassadorial activity for the University throughout the duration of the course. Following graduation, recipients will also be expected to be an active member of the UWE Alumni Network by helping the University to promote its programmes to prospective students.
Study level for this abroad education program with scholarship- Postgraduate
Award values 
for this abroad education program with scholarship- 100% full tuition fees
Award duration
for this abroad education program with scholarship- One academic year
Number of awards available- 1 for January 2017 start
Nationalities accepted 
for this abroad education program with scholarship   All classed as overseas for fees purposes
Eligible criteria
for this abroad education program with scholarship    
Have achieved the equivalent of a British 1st in an undergraduate degree

Hold an unconditional offer or a conditional offer where IELTS or equivalent English language is the only condition
Be a new student to UWE Bristol with no previous UK study
Be classed as overseas for fees purposes
Not be a sponsored student or in receipt of another abroad education scholarship/award
 Provide official transcripts at the time of application
For more information 
for this abroad education program with scholarship please visit
University of West England page

Study Abroad Scholarship for Indian/International MBA Students Deadline-10/11/2016

The WPP Fellowship 2017

WPP's unique annual Fellowships for graduates and MBAs aim to develop high-calibre management talent with experience across a range of marketing disciplines. The study abroad program with scholarship is unique in its multi-disciplinary approach and is designed to complement the recruitment activities of individual companies. The study abroad Fellowship is comprised of three one-year rotations through our WPP companies, with each rotation chosen on the basis of the individual's interests and the Group's needs. A senior executive mentor from WPP is assigned to provide overall career guidance. On completion of the program, we work to find a position in the Group that takes advantage of the broad experience gained during the rotational program.
WPP is the world leader in communications services.Sir Martin Sorrell established the Fellowship in 1995, with the aim of creating future generations of leaders for WPP’s operating companies. He wanted to attract the best graduates, from the world’s top universities, and give them a unique introduction to the world of marketing communications.
If you have a general interest in the marketing 
communications industry, the study abroad Fellowship represents the opportunity to experiment, to find the role that suits you, to discover how and where you can make the greatest contribution. Fellows are mentored throughout their three years on the Program, and beyond, by both senior WPP executives and senior Fellows
Eligibility criteria for this Study Abroad Program with Fellowship-
a) Acceptance is conditional on completion of an undergraduate degree (class 2:1 or above or equivalent).
b) People who are intellectually curious and motivated by the prospect of delivering high-quality communications services to their clients
Application mode for this Study Abroad Program with Scholarship- online
For more information about this study abroad program with scholarship, please visit
WPP Page


Study Abroad Scholarship for Indian/International Students in UK Deadline-8/11/2016

British Chevening Scholarships for International Students, UK

Chevening Scholarships are awarded to outstanding emerging leaders to pursue a one-year master’s at any UK university. The study abroad scholarship programme provides a unique opportunity for future leaders, influencers, and decision-makers from all over the world to develop professionally and academically, network extensively, experience UK culture, and build lasting positive relationships with the UK. A Chevening Scholarship offers financial support along with the opportunity to become part of the highly regarded and influential Chevening global network.
Eligibility Criteria for this Study Abroad Scholarship- 
To be eligible for a Chevening Award you must:

Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country
Return to your country of citizenship for a minimum of two years after your award has ended
Have an undergraduate degree that will enable you to gain entry to a postgraduate programme at a UK university. This is typically equivalent to an upper second-class 2:1 honours degree in the UK.
Have at least two years’ work experience (this may be up to five years for fellowship programmes, please refer to your country page for further details)
Apply to three different eligible UK university courses and have received an unconditional offer from one of these choices by 13 July 2017
Meet the Chevening English language requirement by 13 July 2017
English language requirement-
Study Abroad Scholarship- 
Chevening accepts English language tests from five providers:
a) Academic IELTS
b) Pearson PTE Academic
d) Cambridge English: Advanced (CEA)
e) Trinity ISE II (B2)
Courses available for this 
Study Abroad Scholarship- -
Applicants will need to select three different master's courses, these can be three different courses at the same institution or the same titled course but at three different universities. You should choose your field of study carefully and select courses which reflect your current or future career goals.
In order to be eligible, the courses you choose must be:
Full-time- Start in the autumn term (usually September/October), Lead to a master’s degree qualification
For more information about this study abroad scholarship, please visit
Chevening Page

Overseas education Scholarship for Indian Students at Cornell University, USA Deadline-1/11/2016

Tata Scholarship for Indian Students at Cornell UniversityUSA

Thanks to a generous gift from the Tata Education and Development Trust - a philanthropic affiliate of India’s Tata Group - a $25 million endowment has been established that will allow Cornell to provide overseas education scholarship to undergraduate students from India. The Tata Scholarship Fund will support approximately 20 scholars at any given time and will ensure that the very best Indian students have access to Cornell, regardless of their financial circumstances. The overseas education scholarship will be awarded annually; recipients will receive this overseas education scholarship for the duration of their undergraduate studies at Cornell.
Ratan Tata ’59, B. Arch ’62, is a Cornell trustee and the chairman of Tata Sons, the holding company of the Tata Group, one of India’s oldest, largest, and most respected business conglomerates. Mr. Tata is one of the most respected business leaders in the world and has received numerous prestigious honors recognizing his impact through his work and philanthropy.
Course Level for this Overseas Education Program with Scholarship- Undergraduate

Qualifications required for this Overseas Education Program with Scholarship 
To receive the undergraduate scholarship, a recipient must:
  • be a citizen of India and have attended secondary school in India;
  • be offered admission to Cornell as an undergraduate student;
  • be eligible for need-based financial aid.
  • Preference will be given to qualified students accepted to the College of Architecture, Art, and Planning; the College of Engineering; the Applied Economics and Management major in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; and majors across colleges in the biological sciences, physical sciences, and other “hard” sciences, as well as the social sciences.
Is my Tata Scholarship guaranteed until I graduate?
As long as you have financial need, we are committed to providing you with Tata Scholarship funding for the number of semesters required for a student to complete an undergraduate degree. With the exception of the five-year program in architecture, which requires ten semesters of full-time enrollment, we will provide up to eight semesters of funding. Funding for additional semesters due to double majors or dual degrees is not available.
Application Process 
for this Overseas Education Program with Scholarship
Undergraduate applicants will be eligible for consideration for the Tata Scholarship if they have completed the admission application and have applied for financial aid. All undergraduate applicants must apply for financial aid by completing the financial aid application process for international students.
For more information about 
this Overseas Education Program with Scholarship, please visit
Cornell University 

Overseas education Scholarship for Indian/International Students at University of Adelaide,Australia Deadline-31/10/2016

Adelaide Graduate Research Scholarships (AGRS), University of Adelaide, Australia

The University of Adelaide offers a number of Adelaide Graduate Research Scholarships exclusively to its recent graduates to continue their education via a Masters or Doctorate degree by research.
The AGRS provides:
Course tuition fees for two years for a Masters degree by Research and three years for a Doctoral research degree (an extension is possible for doctoral programs only)

An annual living allowance ($26,288 in 2016) for two years for a Masters degree by Research and three years for a Doctoral research degree (an extension is possible for doctoral programs only).
Conditions and Eligibility Criteria for this Overseas Education Scholarship-
In order to be eligible for consideration a student must:

complete their four-year undergraduate degree including first class honours in a research-based honours program at the University of Adelaide in that semester OR have completed the above that year or in the previous year; or This will be deemed to cover students who have completed all of their education at Adelaide and where the committee considers it appropriate students who have completed a lesser period of time but including the honours year.
be completing their masters degree with a sufficient research component to be approved by the Research Education Development Committee as a degree acceptable for entry to the PhD (refer to the Academic Program Rules) at the University of Adelaide in that semester OR have completed the above that year or in the previous year; Students undertaking a coursework masters degree will be required to obtain an overall grade of Distinction with not less than a High Distinction in their research component(s) to be eligible for overseas education scholarships.
be eligible to enrol as a commencing student in a full-time postgraduate research program at the University of Adelaide in the following semester;
be an international student, and not be currently enrolled in the higher degree by research program at the University of Adelaide for which the student is applying for a overseas education scholarship.
For more information about this Overseas Education Scholarship, please visit
University of Adelaide

Overseas education Scholarship for Indian/International Students at Liverpool Hope University, UK, Deadline-28/10/2016

International Postgraduate Scholarship, Liverpool Hope University, UK

‌‌International Postgraduate overseas education Scholarships are available to postgraduate degree applicants and are worth half the tuition fees (e.g. 50% discount on fees, for 2016/17 intake this amounts to between £5,400 and £5,900). The number of International Postgraduate overseas education Scholarships available annually is five. International Postgraduate Scholarships are awarded by the decision of the University Committee and are based on academic merit and social and community involvement.
Criteria for this Overseas Education Scholarships 
Applications are welcome from international students who have achieved high results in their final degree classification and can demonstrate high academic achievement, active university, society and community involvement, and future aspirations to enhance the social and economic development of the applicant’s home country.
How applications for this Overseas Education Scholarships are judged?
International Postgraduate Scholarship applications are awarded on submission of the International Scholarship Application Form and relevant supporting documentation. The applications are reviewed in the month after the deadline by the Liverpool Hope University Student Finance Committee. Applications should demonstrate how you have actively contributed to the life of your previous university, how you are actively involved in your community and your society, and how you will contribute to the future social and economic development of your home country, plus how you will contribute to university life at Liverpool Hope.
How to apply
for this Overseas Education Scholarships?
Applicants must hold an offer of admission for a Liverpool Hope postgraduate taught degree programme and complete the International Scholarship Application Form with attached documentation (eg copy of final degree certificate and academic reference). If you do not hold an offer of admission you are not eligible.
Advice on how to complete the International Scholarship Application Form
Please complete all the details, including your name, contact details, student number and qualifications. Applications with missing details will be automatically rejected. Please attach the relevant supporting documents (eg final degree certificate and academic reference) these include:
for this Overseas Education Scholarships
a) Proof of High Academic achievement - Copy of degree certificate and supporting transcripts.
b) 2 Academic references.
c) Applicants must hold an offer of admission for a Liverpool Hope postgraduate taught degree and stipulate their Student ID number of their application form.
for this Overseas Education Scholarships- 
Evidence of active university, social and community involvement/volunteering. For applicants for the International Postgraduate Scholarship: the application form asks you to 'please indicate why you think you should be considered for an International Postgraduate Scholarship and how you think this would benefit you in your programme of study'. This is the most important part of the application form and will be carefully judged by the University Committee. To answer this question try to include details that cover all the criteria: academic achievement/results, involvement in activities at your previous university, community work and your contribution to society, charity/volunteer work you've done, and your future aspirations and how you will contribute to the social and economic development of your country. You should also include how you intend to become involved in university life at Liverpool Hope. If you are awaiting your final results, you are still able to apply. Please state 'pending results' in the qualification section. You must submit your results when they are available.
For more information about 
this Overseas Education Scholarships, please visit
Liverpool Hope University

Study abroad Scholarship for Indian/International Students at Sydney TAFE, Australia, Deadline-21/10/2016

Sydney TAFE International Student Scholarships, Australia
The Sydney TAFE International Student study abroad Scholarship is a partial scholarship for new students applying to study a Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Associate Degree or Bachelor Degree course (minimum 1.5 years in duration). The study abroad scholarship of $2,000 will be credited towards your tuition fee on your third semester of studies.
To be eligible for the scholarship applicants must:
a) Be an international student and have been offered to study a Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Associate Degree or Bachelor Degree course with a minimum of 1.5 years duration at Sydney TAFE.
b) Commence studies in Sydney TAFE in 2016 or 2017.
c) Not be a family member or relative of a Sydney TAFE employee or TAFE NSW.
d) Have met Sydney TAFE’s academic and English requirements for the course to be considered for a scholarship.
The recipient will be selected on the basis of:
a) Reasons for applying for Sydney TAFE International Student Scholarship.
b) Academic merit in the qualification used as basis of admission into Sydney TAFE programs.
c) Other achievements, leadership skills, volunteer work and contributions.
d) Personal Statement.
For more information about this Study Abroad Scholarship, please visit

Sydney TAFE page


Overseas Education MBA Scholarship for Indian/International Students at University of Melbourne, Australia, Deadline-19/10/2016

Diversity Excellence Scholarships, University of Melbourne, Australia
The Diversity Excellence overseas education Scholarships reflect our commitment to promoting diversity within the MBA classroom and seeking out excellence in candidates who come from a range of backgrounds.
Value of this Overseas Education Scholarship: from $50,000 (towards tuition)
Open to: Full-time MBA candidates
Application procedure for this Overseas Education Scholarship: All successful full-time MBA candidates are automatically considered for this award and candidates will be notified of any scholarship support at the time of their application outcome.
Applications must be submitted by 19 October 2016 
For more information about this Overseas Education Scholarship, please visit
University of Melbourne, Australia


Study abroad Scholarship for Indian/International Students at University of Wollongong, Australia, Deadline-17/10/2016

International Students - HDR Scholarships, University of Wollongong, Australia
The University of Wollongong offers a range of research study abroad scholarships and awards to eligible international higher degree research students. The UOW HDR study abroad scholarships are in the form of allowances to assist candidates in meeting their living costs while they undertake their research. They can include: annual stipends, living allowances, and tuition fee costs. In addition, there are external study abroad scholarship opportunities as well as specific and industry based study abroad scholarships available.
Who is an international student for this Study Abroad Scholarship?  
In the Australian higher education sector, an ‘international student’ is a person who:
a) Is not an Australian citizen and
b) Is enrolled or will enrol, in a course of study with a higher education provider

An international student is not:
a) A person entitled to stay in or enter and stay in Australia,  without any limitation as to time
b) A New Zealand citizen
c) A diplomatic or consular representative of New Zealand, a member of the staff of such a representative or the spouse or dependent relative of such a representative.
For more information about this Study Abroad Scholarship, please visit
University of Wollongong, Australia


Study abroad Scholarship for Indian/International Students at East Tennessee State University, USA, Deadline-15/10/2016

International Students Academic Merit Scholarship, East Tennessee State University, USA

Details about this Study Abroad Scholarship- The International Students Academic Merit Scholarship is open to new international students seeking a graduate or undergraduate degree. The study abroad scholarship covers 50 percent of the total of in and out-of-state tuition and maintenance fees only. No additional fees or costs are covered. The scholarship award can only be used for study at ETSU. The award is available for:
  • Eight semesters for undergraduate recipients
  • Five semesters for recipients seeking a master's degree, or commensurate with the length of the program.
  • Eight semesters for doctoral students, or commensurate with the length of the program (see ETSU graduate catalog).
  • Scholarship can be applied to summer semesters.
  • Eligibility Requirements
Eligibility criteria of this Study Abroad Scholarship:
1) Students must first submit an application for admission before they can apply for the scholarship. Students may apply for the scholarship before being admitted to ETSU; 
however, a scholarship applicant must be admitted to ETSU as a full-time, degree-seeking student before the scholarship application can be reviewed. ( undergraduate admissions, graduate admissions)
2) Have or plan to have an F-1 or J-1 student visa (F-1 visa information, J-1 visa information)
3) Have a demonstrated record of academic achievement
4) Fill out the scholarship application form.
5) Students are encouraged to apply for the scholarship as soon as they apply for admission to ETSU.
When to Apply for this 
Study Abroad Scholarship
Completed applications need to be submitted by the following dates:
Spring semester deadline: no later than October 15th
Students must apply for admission to ETSU before applying for the scholarship. Once an admissions application is submitted, the student may then apply for the scholarship. A student's scholarship application will be reviewed once the student is admitted to the university. Applications received after the deadline will not be reviewed. 
Additional Conditions for 
Study Abroad Scholarship
a)Recipients must maintain full-time status.
b) Undergraduate recipients must maintain a
2.75 grade point average in order to continue receiving the scholarship. Graduate recipients must maintain a 3.0 GPA.
c) The scholarship only applies to in and out-of-state tuition and maintenance fees. Recipients will be required to pay other fees such as program fees, course fees, housing costs, and medical insurance costs.
d) Recipients continuing from a 
bachelor's to a master's degree program must reapply for the scholarship.
Students who are NOT eligible for this 
Study Abroad Scholarship:
a)Students continuing from an ETSU bachelor's degree program to a second ETSU bachelor's degree program
b) Graduate students receiving a graduate assistantship or tuition scholarship
c) Students receiving any other ETSU tuition scholarship
d) Students applying for the M.D. and Pharm. D. programs
For more information about this 
Study Abroad Scholarship, please visit
East Tennessee State University Page

ETSU Welcome Video

Study abroad Scholarship for Indian/International Students at University of Westminster, UK, Deadline-14/10/2016

The amount is Study Abroad Scholarship:  Full tuition fee award, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and from London.
for this Study Abroad Scholarship:  You must be an international student from a developing country and hold an offer for a full-time Masters at the University. 
Eligibility Criteria
for this Study Abroad Scholarship   Equivalent to a UK First Class Honours degree, financial need and development potential.
of this Study Abroad Scholarship:    1
For more information about
 this Study Abroad Scholarship, please visit
University of Westminster

Study abroad Scholarship for Indian/International Students at Harvard University, USA, Deadline-04/10/2016

Max Planck Harvard Project Fellowships (f/m) in biological archaeology/archaeometry and archaeogenetics, Harvard University, USA
The Department of Archaeogenetics at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena, Germany, and the Initiative for the Science of the Human Past at Harvard University are launching a collaborative program that, at Harvard, draws on the Departments of Anthropology (Archaeology Program), History, Human Evolutionary Biology, and Organismic and Evolutionary Biology within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and the Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School.
The new program is a long-term cross-disciplinary collaboration involving these various departments at MPI and Harvard’s FAS and HMS, as well as other interested scholars and scientists at Harvard University.
Value of this Study Abroad Scholarship- three 5-year Full Fellowships graduate study leading to a PhD 
Required Documents for 
this Study Abroad Scholarship- The Harvard application form, transcript of records, proof of language proficiency (e.g. TOEFL), GPA, GRE, a writing sample etc
For more information about 
this Study Abroad Scholarship, please visit

Study Abroad Scholarship for Indian/International Students at BPP University, UK, Deadline-01/10/2016

Vice Chancellor's Scholarship, BPP University, UK
The Vice Chancellor's study abroad Scholarship is open to any student who has applied to study an undergraduate or postgraduate BPP University programme.
Value & Term of this Study Abroad Scholarship- The Vice Chancellor's Scholarships covers the full cost of tuition and is valid for the duration of your programme.
Eligibility criteria
of this Study Abroad ScholarshipTo apply for this scholarship you must:
  • have applied to study an undergraduate or postgraduate programme at BPP University;
  • be a first generation student entering higher education (i.e. first higher education student in your family);
  • meet the admission requirements for the relevant programme;
  • be able to demonstrate academic excellence;
  • show a clear commitment towards a career within the relevant profession.
For more information of this Study Abroad Scholarship, please visit
BPP University

Overseas Education Scholarship for Indian/International at Humber College, Canada, Deadline-30/09/2016

International Entrance Scholarships, Humber College, Canada
Level of this overseas education program with scholarship - Undergraduate Degree
Eligibility Criteria for this overseas education scholarship-  Applications will be considered based on academics, community involvement, referee/reference letters and statement of interest. 
Value/duration of 
this overseas education scholarship-The scholarships are divided throughout our three semesters each year. One full tuition scholarship and one $5,000 scholarship and eight $1,000 scholarships are available in January 2017. Two full tuition scholarships and two $5,000 scholarships are available in September 2017. The scholarships will be applied toward the successful students’ tuition fees. The scholarships are renewable but the student must maintain a minimum average of 75% in order to be eligible for renewal.
For more information about 
this overseas education scholarship, please visit
Humber College

Study Abroad Scholarship for Indian/International MBA students at Graduate School of Management, GLOBIS University, Japan, Deadline-27/09/2016

MBA Scholarships for Indian/International Applicants at Graduate School of Management, GLOBIS University, Japan
GLOBIS study abroad Scholarships are available to students who demonstrate the potential to contribute to the GLOBIS community through strong academic performance and exceptional leadership qualities.
Eligibility criteria for this Study Abroad Scholarship: Non-Japanese applicants who expect to study at GLOBIS in 2017.

Study Abroad Scholarship Amount: The scholarship can cover up to 50% of the tuition.
Study Abroad Scholarship Conditions- Should you receive a scholarship, you must adhere to the following conditions:
a) Enrol in MBA, Hybrid, Part-time, On-Campus and Online (English), GLOBIS University in 2017
b) Successfully complete the requirements for graduation
c) Make continuous efforts to accomplish what is stated in your scholarship essay and contribute to the program
(2) Cooperation in Marketing Activities
Should you receive a scholarship, you are expected to cooperate with GLOBIS’ marketing activities, such as providing or participating in interviews, photos, profiles, and stories for internal and external use. Permission will be requested prior to publishing and, if unable to cooperate, you can inform the office of the reason and an exception will be considered.
(3) Screening Criteria for this 
Study Abroad Scholarship
(a) Extensive international business experience
(b) Strong academic background
(c) Potential contribution to the GLOBIS student body
(d) Native-level English proficiency
(e) Need for financial aid
(4) How to Apply 
for this Study Abroad Scholarship
Please submit the scholarship essay along with your GLOBIS application information on the Online Admission System.
Essay Question-Please answer the following questions:
“How will your international experience and perspective improve the GLOBIS experience for other students? What unique insights will you bring?” (250 to 550 words)
“If you have any other information which you believe is relevant to your scholarship application, please feel free to enter it below. (e.g. How a scholarship at GLOBIS will help you achieve your personal mission/goal.) ”(Up to 200 words)
(5) Screening Process 
for this Study Abroad Scholarship-
The scholarship application will be evaluated based on the essay as well as the submitted application documents. You will need to submit your scholarship application together with your application for the MBA program. You are eligible to receive the scholarship only if you pass the GLOBIS admission process. The final decision regarding scholarships will be sent with the admission notification. Details of the scholarship selection process are strictly confidential.
For more information about
 this Study Abroad Scholarship, please visit

Overseas Study Scholarship for Indian/International students at Bond University, Australia, Deadline-23/09/2016

Scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate degree program at Bond University,Australia
About the Overseas Study scholarship
Bond University aims to offer the best and brightest students from around the globe, with tuition remission scholarships based on academic merit, as well as community, leadership and sporting achievements. The International Student Scholarships are a testament to Bond University's commitment to quality and outstanding international students. These scholarships are available to international students who have demonstrated outstanding academic ability, as well as community, leadership and sporting achievements. Applications for the January 2017 semester are currently open online and will close on Friday, September 23, 2016.
Availability of this Overseas Study Scholarship
Scholarships will be available to students commencing in January, May or September semester (please note that the deferral of a scholarship will only be granted in extenuating circumstances, such as illness, family bereavement or essential overseas travel).
Eligibility criteria 
of this Overseas Study Scholarship
  • Available to all international students applying for any undergraduate or postgraduate degree combination (excluding Bond University's Medical Program, Master of Psychology, and Doctor of Physiotherapy).
  • Scholarships are open to international students who are not Australian citizens or holders of permanent residency visas.
  • Applicants must have outstanding academic ability, demonstrated strong leadership skills and extensive involvement in extracurricular activities.
  • Students whose first language is not English must refer to and meet Bond University’s standard English entry requirements for undergraduate applicants and English entry requirements for postgraduate applicants.
  • Applicants will be asked to submit academic statements, a summary of achievements, and letters of reference from relevant individuals who can support their application. They will also be asked to submit a 500-word personal statement outlining key achievements and attributes.
Value of this Overseas Study Scholarship
These overseas study scholarships will award up to 50% tuition remission for students commencing in January, May or September (please note that the deferral of a scholarship will only be granted in extenuating circumstances, such as illness, family bereavement or essential overseas travel). Scholarships cover either a single or combined bachelor or master’s degree program (excluding Bond Medical Program, Master of Psychology, and Doctor of Physiotherapy). Students from any country may apply.
For more information about overseas study scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education MBA Scholarship for Indian/International students at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, Deadline-11/09/2016

UKFast MBA Scholarship, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, 2016
UK Fast are offering overseas education scholarship to one winner the chance to receive a £6,000 discount on their course fees, and will join our MBA programme in October 2016. Lawrence Jones MBE, CEO and founder of UKFast is looking for a real stand-out, entrepreneurial candidate for this Scholarship:
“Education has always been at the heart of UKFast. It makes absolute sense to invest in the thriving economic landscape of Manchester and support business thinking among young entrepreneurs. This overseas education scholarship is a fantastic opportunity to help business-minded people develop and to celebrate entrepreneurialism.” 
How to apply for this Overseas Education Scholarship-

a)Check through the marketing criteria
b) Launch a new product or service OR revise an existing product or service and produce a 60-second advert selling your business idea
c) Submit your CV, advert and complete the psychometric test online (which will be emailed to you once you've submitted your CV and video) via the form at the bottom of this page
For more information about this overseas education, please visit

Study Abroad Scholarship for Indian/International students in the University of Oxford, UK, Deadline-09/09/2016

The Skoll Scholarship, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, UK
The Skoll study abroad Scholarship provides full funding plus a living stipend to complete a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) at the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School. This study abroad Scholarship is a competitive scholarship for incoming MBA students to the University of Oxford who pursue entrepreneurial solutions for urgent social and environmental challenges. The study abroad Scholarship provides funding and exclusive opportunities to meet with world-renowned entrepreneurs, thought leaders and investors.
The Skoll Scholarship provides tuition for entrepreneurs who have set up or have been working in entrepreneurial initiatives with a social purpose, and who wish to improve their knowledge of market-oriented practices so they can be more effective in their subsequent social change pursuits. The study abroad Scholarship is given in recognition that the MBA may represent a significant financial burden, particularly for those who have chosen to work in social ventures rather than the purely commercial or public sectors.
Why apply to be a Skoll Scholar?
Receive exclusive opportunities to meet with world-renowned entrepreneurs, 
thought leaders and investors
• Take your social venture/initiative to the next level
• Gain professional, leadership, and business skills
• Become a part of the Skoll Scholar community, a group of leaders who are positively impacting the world through innovation and system change
Eligibility criteria for this Study Abroad program with Scholarship
• You must have started and grown a social venture that has been running for at least three years OR have been responsible for leading a major expansion of an existing social venture or 
programme within that venture.
• You must demonstrate some evidence of your need for the Scholarship (e.g. circumstances that make self-funding the MBA a significant financial burden).
• You must demonstrate how a business education can contribute to the wider development of the 
community within which you work. You will need to illustrate why a business degree at this stage of your career can help amplify your impact.
• You must demonstrate evidence of personal qualities strongly resonating with social entrepreneurial leadership such 
as: persistence in pursuit of a social/environmental benefit goal, a bias toward action rather than reflection, a willingness to take personal risks, a habit of developing a network and using it to pursue mutual goals, and a tendency to explore the environment for opportunities and resources.
Application process
for this Study Abroad program with Scholarship 
1. Apply to the MBA 
programme at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. (Don’t forget to indicate your interest in the abroad Scholarship on your MBA application!)
2. You must apply during specific MBA application stages to be considered for the Scholarship. Consult the Skoll Scholarship website for more information.
3. Complete the essay question the Skoll Centre will send you after you are accepted on to the MBA.
4. Interview (Note: not all candidates will be offered an interview) 
What we offer in this Study Abroad Scholarship
The Skoll Scholarship covers the full costs of tuition and college fees for the MBA 
programme at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. The abroad education Scholarship also covers partial living expenses based on need, up to an additional £8,000. In addition to financial support, the Scholarship provides access to the Skoll Scholar community, a group of leaders who are positively impacting the world through innovation and systems change, as well as exclusive opportunities to meet with world-renowned entrepreneurs, thought leaders and investors.
For more information about this Study abroad Program with Scholarship, please visit

Study Abroad MBA Scholarship for Indian/International students in UK, Deadline-1/09/2016

MBA Scholarship for International Applicants, Robert Gordon University, UK
The MBA scholarship, offered to Business, Management and Accounting students, can assist you with the cost of studying this prestigious course. The Aberdeen Business School is able to offer a limited number of abroad study scholarships to assist exceptionally able students who wish to undertake its MBA programme. The MBA scholarship takes the form of a reduction in the normal tuition fees by a specified amount. Successful applicants will be responsible for paying the balance of their tuition fees, and for all their other travel and living expenses.
Full-time MBA- Scholarships typically range from £1,000 to £5,500
where awarded. The numbers of this abroad study Scholarships awarded varies from region to region.
Online MBA and Executive Part-time MBA- These abroad study Scholarships typically range from £500 to £3,700
where awarded and are open to all applicants.
All applicants must meet the normal admission criteria for the MBA programme. All applicants must be in possession of a current offer of a place on the MBA, MBA Information Management, or MBA Oil and Gas Management degrees BEFORE applying for
a MBA scholarship. 

The study abroad scholarship application is judged on three criteria:

1. The student's past academic qualification
2. Whether the student has demonstrated career progression and achievement, and
3. Evaluation of an essay of 1,000 - 1,500 words written by the student.
You should only apply for this study abroad scholarship when you are in receipt of an offer for the degree.
For more information study abroad scholarship, please visit

Study Abroad Scholarship for Indian/International students in Australia, Deadline-31/08/2016

International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS), University of South Australia, Australia
International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS) are funded by the Australian Government and awarded to international candidates on the basis of academic merit and research potential. An IPRS will cover your tuition fees and your Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), and provide a stipend (living allowance), but will not pay for travel expenses. A thesis allowance is funded to cover the cost of printing and binding the thesis.
Benefits and conditions of this Study Abroad Scholarship-
Applicants must read the IPRS scholarship benefits and conditions before signing the declaration at the bottom of the application form. These conditions apply to all people who accept offers from the University of South Australia for the IPRS or UniSA President's scholarship.
of this Study Abroad Scholarship-
At least $26,288 per annum for 3 years, with the possibility of one six-month extension (2016 stipend rate)

University President's Scholarships (UPS), University of South Australia, Australia
University President's Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit. A UPS will cover tuition fees and Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). The living allowance must be provided by the University of SouthAustraliacentre, school, division or institute where an applicant has applied. The minimum rate is the Australian Postgraduate Award base rate. In some cases, the living allowance may be provided by a sponsor or external funding provider. The benefits and conditions are based on those applicable to the IPRS; however, they may be amended depending on the source of the living allowance; any offer made will detail the benefits and conditions that apply.
Travel expenses are not covered by the scholarship.
Benefits and conditions 
of this Study Abroad Scholarship-
The UPS scholarship benefits and conditions will be sent with an offer of scholarship and you should read them carefully prior to signing an acceptance form. These UPS benefits and conditions apply to all people who accept offers from the University of South Australia for the IPRS or UniSA President's scholarship.
of this Study Abroad Scholarship-
You must have a University of South Australia supervisor willing to nominate you for consideration and outstanding academic records, and be a citizen of an overseas country eligible for entry to Australia for the time required to complete the research degree. UPS are nearly always given to doctorate by research candidates but can be given to masters by research candidates in some cases. These scholarships can only be taken at this university.
of this Study Abroad Scholarship-
Tuition fees plus a living allowance of at least $26,288 per annum (2016 stipend rate).
For more information
of this Study Abroad Scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education Scholarship for Indian/International students in Italy, Deadline-30/08/2016

PhD Scholarships for Indian and International Students, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy

For the academic year 2016-2017 the Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) hereby announces a call for 91 PhD places available in the following fields and sites. The selection is based on candidates’ qualifications and interviews.
Pisa Site
Cultures and societies of contemporary Europe    8 places    
Cultures and societies of modern Europe             10 places    
Philosophy                                                            7 places    
Classics                                                                7 places    
Physics                                                                 8 places    
Mathematics                                                         6 places    
Financial Mathematics                                         6 places    
Methods and Models for Molecular Sciences      5 places    
Nanosciences                                                       18 places    
Neurosciences                                                      5 places
Florence site
Political Science and Sociology (Joint degree with the University of Bologna)    11 places
Requisites for admission for this overseas education program-
Applications for admission are invited from candidates who, irrespective of their citizenship, have an
Italianlaurea magistrale (MA/MS degree) or an equivalent degree from outside Italy, or who expect to have obtained the degree required for admission by October 31, 2016: failure to obtain the degree by this date will disqualify the candidate for admission. Degrees from outside Italy will be checked, merely for the purposes of the selection process, by the selection committee, in accordance with the prevailing legislation in Italy and in the country where the degree was issued and with any international treaties or agreements for the recognition of degrees for the continuation of studies.
1. Admission to the call is restricted to candidates who:
2. were born after October 31, 1986;
3. have no past criminal charges against them resulting in a prison term of more than three years;
4. have not been subject to the disciplinary measure of “expulsion” as specified in the didactic and internal regulations of the SNS;
5. are not in possession of a research doctorate issued by an Italian university, and in any case have never benefitted from a scholarship to attend a research doctorate course in Italy.
6. The admission interviews of this overseas education program can be conducted in Italian or English; the admission interview for the PhD course in “Political Science and Sociology” must be conducted in English.
For more information, this overseas education PhD program please visit

Abroad study Scholarship for Indian/International students in Australia, Deadline-26/08/2016

Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Scholarships to study neuroscience, University of Queensland, Australia
The University of Queensland is offering a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in neuroscience through the Queensland Brain Institute. The aim of this abroad study program is to offer talented students from diverse backgrounds an alternative route into a research career in the neurosciences through provision of a solid base in a broad range of neuroscience disciplines. Students will work on independent research projects under the supervision of world-leading QBI Neuroscientists, as well as undertake neuroscience-related workshops and journal clubs.
Eligibility criteria for this abroad study program
Consider applying if you are a high-achieving student and meet one or all of the following criteria:

1. A bachelor degree in biological, physical, computer sciences, mathematics, psychology or engineering (with or without honours); or
2. Relevant industry experience
Duration of this abroad study program-Completion of the MPhil will take up to 2 years (full-time only). The program commences on 1 February 2017. Further information about the MPhil in neuroscience program and expression of interest procedure is available at the QBI website.
for this abroad study scholarship: $26,288 equivalent to APA rate
Level of study
for this abroad study program: Postgraduate Research
Citizenship requirement
for this abroad study program: Australian and Permanent Residents or NZ citizens International student
How to apply
for this abroad study program-To submit an expression of interest please visit the QBI website.
Applications close: 26 August 2016
Before you apply: You are encouraged to read the definitive rules for this scholarship prior to application, in particular
any specific eligibility conditions and check the FAQs if you have any questions.
For more information
for this abroad study program, please visit

Abroad study Scholarship for Indian/International students in Australia, Deadline-20/08/2016

President’s Scholarship for International Students, University of Sydney, Australia
Conditions for this Abroad Study Award 2016- The UTS President’s Scholarship (UTSP) is offered by the University to selected international students of exceptional research potential in receipt of a UTS International Research scholarship (UTS IRS) to undertake a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). The scholarship is provided to assist with general living costs. The duration of a full-time UTSP is three years for a doctoral candidate and two years for a master’s research candidate. The University has the expectation that, with an appropriately scoped project and consistent effort, scholarship holders will complete their work and submit theses for examination within this time frame. In accepting this abroad study scholarship, the scholarship holder undertakes to work towards this goal. The UTSP scholarship is not transferrable to another institution.
To be eligible for a UTSP, a student must:
(a) be an overseas student as defined in the Higher Education Support Act 2003; and
(b) be a holder of an international student visa, meeting requirements as specified by the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (DIMA), including the requirement to purchase and maintain a standard Overseas Student Health Cover policy approved by the Commonwealth Government Department of Health and Ageing; and
(c) have completed a Bachelor Degree with First Class Honours, or be regarded by the University as having an equivalent level of attainment in accordance with clause (d); and
(d) where applicants do not hold a Bachelor degree with First Class Honours in clause (c) above, the University may determine that the applicant has demonstrated an equivalent 
level of academic attainment. In determining an equivalent level of academic attainment,
the University may 
consider previous study, relevant work experience, research publications, referees' reports and other research experience; and
(e) be undertaking a higher degree by research (HDR) at the University in the year of the UTSP (UTSPs are not available to applicants whose enrolment into a postgraduate research program
has not been accepted by the University); and
(f) be 
commencing full-time enrolment for the first time in a higher degree by research (HDR) at the University. The University may also consider students who:
i. commenced their HDR in the previous year but who, due to the timing of their application and subsequent enrolment, were unable to apply for the scholarship in that year; or
ii. commenced a
HDR and terminated that enrollment within six months of commencement; and
iii. are nominated by their Faculty/Institute for strategic reasons related to their research project;  
(g) not have completed a degree at the same or higher level as the proposed candidature; and
(h) must not previously have held an Australian Government-funded postgraduate research
scholarship unless it was terminated within six months of the scholarship’s payments commencing; and
(i) must not be receiving an equivalent award, scholarship or salary providing a benefit greater than 75% of the UTSP stipend rate to undertake the HDR. Income earned from sources unrelated to the course of study is not subject to the 75% rule.
(j) be a recipient 
of an UTS International Research Scholarship (UTS IRS)

The UTSP is awarded in accordance with the eligibility requirements outlined in paragraph 1 and
on a competitive basis using the respective Faculty/Institute’s scoring system based on:
  • academic merit of the applicant; and
  • research and other relevant experience of the applicant; and
  • publications record of the applicant; and
  • relevance of the proposed research to the University's research strengths.
The value of the UTSP stipend shall be equal to the value of an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) offered by the Australian Department of Innovation, Industry Science and Research (DIISR).
The annual stipends for 2016 are:
(a) $26,288 (currently tax-free) for full-time study mode; and
(b) $13,144 (currently taxable) for part-time study mode.
The UTSP stipend rates are indexed annually from the 1st of January every year. This stipend is paid in equal 
fortnightly instalments to the student bank account. Under current legislation stipends to full-time students are free of income tax.
For more information about this Abroad Study Scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education Scholarship for Indian/International students in UK, Deadline-16/08/2016

Newton-BhabhaPhD Placement Programme
The programme aims to develop the individual capacity of scholars through PhD placements. The programme is jointly funded by the British Council India, Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and offers short-term (2-4 months) PhD placements for Indian and UK PhD scholars to spend a period of their study at UK or Indian higher education or research institutions. DST will support 20 students each from India and UK in STEM. DBT will support 20 students each from India and UK in Life Sciences. The funding to the selected scholars will be disbursed by March 2017 and placements can take place between April and December 2017.
Applications are invited in STEM and Life Sciences subjects including the Grand Challenges areas and underpinning capabilities identified by the UK-India Task Force on Science and Innovation, which are:
Biological and medical sciences – This includes Life sciences, Biotechnology, Botany, Zoology, 
Microbiology, Biochemistry, Medicine, Pharma and Veterinary Sciences
Engineering Physical and space sciences – This includes Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Physical Mathematics, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Environment Food and Agriculture sciences- Public health and well-
Eligibility Criteria for this Overseas Education Program: Applications are welcome fromPhD
scholars from India and UK in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Life Sciences.
On the UK side: The scheme is open only for UK scholars pursuing their 
PhD at a UK home institution. Applications will be considered from scholars from all institutions which are strong in research in the priority sectors (please refer to the above section).
On the Indian Side: The scheme is open only for Indian scholars enrolled at Indian higher education institution with following criteria:
PhD Senior Research Fellows (SRFs) of Batch 2013 are eligible to apply for a STEM subject.
2. PhD Scholar who have qualified through national level test and are pursuing PhD
in mid second or third year of Life sciences are eligible to apply. The following national level tests are considered – CSIR/UGC-NET, GATE, BET, INSPIRE, ICMR-NET, ICAR-NET. Please upload certificate of succeeding the national level test as a supporting document.
Application Process for this Overseas Education Scholarship-
Each application should come with endorsement letters from both the sending and receiving supervisors. The host supervisor’s letter must confirm that they will host the 
PhD scholar and give them all necessary academic and pastoral support; the duration of the stay; and the level of bench fees they will charge. Endorsement letters from UK Universities should outline if any bench fees will be charged. If in case UK University charges any registration or other fees, it should be disclosed to an applicant in advance.

Funding Arrangements for UK scholars for this overseas education program

a) British Council will cover the following items as part of Newton Bhabha Fund
b) UK scholars’ travel - International return airfare (economy class), visa fees to India and travel Insurance (if required) – Maximum up to £900 all inclusive
c) DST or DBT (as relevant per subject area) will cover the following items as part of Newton Bhabha Fund:
d) UK scholars’ arrival allowance in India – INR 10,000
e) UK scholars’ stipend in India – INR 25,000 - The Indian Government will pay UK scholars a monthly stipend of INR 25,000 and accommodation charges @10%,20% or 30% of stipend, based on the class of city, basic medical care insurance.
f) UK scholars need to arrange their accommodation either in host institution or anywhere outside before departing to India for their convenience. DST or DBT will release their House Rent allowances @10, 20 and 30% of stipend amount as per Government of India norms not more than that.
g) UK scholars will be exempted from tuition fees, experiment fees and basic teaching material costs. Costs beyond the above arrangements will be borne by the scholars themselves.
Funding arrangements for Indian Scholars for this overseas education program
  • British Council will cover the following items as part of Newton Bhabha Fund
  • Indian scholars’ bench fees in the UK – Maximum £5,000, Where the UK host university cannot waive the bench fees (or consumables costs). The host supervisor can apply to the British Council for up to £5,000, which must be included in the Indian applicant’s application and should be stated in the endorsement letter.
  • Indian scholars’ stipend in the UK – £1300 per month. The Newton Bhabha Fund will pay Indian scholars a monthly stipend of £1,300 to cover meals, accommodation, and domestic travel, etc.
  • DST or DBT (as relevant per subject area) will cover the following items as part of Newton Bhabha Fund:
  • Indian scholars’ visa fees
  • Indian scholars’ international return airfares (economy class) as per GOI norms
  • Indian scholars’ travel insurance as per GOI norms
For more information about this overseas education program, please visit

Study Abroad Scholarship for Indian/International students in Sweden, Deadline-15/08/2016

Scholarships for International Students, Halmstad University, Sweden
Each year Halmstad University offers a number of study abroad scholarships to qualified students from outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland.These scholarships may be granted to students within any field of study at Halmstad University. The applicant should be a citizen of a country outside the EU/EEA (and Switzerland) with the requirement of paying tuition fee. The Halmstad University study abroad Scholarship covers 25% or 50% of the tuition fee and will be deducted from the tuition fee. This study abroad scholarship will not cover living costs and there are no grants for family members.
How to apply for this Study Abroad scholarship at Halmstad University:

a) Apply for one of our master’s programmes at external link. Please pay the application fee to University Admissions.
b) Only applicants who are qualified to our master programmes and are eligible to Halmstad University scholarships will receive an email with the online application form.
c) Fill in the online scholarship application form. Please note that you will need to provide us with the application number you will receive from University Admissions.
d) Halmstad University will notify the recipients of scholarships by email in the end of March.
Please observe that anyone offered a scholarship has to accept the place at the study program at external link as well as the scholarship offer from the University. This study abroad scholarship will initially be granted for one semester, but will be automatically extended for the duration of the study program (2 or 4 semesters) provided that study results are satisfactory.
Selection Criteria 
for this Study Abroad scholarship
Scholarships will, first of all, be awarded to the most qualified students. Upon nomination, special consideration is taken to:
• The student’s academic performance
• The University position on the international ranking lists.
• Knowledge of language(s)
• Scholarships will first of all be awarded to those who have Halmstad University as their first priority on the application and submitted the application on time
For more information about
 this Study Abroad scholarship, please visit

Abroad Education Scholarship for Indian/International undergraduate and postgraduate students in UK, Deadline-12/08/2016

Developing Futures Scholarships, Swansea University, UK
At the School of Management, we are happy to offer financial support for the brightest prospects of the future. It’s not just academic excellence we reward – we also recognise and encourage passion for study and involvement of student life. Our Developing Futures Programme is more than just a scholarship package. Along with financial support for the academic year, you’ll also get the chance to gain valuable career-enhancing skills by being involved in a variety of School of Management activities.
Abroad Education Scholarships available for offer holders
A) Undergraduate

a) 20 Undergraduate scholarships
b) Available to non-EU undergraduate students who have an offer to study at the School of Management in 2016/2017.
c) £2,000 for one academic year - automatically deducted from tuition fees.
a) 20 Postgraduate (taught) scholarships 
b) Available to students from any country who have an offer to study at the School of Management in 2016/2017.
c) £3,000 for one academic year -automatically deducted from tuition fees.
Eligibility criteria for this abroad education scholarship-
PLEASE NOTE that you must 
have an offer to study full-time at the School of Management in September 2016 to be able to apply.
How to Apply 
abroad education scholarship
The closing date for applications is 12th August 2016. You’ll need to download and complete the Scholarship Application Form and return it by email.
We’ll be taking into consideration your:
  • Academic competence
  • Financial need
  • Passion and future plans
  • Ability and plans to contribute back to the School and University.
  • Scholarships will be deducted from tuition fees and cannot be transferred to another intake if you defer entry.
  • Applicants are not eligible to hold other Swansea University awards such as bursaries, or home country sponsorship.
For more information about this abroad education scholarship, please visit

Abroad Education Scholarship for Indian/International in Australia, Deadline-05/08/2016

International Scholarship for Undergraduate Students in International College of Management, Sydney, Australia
The International College of Management, Sydney (ICMS) is offering a scholarship to an International student who will be commencing their studies at ICMS in September 2016. The abroad education scholarship is awarded based on a 3 component application process, which will result in the successful applicant being awarded a scholarship of up to AU$ 25,000 (Partial Scholarships may be awarded) within one of the ICMS Bachelor Degree programs commencing 7th September 2016. The ICMS International Scholarship will be awarded based on the selection process implemented by the ICMS Professional Scholarship board.
Finalists will be selected on the following 3 step application process:
1. Academic and English requirements- Due by 5pm, Friday 5th August 2016
2. Essay submission- Due by 5pm, Friday 5th August 2016
3. Interview- Finalists will be contacted by ICMS staff members to arrange an interview prior to commencing at ICMS. (Skype interviews may be necessary – please advise Skype details in section provided)
Applicants need to meet the regular ICMS entry requirements in English language proficiency and academic ability.
Please refer to our College website for entry requirements
STAGE 2: ESSAY SUBMISSION (Maximum 500 words) 
Applicants should address the following questions within the essay:
 The reasons for choosing ICMS, including the choice of program/specialization
 What will you bring to ICMS?
 Why are you the most appropriate student to be awarded this scholarship?
 Where do you hope to be in 10 years’ time and how ICMS will contribute to this?
Students who are successful with their essay and ICMS entry requirements will progress to the interview stage. The student will be interviewed by members of the International Scholarships Board and will be asked a broad range of questions relating to their knowledge of the College and course of their choice, their life and background in general.
All applicants will be notified of the results by phone call and email no later than 1 week prior to term commencement.
Upon notification of being awarded a Scholarship, the successful candidate is required to inform the college of acceptance or non-acceptance, in writing within 2 working days of receipt of notification. A letter of acceptance will be issued outlining the details of enrolment at ICMS within 2 working days. Enrollment fees must be paid upon acceptance of the student’s letter of offer and it is not refundable
1.All applicants must hold an international passport. This excludes dual citizens of Australia and elsewhere, permanent residents and temporary residents.
2. The applicant is required to post and email their Scholarship Application to the below address and email by 5pm, Friday 5th August 2016 (Australian Eastern Standard Time).
Don Shiell
Vice President, International Development
International College of Management, Sydney
151 Darley Rd, Manly
Applications must include documents for this Abroad Education Program with Scholarship:
 English language proficiency
 Academic proficiency
 Essay
 Scholarship application form
3. All final applicants will be contacted by ICMS within 5 working days after application closing date. Final applicants will be selected based on their essay.
4. The scholarship is to the total value of approximately AU$ 25,000 and partial scholarships may be awarded. Partial scholarships will not be less than $10,000 and may be applied to the scholarship recipient’s tuition and/or accommodation.
5. The deposit fee is to be paid as stipulated in the letter of offer, sent by ICMS.
6. The scholarship must be redeemed by students commencing their studies in September 2016 trimester only. Students must be able to obtain a visa and arrive in Australia no later than 7th September 2016 or risk forfeiting the scholarship in its entirety.
7. Any persons deemed to have misrepresented themselves in their application through fraudulent documents or identity in the interview will forfeit the scholarship and lose their deposit.
8. Once a student of ICMS, Scholarship recipients will be required to contribute 8 hours of work per week for a total of two terms in one of the ICMS departments. Students will also provide the marketing department with a photo, profile and have a willingness to participate in future marketing, blogging and College activities and act as an ambassador for their country.
9. Retakes or resits of a subject or subjects due to failing the subject are to be paid for by the student and are not included in the Scholarship.
10. College fees and Awards are subject to change.
11. Scholarships are awarded for the September 2016 intake only in accordance with the enrolment procedure of the International College of Management, Sydney.
12. The College reserves the right to change or cancel all or part of the Scholarship program without notice.
13. Scholarship value is subject to change in line with program and fee changes.
14. Accommodation and tuition fees are in Australian Dollars and are subject to change.
15. Applicants must have a full letter of offer in order to be eligible to apply for this Scholarship.
For more information for this Abroad Education Scholarship
, please visit

Abroad Education Scholarship for Indian/International undergraduate students in UK, Deadline-29/07/2016

International Scholarships for Undergraduate Students, Aberystwyth University, UK
The Aberystwyth International abroad education Scholarships, worth £2,000 a year each towards tuition fees, will be available for International (non-EU) students commencing a full-time undergraduate programme in September 2016. In order to be considered for one of these abroad education awards, an application for a place on a relevant programme at Aberystwyth University must be received by 29th July. It is not necessary to apply for the Scholarship – all international applicants will automatically be considered.
Terms and Conditions for the Aberystwyth International Abroad Education Scholarships (AIS) for 2016-2017
In order to be considered for one of these awards, an application for a place on a relevant programme at Aberystwyth University must be received by 29th July 2016. Please see the regulations below for further information.

a) Scholarships worth £2,000 a year towards tuition fees for full-time non-EU students are available for students who commence their studies in September 2016 in Aberystwyth.
b) Separate application forms are not required. Therefore it is essential that the application for a place be received by the University by 29th July 2016 at the very latest.  
c) Selection will be on the basis of academic performance and the applicant’s suitability for their proposed course.
d) Acceptance of an offer of an award must be received within 2 weeks of being offered.
e) Decisions for 2016 will be made centrally in-line with the decision making process.  
These Abroad Education Scholarships are available essentially for self-financed students, i.e. they cannot be held by:
(i) students with full-awards, e.g. Chevening Scholarships, Commonwealth Shared Scholarship or any governmental award or any AU award or
(ii) any partial awards with a resultant combined value greater than 25% of the value of the tuition fees, with the exception of the International Excellence Undergraduate Scholarship. 
During and after the period of study the candidate may be asked to participate in promotional activities for the University. This may include receptions and social events, testimonial or publicity articles or even assisting with activities in their home country. This abroad education scholarship scheme is subject to annual review. The University reserves the right to make, amend, withdraw, suspend or cancel without notice these and other such Regulations as may be in force from time to time and such decisions shall be final.
For more information about this Abroad Education Scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education Scholarship for Indian undergraduate & post graduate students in UK, Deadline-22/07/2016

India High Achievers Scholarship, Coventry University, UK
New for this year we have 5 awards of £2000 towards tuition fees available for the best and brightest postgraduate/undergraduate students from India.
Eligibility requirements for this Overseas Education Scholarship-The India High Achievers Scholarship is available to all Indian students applying for full-time postgraduate/Undergraduate programmes who have submitted an application for study before 22nd July 2016.The Scholarships are allocated to applicants on the basis of their academic merit. Allocation will be decided on assessment of the following;

a) Academic qualifications (at least a 1st class degree or equivalent qualifications)
b) Understanding of the course and motivation to study at Coventry 
c) Extra-curricular or work experience
d) This award is for international fee payers only.
Limitations for this Overseas Education Scholarship- Please note that this scholarship cannot be combined with any other Coventry University scholarship. In cases where an applicant is awarded more than one Coventry University award, the award which provides the greatest benefit to the student will apply. The decision to award a student this scholarship is at the sole discretion of Coventry University. Coventry University reserves the right to award less than 5 scholarships from this category
How to apply 
for this Overseas Education Scholarship- The great thing about this award is that no separate application is required to be considered for a High Achievers Scholarship. All applications for study at Coventry from self-funded international students that are received prior to the 22nd July 2016 will be considered. If you are successful you will be notified in due course by the International Office. Good luck!
For more information about
 this Overseas Education Scholarship, please visit

Abroad Education Scholarship for Indian/International students in Newzealand, Deadline-20/07/2016

Asian Development Bank – Japan Scholarship Programme, University of Auckland, Newzealand
General Information about this Abroad Education Scholarship- What is the Asian Development Bank – Japan Scholarship Programme?
The Asian Development Bank – Japan Scholarship Programme (ADB-JSP) was established in April 1988 with financing from the Government of Japan. The 
program aims to provide an opportunity for well-qualified citizens of ADB's developing member countries to undertake postgraduate studies in economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related fields at participating academic institutions in the Asia-Pacific region. The University of Auckland is a participating academic institution. Upon completion of their study programs, scholars are expected to contribute to the economic and social development of their home countries.
University of Auckland 
programs covered by this scholarship scheme are limited to the following:
Master of Public Health
Master of Science (Environmental Science)
Master of Arts (Development Studies)
Master of International Business
Master of Commerce (International Business)
programs in Engineering
What does this
Abroad Education Scholarship i.e. ADB-JSP cover?
The ADB-JSP provides for the scholars:
  • Tuition fees at the University of Auckland.
  • Airfare from the scholar's home country to Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Basic cost of living in Auckland.
  • Health and medical insurance in New Zealand.
  • Airfare from Auckland, New Zealand, to the scholar's home country at the conclusion of his or her course of study.
  • For scholars engaged in research, a special grant may be available for thesis preparation.
  • Note: The ADB-JSP does not cover the scholar's dependants.
What are the eligibility requirements for this Abroad Education Scholarship?
Eligible applicants must be / have:
  1. A national of an ADB borrowing member (applicants from countries that are no longer borrowing from ADB are not eligible for the ADB-JSP). For a list of current developing member countries visit ADB - Japan Scholarship Programme.
  2. Gained admission to an approved masters at an approved academic institution.
  3. Abachelors degree or its equivalent with superior academic record.
  4. At least two years of full-time professional work experience (acquired after a university degree) at the time of application.
  5. Proficiency in oral and written English communication skills to be able to pursue studies.
  6. Not more than 35 years old at the time of application. In exceptional cases, for programmes which are appropriate for senior officials and managers, the age limit is 45 years.
  7. In good health.
  8. Eligible applicants should agree to return to their home country after completion of studies under theprogramme.
  9. Executive Directors, Alternate Directors, management and staff of ADB, consultants, and relatives of the aforementioned are not eligible for the Scholarship.
  10. Staff of JSP-designated institutions are not eligible to apply to their own institution.
  11. Applicants living or working in a country other than his/her home country are not eligible for scholarships.
  12. ADB-JSP does not support applicants who are already enrolled in graduate degree programmes or who have already completed graduate degree programmes.
  13. ADB-JSP does not sponsor undergraduate studies, distance learning programmes, short-term training, conferences, seminars, thesis writing, and research projects.
For more information please see: Japan Scholarship Program Frequently asked questions
How do I apply for this 
Abroad Education Scholarship?
Step 1- Please apply for admission online as an international applicant for one of the 
programmes listed above for the 2017 intake. Complete the Application for Admission 
Step 2- You are required to submit the following documents in support of your application:
ADB-JSP information sheet
Verified copy of your passport or birth certificate
Academic transcript and completion certificate
A passport-size photo
Step 3-If you are successful in gaining admission to a postgraduate 
programme and receive an official Offer of Place from the University of Auckland, you may proceed to Step 4. If you are unsuccessful or receive a conditional offer do not proceed to Step 4 until you have fulfilled the condition/s of your offer.
Step 4- Complete the Asian Development Bank – Japan Scholarship application form and either post or courier with all required documents to the University.
Postal address
Applications and Admissions
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
Courier address
Student Information Centre
Room 112
The ClockTower
22 Princes Street
Step 5- A selection process will take place after the application closing date. Incomplete ADP-JSP applications will be deemed ineligible.
note: All applicants who have submitted complete applications for 2017 will be notified of the outcome by the end of November 2016.
Closing date for this 
Abroad Education Scholarship- 
Applications for 2017 close on 20 July 2016.
For more information about this 
Abroad Education program with Scholarship, please visit

Abroad Education Scholarship for Indian/International students in UK, Deadline-17/07/2016

The University of West London is proud to be offering 100 Abroad Education scholarships worth up to £5,000 for applicants applying to start in September 2016. Please see for more details. The International Ambassador Scholarship is intended to recognize and provide financial support for outstanding students who wish to act as ambassadors for the University of West LondonAs an ambassador, you will act as an active representative of the University. You will be expected to participate in current and future promotional activities, and as such, will be interviewed and photographed by our marketing department. The scholar will also contribute from time- to-time in the promotion of the University of West London by supporting events organised for scholars, and events organised by the International Office. The scholar agrees no payment will be made by the University to the scholar for their participation in promotional activities. The scholar assigns to the University any intellectual property or other rights which are created as part of the promotional material. The University reserves the right to revoke the scholarship in the event the scholar is not fulfilling the requirements of the role. There are five sections of this form to be completed in full. By submitting this form you are agreeing to our abroad education scholarship terms. If any sections are incomplete, this form will not be considered. You will only be able to apply for a abroad education scholarship if you meet the eligibility criteria. We are looking for exceptional candidates who have a proven academic and achievement record and who will make a major contribution to our university and to the wider global community.
Eligibility criteria for this Abroad Education Program- The International Ambassador Scholarship will be awarded on a competitive basis to candidates who demonstrate enthusiasm and the ability to be an excellent international student ambassador.
Applicants must be:
• A self-funded overseas full fee-paying paying student (please note: EU applicants are not eligible).
• An offer holder for an undergraduate or postgraduate course at UWL, to commence study in September  2016.
Next steps
• Complete the scholarship application form and submit no later than 5 pm GMT on Friday 17 July 2016.
• A decision will be made by Friday 31 July 2016 and successful recipients will be notified by e-mail.
For further information about 
this Abroad Education Program, please visit



Study Abroad PhD Scholarship for Indian/International students in USA, Deadline-15/07/2016

Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship, USA
Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowships are offered for:
Doctoral Research: These fellowships are designed for Indian scholars who are registered for a Ph.D. at an Indian institution. These fellowships are for six to nine months.
Postdoctoral Research: These fellowships are designed for Indian faculty and researchers who are in the early stages of their research careers in India. Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowships will provide opportunities to talented faculty and researchers to strengthen their research capacities. Postdoctoral fellows will have access to some of the finest resources in their areas of interest and will help build long-term collaborative relationships with U.S. faculty and institutions. These fellowships are for eight to twelve months.
Affiliation required 
for this Study Abroad Program- The selected candidate will have affiliation with one U.S. host institution during the grant. USIEF strongly recommends all applicants to identify institutions for affiliation and correspond in advance with potential host institutions. If you have a letter of invitation from a U.S. institution, please include it as a part of your online application. The letter of invitation should indicate the duration of your visit, preferably with dates.
Grant Benefits 
for this Study Abroad Program- These fellowships provide round-trip economy class air travel between India and the U.S., a monthly stipend, Accident and Sickness Program for Exchanges per U.S. Government guidelines, a modest settling-in allowance, and a professional allowance. In case of postdoctoral research grantees, and subject to availability of funds, a dependent allowance and international travel may be provided for one accompanying eligible dependent provided the dependent is with the grantee in the U.S. for at least 80% of the grant period.
Eligibility Requirements for this Study Abroad Program- Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship for Doctoral Research
In addition to the General Prerequisites:- Applicants should have conducted adequate research in the relevant field, especially in the identification of resources in India and the U.S. Applicants must be registered for a Ph.D. at an Indian institution at least one year prior to August 1, 2016. In your online application form, one of the referees should be your Ph.D. supervisor. S/he should comment on your research work and the usefulness of the fellowship, and indicate the Ph.D. registration date and topic; This grant is intended for Ph.D. students to conduct research essential to their dissertations/thesis. Therefore, an applicant's expected Ph.D. thesis submission date should not be earlier than three months after his/her grant end date. For example, if May 2018 is the expected grant end date, applicants cannot submit their thesis before August 2018. Please indicate the Ph.D. registration date and the expected Ph.D. thesis submission date in the " Applicant Annexure.
If employed, applicants should follow the instructions carefully regarding employer's endorsement. If applicable, please obtain the endorsement from the appropriate administrative authority on the "Employer's Endorsement Form". The employer must indicate that leave will be granted for the fellowship period. Applicants should upload a 'writing sample' such as a copy of an article or paper published/presented or extracts from the Master's/M.Phil. thesis in the online application form.
Note: These fellowships are for pre-doctoral level research. Applicants with Ph.D. degrees or those at the final stage of Ph.D. thesis submission will not be considered.
Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship for Postdoctoral Research
In addition to the General Prerequisites:
Applicants should have been awarded a Ph.D. degree within the past four years. Applicants must have obtained a Ph.D. degree between July 15,
2012 and July 14, 2016. Applicants are required to upload their Ph.D. degree certificate/provisional Ph.D. certificate in the online application;
Applicants must be published in reputed journals and demonstrate evidence of superior academic and professional achievement. Please upload a recent significant publication (copy of paper/article) in the online application; and If employed, applicants should follow the instructions carefully regarding employer's endorsement. If applicable, please obtain the endorsement from the appropriate administrative authority on the "Employer's Endorsement Form". The employer must indicate that leave will be granted for the fellowship period.
Note: In your application, you are required to indicate the period in which you can complete your proposed project in the United States. Please determine your grant duration carefully. Should you be selected for a grant, it will be for the period you specified in your application. The duration cannot be changed.
How to Apply 
for this Study Abroad Program
Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship for Doctoral Research
Applications must be submitted online 
Please carefully review the Application Instructions before starting your online application. Please refer to the Applicant Checklist before submitting the application. In addition, you must complete and upload the following documents on your online application:
Applicant Annexure
for this Study Abroad Program 
Employer's Endorsement Form (if applicable)
Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship for Postdoctoral Research
Applications must be submitted online 
Please carefully review the Application Instructions before starting your online application. Please refer to the Applicant Checklist before submitting the application. In addition, you must complete and upload the following documents on your online application:
Applicant Annexure 
for this Study Abroad Program
Employer's Endorsement Form (if applicable)
Reference Report Form
Application Deadline: July 15, 2016
For more information, about this study abroad program, please visit

Abroad Education PhD Scholarship for Indian/International students in Italy, Deadline-13/07/2016

IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca has launched the call for applications for the PhD Program “Institutions, Markets and Technologies”, IMT, Italy
Subjects offered by this Abroad Education Program-
  • Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage
  • Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences (CCSN)
  • Computer Science and Systems Engineering (CSSE)
  • Economics, Management and Data Science (EMDS)
Official duration of this Abroad Education Program: - 3 years.
PhD Program Coordinator: IMT School’s Director, prof. Pietro Pietrini
Starting date of 
this Abroad Education Program- November 2nd, 2016.
Official language of the this Abroad Education Program: English.
Available Scholarships fort 
this Abroad Education Program 34
Scholarship gross amount: 13,638.47 Euros/year 
Additional benefits:
 All
PhD students admitted to the
PhD program are not required to pay tuition fees except for the Regional Education Tax;
 All
PhD students are offered free meals (lunch and dinner) at the school canteen located on campus;
 All students who are granted a scholarship have free accommodation in shared double rooms on campus residential facilities.
Academic Requirements for 
this Abroad Education Program-Admission to IMT'sPhD program is competitive on an international level, with evaluation mainly focusing on past academic performance (grades) and scientific relevance to the selected curricula. First and foremost, however, certain basic formal requirements must be met before candidates are eligible to apply. Namely, applicants must have completed and obtained a degree equivalent to at least 4 years of university studies. (Students in their final year of undergraduate study may be admitted on the condition that their bachelor's degree is awarded before they enroll at IMT.). Applications are open to candidates without regard to nationality, age, gender or religion. Proficiency in English is compulsory as research and teaching are conducted in English. No knowledge of Italian is requested. Candidates must apply via the online application form by the deadline set in the Call for Applications (July 13th, 2016 at 18:00 Italian time).
Formal requirement for 
this Abroad Education Program- A university degree of at least 4 years or full-time equivalent. For an Italian degree, a "Laurea Magistrale" (or "Specialistica") or a "Laurea Vecchio Ordinamento". For foreign degrees, eligibility will be assessed by the PhD Selection Committee.
Applicants obtaining their degree by no later than October 31st, 2016 can also apply.
For more information 
this Abroad Education Program, please visit

Overseas Education Scholarship for Indian/International students in UK, Deadline-10/07/2016

Dean’s International Scholarship, University of Dundee, UK
The Dean’s International Overseas Education Scholarship is open to undergraduate and taught postgraduate international applicants. If you are successful in this Overseas Program with Scholarship, you will be awarded £3,000 per year, which is deducted from your annual tuition fee. This scholarship is payable for each year of your degree at Dundee. The Dean’s International Scholarship is available to applicants in each of our 9 Academic Schools. If we make you an offer for an eligible course, we will email you a link to an online scholarship application and ask you to submit a short supporting statement.
Each Academic School will decide which of their applicants will receive the scholarship based on previous academic merit plus the supporting statement. 
There are two deadlines for applying for this Overseas Education Scholarship- 10 June 2016 - for those applying to start in September 2016
For more information, about this Overseas Education Scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education Scholarship for Indian/International students in USA, Deadline-08/07/2016

R&D Systems Scholarship Application Fall 2016, USA
R&D Systems is proud to support education in science with a scholarship program established to students who are pursuing a degree in a science related field. The R&D Systems overseas Scholarship Program will be awarded to students pursuing a degree in a science related field. A $1500 (or international currency equivalent) scholarship will be awarded twice year for one student in the fall semester and one student in the spring semester. We are now accepting applications for the Fall 2016 Scholarship!
How to Apply for this Overseas Education Program    
  • Download and complete the scholarship application form 
  • Submit a transcript of all college/post-secondary coursework (if high school student submit high school transcript).
  • Submit a written statement addressing the following topics:
  • Make a top ten list of your favorite emerging technologies.
  • Write a personal statement of 500 words or less on how you plan to use your degree to further advance science in your field of interest.
Eligibility criteria for this Overseas Education Program        
  • Applicants must have a major declared in a science related field.
  • Open worldwide.
  • Enrolled or accepted for enrollment (baccalaureate, graduate, associate degree, or diploma) with a declared major in a science related field.
Selection and notification process for this Overseas Education Program       
  • Deadline for this application is July 8,2016 at 11:59 p.m. MST.
  • Finalist will be notified by July 22, 2016.
Submission guidelines for this Overseas Education Program        
Please submit your application and written statement to by July 8, 2016 to be considered for the Fall 2016 R&D Systems Scholarship.
For more information 
for this Overseas Education Program, please visit

Management News

The Management Thinker We Should Never Have Forgotten
Gothenberg, Sweden, is a long way to travel from Boston for a breakthrough idea in management — especially one that is more than 40 years old. I made the journeyto attend a health care confab where Don Berwick, the former head of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was delivering the opening lecture.
Berwick’s talk began by deftly comparing Frederick Winslow Taylor and W. Edwards Deming: the former an industrialist who equated machines and human beings (both to be managed for maximum output), the latter a humanist who saw the individual as internally motivated to do good, meaningful work. Berwick’s talk spanned a pantheon of management thinkers to show the audience just how far we have come from Taylor to Deming in the 20th century.
The contrast was driven home by a full-blown reenactment of Deming’s famous red bead experiment. In this test, participants play the part of factory workers who are attempting to fit red beads into 50 indentations on a paddle. The catch is that they are plunging their paddles into a box filled with both red and blue beads. The “factory workers” soon realize their performance depends entirely on random factors, well outside of their control.
The reenactment made me ask myself why we’ve lost touch with Deming. The point of his red bead experiment is that we often get a false read on workers because we judge them too narrowly. Deming believed that we can improve worker performance only when we improve the entire system they work within. And he believed that managers wrongly apply incentive pay plans, forced rankings, and all sorts of carrots and sticks to create the illusion of control without solving root performance problems.
Deming offered up 14 principles that stood in stark contrast to the sorts of practices he thought were eroding the performance of top corporations in the United States in the 1970s and 1980s. The list might seem almost quaint today, but it’s worth recounting:
  • Create and communicate to all employees a statement of the aims and purposes of the company
  • Adapt to the new philosophy of the day; industries and economics are always changing
  • Build quality into a product throughout production
  • End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag alone; instead, try a long-term relationship based on established loyalty and trust
  • Work to constantly improve quality and productivity
  • Institute on-the-job training
  • Teach and institute leadership to improve all job functions
  • Drive out fear; create trust
  • Strive to reduce intradepartmental conflicts
  • Eliminate exhortations for the work force; instead, focus on the system and morale
  • Eliminate work standard quotas for production. Substitute leadership methods for improvement
  • Eliminate MBO. Avoid numerical goals. Alternatively, learn the capabilities of processes and how to improve them
  • Remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship
  • Educate with self-improvement programs
  • Include everyone in the company to accomplish the transformation
  • Many management thinkers have built upon Deming’s philosophy, yet his core message seems lost to time. He cogently argues that businesses destroy more value than they create when they focus on short-term results, traditional incentives, and performance rankings. His main point is that leaders must build deep trust among workers and managers, which emanates from a strong purpose and shared values. It seems logical enough and more  important than ever. So how is it that more businesses don’t heed his message today?

Deming Versus Our Demons
Deming died in 1991. That same year, General Motors announced that 70,000 people would be fired. Since then, layoffs have become a common tool for public companies. The Great Recession decimated more than eight million jobs in the U.S., and wages are only now beginning to budge, even though unemployment has shrunk to below 5%. And then there’s that persistent inequality gap, growing with every passing year. Is this really a backdrop against which we can rebuild trust between managers and workers within our largest public companies?

Toward the end of his life, Deming began to theorize as to why his ideas were never fully embraced. He was 90 when he wrote the following to Peter Senge (who recounted the correspondence in his influential The Fifth Discipline):

Our prevailing system of management has destroyed our people. People are born with intrinsic motivation, self-respect, dignity, curiosity to learn, joy in learning. The forces of destruction begin with toddlers — a prize for the best Halloween costume, grades in school, gold stars — and on up through the university. On the job, people, teams, and divisions are ranked, 
reward for the top, punishment for the bottom. Management by objectives, quotas, incentive pay, business plans, put together separately, division by division, cause further loss, unknown and unknowable.

He wrote these words in 1990 but they’re just as relevant today. To say that there are such gaping flaws in how we educate is 
to say that society is fundamentally ill. Deming believed that the individual is naturally inclined to do good and meaningful work. Unfortunately, society bends this human nature into an unnatural competition that essentially ruins us.

Deming was far from the first to have these ideas. It was Rousseau who suggested, in opposition to Hobbes’s bleak view of human nature, that humans are innocently good, but ruined by a society that pits individuals against one another — mostly in the quest to privatize property. Rousseau believed that we had been duped into a fraudulent social contract that allowed for the wealthy imperialists to subjugate and pauperize the workers.

In the 19th century, thinkers such as Nietzsche and Matthew Arnold believed our education system had lost its way due to a materialistic bent that placed useful knowledge above the search for truth, beauty, and perfection that was also defined by culture. Mathew Arnold argued, “Not a having and resting, but a growing and becoming, is the character of perfection as culture conceives it….The idea of perfection as a general expansion of the human family is at variance with our strong individualism, our hatred of all limits to the unrestrained swing of the individual’s personality, our maxim of ‘every man for himself.’”

Please read the full story

Abroad Education Scholarship for Indian students in Swansea University, UK, Deadline-06/07/2016

International Excellence and Merit Scholarships, Swansea University, UK
The International Development Office is offering a number of International Excellence and Merit scholarships worth up to £6000 for students from India who are willing to join this abroad education program.
Selection Criteria for this Abroad Education Scholarship- 

a) are a national of (or permanently domiciled in) India
b) are classed as an overseas student for fee purpose
c) are enrolling on an undergraduate or postgraduate course at Swansea University for the first time in September 2016 OR have already submitted your application and hold an offer to study at Swansea University in September 2016
For more information about this abroad education program with scholarship, please visit

Abroad Education- PhD Scholarship for Indian students, in UK, Deadline-03/07/2016

Feldman PhD Scholarship in Computational Statistics, University College London, UK
Applications are invited for PhD funding opportunity to conduct research in an area at the interface between Statistics and Computer Science, commencing in September 2016. The abroad education studentship is tenable for 3 years and covers tuition fees at the UK/EU rate plus a stipend of £16,539 per annum (based on the standard UK Research Council rate with London weighting). International students may also apply, but will need to source additional funding to meet the difference in cost between UK/EU and overseas tuition fees. The procedure for determining one’s tuition fee status is outlined on the UCL websiteThe successful candidate will be based either in the Department of Computer Science or the Department of Statistical Science and will have one supervisor from each.
Abroad Education Studentship Description- The following two projects are available 
Learning representations with latent variable models
Multi-agent deep reinforcement learning for machine bidding in digital advertising
Alternatively, candidates may propose their own topics, provided that they have already been discussed with prospective supervisors in both departments.
Person Specification- For admission to the MPhil/PhD Statistical Science, the requirement is a first or high upper second-class Bachelor’s degree, or a Master’s degree with merit or distinction, in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, or a related quantitative discipline. Overseas qualifications of an equivalent standard are also acceptable. Further details can be found on the Departmental website. For admission to the MPhil/PhD Computer Science, the normal requirement is a Bachelor’s degree with first or upper second-class Honors, and/or a distinction at Master’s level, in an appropriate subject. Applicants with other qualifications and sufficient relevant experience and background knowledge may also be considered. More information, including English Language qualifications
can be found on the Departmental website.
How to Apply for this abroad education program- All new candidates should apply initially for the Research Degree: Statistical Science (RRDSTASING01) by completing the online form and, in addition (and very importantly), send a separate covering letter making their case for the funding. The covering letter should be sent toDr Russell Evans at Candidates already in receipt of an offer of admission (to either department) need only send the covering letter.
Closing Date 
for this abroad education program:- 03 Jul 2016
Studentship Start Date: 26 Sep 2016
For more information about this abroad education program, please visit

Abroad Education Scholarship for Indian Undergraduate students, in UK, Deadline-01/07/2016

The Denys Holland Scholarship, University College London, UK
The Denys Holland Scholarship aims to support undergraduate students from any country, who without the support of this overseas education scholarship would be unable to secure the funding required to study at UCL, and who can demonstrate their intention to make full use of the activities offered by UCL and the Student Union.
Eligibility requirements for this Overseas Education Program-  Applicants should be:

a) holding an offer of admission to UCL for full-time undergraduate study in any department;
b) in financial hardship, and be able to demonstrate that without the scholarship they would be unable to study at UCL;
c) preferably aged 25 or below at the time of commencing their studies;
d) able to demonstrate that they have broad interests and intend to be actively involved in and contribute to the life of the university.
Selection criteria for this Overseas Education Program-The scholarship is awarded on the basis of financial hardship, subject to applicants demonstrating their intention to play a full part in extracurricular activities of UCL and the Students Union.
Value of this 
Overseas Education scholarship: benefits and duration- The scholarship is worth £9,000 per annum and scholars may choose to use all or part of the scholarship to cover fees. Any remainder is paid to the scholar as a maintenance stipend. The scholarship is for one year in the first instance, but will be renewed subject to satisfactory progress, for up to a total of three years. The scholarship may be held alongside other grants, bursaries, awards or scholarships, provided annual total funding does not exceed the cost of fees plus a reasonable sum for maintenance in any one year (as determined by UCL).
Applications deadline and procedure 
Overseas Education Program with Scholarship- Please read the Guidance Notes (Word) before you download the Application Form (Word). The deadline for your application is: Friday, 1 July 2016 at5pm. Applicants must provide UCL Student Number or UCAS Application Number for applications to be considered valid. If an application is received after this deadline it will not be deemed eligible and cannot be considered. Complete applications and supporting documentations should be submitted by email to:
For more information about this 
Overseas Education Program with Scholarship, Please visit-

Overseas Education Doctoral Scholarship for Indian students in New Zealand, Deadline-01/07/2016

Doctoral Scholarships, Victoria UniversityNew Zealand 
Value of this Overseas Scholarship:-$23,500 stipend annually + tuition fees. Conditions apply. See 'Regulations' for details.
Tenure of this Overseas Education Award: - Scholarships will normally be tenable for three years. For a student who has already been enrolled for a Doctorate at Victoria for more than three months at the time when the offer of a Scholarship is made, the maximum length of tenure of the Scholarship will be reduced at the discretion of the Research Scholarships Committee.
Closing dates for the Overseas Education program with Scholarship- 01 July 2016
Selection criteria 
Overseas Education program- The Scholarships are open to graduates of any university within or outside of New Zealand who intend to enrol full time for a Doctorate (PhD) at Victoria University or who have commenced their doctoral study at Victoria University. 
note: It is very important to refer to website for regulations and further process requirements regarding application for this scholarship.
For more information about this 
Overseas Education program with Scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education Scholarship for Indian students, Deadline-30/06/2016

The Global Study Award, British Council IELTS, UK
Together with the International Student Identity Card and StudyPortals, We are launching the Overseas Study Awards, an exciting initiative for prospective students worldwide. The Global Study Award will support successful Test takers to study abroad on any undergraduate or postgraduate course.
Who are we looking for 
this Overseas Education Award?
The Global Study Awards are designed to support highly motivated, talented individuals who can demonstrate:
a) their potential to contribute to society through their studies;
b) a strong commitment to developing their career;
c) a sincere interest in increasing intercultural understanding and exchange.
Who can apply for this Overseas Education Award?
To be eligible to apply for The Global Study Awards you need to:

a) be aged 18 or over on the day the course you are attending officially starts;
b) if you are under 18 when submitting an application for the award, please note that, should you be shortlisted for the award, you will need to submit a signed parental consent form before your application can be considered further;
c)have taken an IELTS test at a British Council centre and hold a valid official Test Report Form issued by the British Council;
d) be a valid ISIC cardholder at the time of application;
e) be planning to enrol on a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate program abroad in the academic year starting August 2015 onwards;
f) have written a short review of your study experience at
g) be able to provide a confirmation letter and/or official enrolment letter (if applicable) from the institution by the cut-off date.
Details of this Overseas Education Award- There will be nine awards and each award will have a value of £10,000. In the first instance, it will be applied towards tuition fees. If the fees are below £10,000, the remaining funds may be allocated towards living costs.
For more information about 
this Overseas Education Award please visit

Overseas Education Scholarship for MBA Students in France, Deadline-30/06/2016

EDHEC Global MBA scholarships in France 
Through this Overseas Education scholarship policy, normal fees €41,000 can be reduced to just €19,475.
EXCELLENCE : - 50%/ GMAT OF 720 OR OVER / YOUR FEES :  € 19, 475*
PREMIUM : - 40%/ GMAT OF 650-710/ YOUR FEES :  € 23, 370*
Eligibility criteria for 
this Overseas Education scholarship-
-Bachelor degree or equivalent
-Minimum 3 years work experience
-Strong command of written and spoken English
-Acceptable GMAT score
Supporting Documents required for 
this Overseas Education scholarship-
-Completed Online Application
-CV / Resume
-Copy of Id or Passport
-Transcripts (Final 2 Years): Certified translations are required if these documents are not in either English or French
-Two Application Essays
Essay Question 1:- Give a detailed description of your role, your responsibilities and your achievements in your current (latest) position and explain how your role and responsibilities have evolved through your career. (300 words)
Essay Question 2:-What are your post-MBA career plans and how do you expect the curriculum to help you professionally? (300 words)
-Two Letters Of Recommendation
-GMAT Or GRE Score Report
For more information about this Overseas Education Scholarship, please visit

Abroad Education Scholarship for MA International Relations in United Kingdom, Deadline-30/06/2016

Fee-waiver Abroad Education scholarship now available for MA International Relations, Oxford Brookes University, UK
An annual MA International Relations (all pathways) Fee Waiver Scholarship is available to an international student with suitable academic credentials. This Abroad Education Scholarship will cover 100% of the tuition fees(£13,620) and is open to international students intending to start their course in September 2016. Applicants for the Abroad Education Scholarship will need to hold an offer before submitting their scholarship form. Find out more about our MA in International Relations program here. An application form for the fee-waiver scholarship is available from and must be returned by midnight on Thursday 30th June 2016.
The MA in International Relations program with scholarship offers you the flexibility of choosing either our general program, or one of three specialist pathways (Global Political Economy, Security, and Environment) to suit your specific interests. Our postgraduate students benefit from being taught by a team of research-active scholars who publish in their areas of expertise.
In addition to the taught modules, students on our MA in International Relations also get the opportunity to go on a four-day study tour to Brussels and The Hague. Travel and accommodation are included in your fees, and this includes visits to key institutions of the European Union and a range of international 
organizations, including the International Criminal Court and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, which was awarded the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize. This trip enables students to get a first-hand experience of how these important international institutions work.
For more information about this Abroad Education Scholarship, please visit

Abroad Education Scholarship for postgraduate students of India in United Kingdom, Deadline-30/06/2016

SML International Merit Scholarship (India), Heriot-Watt University, UK
Number of Awards of this Abroad Education Program with Scholarship-Up to 5
Level- Postgraduate taught
School- School of Management and Languages
Availability- All Indian applicants who pay the overseas fee level, have accepted their offer of a place on a postgraduate taught program in the School of Management and Language, and have paid their deposit (where applicable) by 30th June 2016.
for this Abroad Education Program with Scholarship- 30 June 2016
Full details 
of this Abroad Education Program with Scholarship- Applicants who are nominally resident in India, pay the overseas fee level, have accepted their offer of a place on a postgraduate taught program level in the School of Management and Languages, and have paid their deposit (where applicable) by 30 June 2016 will be automatically considered for this scholarship. No separate application is required. The £2,00 scholarship is awarded as a fee abatement.
For more information about this Abroad Education program with Scholarship, please visit
for any assistance about this Abroad Education Scholarship, Please contact


Abroad Education Scholarship for the MSc students in Sustainable Energy Systems program in the United Kingdom, Deadline-30/06/2016

Kevin Herriott Scholarship, London South Bank University, UK
From donations received by LSBU alumnus Kevin Herriott, we are now offering the Kevin Herriott Scholarship for our MSc Sustainable Energy Systems program. For the 2016/17 academic year there is one scholarship worth £4,000 towards fees for UK, EU or International students.
Number of scholarships: 1 for academic year 2016/17
Value: £4,000 
for this Abroad Education Scholarship Program: 30 June 2016 for September 2016 entry
Eligibility Criteria for this Abroad Education Scholarship Program- The Scholarships are awarded primarily on academic merit, evidence of an applicants' commitment to their future career and their previous practical or academic achievements. Students will be selected by the scholarship panel whose decision is final. No appeals will be received.
Scholarship applications will only be accepted from students with the following:

a) an LSBU offer (conditional or unconditional) of a place on MSc Sustainable Energy Systems
b) proof of academic excellence. Qualifications obtained outside the UK will be assessed for equivalency using NARIC 
c) evidence of having commitment to their future career and previous practical or academic achievement
How to apply for this Abroad Education Scholarship Program- You can apply online via email after you firmly accept your unconditional or conditional offer to study at LSBU. We recommend you apply for your place at LSBU as soon as possible to ensure you have been made an offer and have time to complete your scholarship application by the deadline of Thursday 30 June 2016. To submit your application, complete the application form (PDF File 182 KB) and send via email to along with scans of your university transcripts and certificates. Your application will not be considered without these.
Selection process 
for this Abroad Education Scholarship Program- All applications must be received by the deadline date. Scholarships are awarded primarily on academic merit and evidence of applicants' commitment to their future career and their previous practical or academic achievement. Selection is made by a scholarship panel. Their decision is final and no appeals will be received.
Payment procedure 
for this Abroad Education Scholarship-
Scholarships will be given in the form of a fees reduction at enrolment to LSBU, provided that students produce the official certificate.
For more information about
 this Abroad Education Scholarship Program, please visit

Abroad Education Scholarship for the Indian Post Graduate students in United Kingdom, Deadline-30/06/2016

Vice-Chancellor’s Excellence Scholarship, London South Bank University, UK
Details about this Abroad Education Scholarship packages and award criteria: -Excellence Award, Fee waiver, not exceeding £8,000 in total, for a postgraduate program at LSBU, plus a £1,000 cash award.
Minimum selection criteria for 
this Abroad Education Scholarship: A first-class honors undergraduate degree from any UK university (or international equivalent), plus evidence of key academic, professional and practical achievements. Achievements should be at national or international level and demonstrate local impact.
Merit Award- £1,000 cash award with an additional £1,000 off your fees for 
your postgraduate program at LSBU.
Minimum selection criteria for 
this Abroad Education Scholarship: A minimum 2.1 in an undergraduate degree (from any university), plus evidence of key extra-curricular or entrepreneurial activities.
Alumni Award- £1,000 cash award
Minimum selection criteria
for this Abroad Education Scholarship: A minimum 2.1 undergraduate degree (from LSBU), plus evidence of key achievements in extra-curricular activities.
Research Award- £1,000 cash award. Minimum selection criteria: Application for 
MPhil, PhD or Professional Doctorate program at LSBU.
Community Award- £1,000 cash award 
Minimum selection criteria
for this Abroad Education Scholarship: A minimum 2.2 undergraduate degree from any university, plus evidence of your significant contribution to the local community of Lambeth, Southwark or Lewisham, i.e. involvement in specific community projects, volunteering, and other civic engagement.
Eligibility- We invite you to apply for a scholarship if you hold a conditional or unconditional offer for one of LSBU's postgraduate programs
. Study can be either full- or part-time. Courses taken across more than one year will be paid on a pro-rata basis, with the total amount not exceeding £8,000.
Criteria-Academic excellence (qualifications obtained from outside the UK will be assessed for equivalency using 
Enic-Naric). Evidence of an applicant's commitment to their future career and previous practical or academic achievement. If you do not currently hold a conditional or unconditional offer simply apply to one of our postgraduate taught courses or a research degree.
How to apply 
for these Abroad Education Scholarships- You can apply online via email after you firmly accept your unconditional or conditional offer to study at LSBU. We recommend you apply for your place at LSBU as soon as possible to ensure you have been made an offer and have time to complete your scholarship application. The application deadline is Thursday 30 June 2016.
For more information about
 this Abroad Education Scholarship, please visit


Overseas Education Scholarship for Law students in United Kingdom, Deadline-30/06/2016

 Law School Scholarships, University of Aberdeen, UK
Summary of this Overseas Education Scholarship- There are two University of Aberdeen Law School Scholarships available. Each scholarship offers £1,500 towards full-time Home, RUK or International tuition fees for one year. This is part of the College of Arts and Social Sciences Postgraduate Scholarships Programme.
of this Overseas Education Scholarship- The University of Aberdeen Law School Scholarships will support two postgraduate students through a one-year full-time LLM Energy & Environmental Law with Professional Skills program at the University of Aberdeen, starting in September 2016. This scholarship will contribute towards Home, RUK or International tuition fees.
Eligibility criteria 
for this Overseas Education Scholarship- To be considered for the University of Aberdeen Law School Scholarships you will need to have applied to the University of Aberdeen for a place on a one-year full-time LLM Energy & Environmental Law with Professional Skills program starting in September 2016. To be awarded a scholarship you must receive and then firmly accept an offer of a place on this postgraduate degree program. The scholarship is open to both UK/EU and International students.
Criteria- The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and financial need.
Application Procedure 
for this Overseas Education Scholarship- There are a number of College of Arts and Social Sciences Postgraduate Scholarships available (please see guidelines below). Please note that any number of scholarships can be applied for by submitting ONE application form. Please read the guidelines fully before completing the application form.
Deadline of application 
for this Overseas Education Scholarship-30th of June 2016
For more information about
 this Overseas Education Scholarship, please visit
or mail

Overseas Education Scholarship for Indian students, Deadline-30/06/2016

Netaji Subhas - Indian Council of Agricultural Research International Fellowships 
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) invites applications from the Indian as well as overseas national having Master’s degree in Agriculture and allied sciences for the “Netaji Subhas - ICAR International Fellowships (NS ICAR IFs)” for the year 2016-17. The NS-ICAR IFs are available for pursuing doctoral degree in agriculture and allied sciences, in the identified priority areas, to the (i) Indian candidates for study abroad in the identified overseas Universities/Institutions having strong research and teaching capabilities and (ii) to overseas candidates for study in the Indian Agricultural Universities (AUs) in the ICAR-AUs system. Thirty fellowships for duration of three years will be available.
Detailed guidelines of this overseas education program, priority areas of study and application proforma are attached. Age on the closing date for receipt of applications will be considered for eligibility.  Also, date of completion of qualifying degree will be the date of completion of both course and thesis work as declared by the university.  Filled in application along with supporting documents should be submitted (one hard copy by post and one soft copy by e-mail) to:
The Assistant Director General (EQR), Education Division, ICAR, 
Krishi AnusandhanBhavan II, Pusa,
New Delhi-110012
For more information, about this overseas education program please visit

Abroad Education Scholarship in Italy for Indian students, Deadline-30/06/2016

Excellence Scholarships for Indian Students, University of Milan, Italy
Level of this Abroad Education program with Scholarship- Master Program offered by this University
Award Value Abroad Education Scholarship- 50 scholarships of 6.000 euro plus enrolment fee exemptions, 100 enrollment total fee exemptions
Application mode- Online
For more information, Abroad Education program with Scholarship

Abroad Education Scholarship in Australia for Indian students, Deadline-30/06/2016

Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarships, Australia 
The Australian Government Department of Education and Training administers this Abroad Education Scholarship i.e the Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships. The Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships aim to build Australia’s reputation for excellence in the provision of education and research, support the internationalisation of the Australian higher education and research sectors and offer high-achieving individuals from overseas and Australia opportunities to increase their productivity and expertise in their field. 
All this
Abroad Education Scholarship recipient will receive:
a) travel allowance: $3,000 (provision to pay up to $4,500 under special circumstances)
b) establishment allowance: $2,000 (fellowships) or $4,000 (scholarships)
c) monthly stipend: $3,000 (paid up to the maximum category duration on a pro-rata basis)
d) health insurance for the full category duration (OSHC for international recipients)
e) travel insurance (excluding during program for international recipients)
f) Endeavour scholarship recipients will also receive tuition fees paid up to the maximum study/research duration on a pro-rata basis. Tuition includes student service and amenities fees. 
Duration of this Abroad Education Scholarship- Up to 2 years for a Masters and Up to 4 years for a PhD
For more information about the Abroad Education Scholarship, please visit

Abroad Education Scholarship for Indian students, Deadline-30/06/2016

Ford Motor Company International Fellowship of 92nd Street Y
ELIGIBILITY CRITERION FOR THIS ABROAD EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP- Applicants must be 21 years of age or older, with several years of leadership experience. We seek candidates from a variety of backgrounds with the aim of creating a group of Fellows who will work well together and offer a diversity of views and experiences. Candidates should be emerging leaders addressing issues whose resolution can have a significant positive impact on their communities, on their countries, and—collectively—on the world. Applicants must demonstrate fluency in English, have valid passports, and have regular access to a computer and the Internet. They may not be current recipients of other fellowships.
Airfare, accommodations, food, transportation, instruction, and other program-related expenses are included in the fellowship. Each participant receives a stipend upon arrival.
Applications must be postmarked or emailed by June 30, 2016
For more information, about this Abroad Education Scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education Scholarship for Indian students in UK, Deadline-30/06/2016

Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarships, London South Bank University, UK
These Overseas Education scholarships are made possible by donations from alumni and other supporters.
Packages and award criteria for these 
Overseas Education scholarships:
  • Excellence Award
  • Fee waiver, not exceeding £8,000 in total, for a postgraduate program at LSBU, plus a £1,000 cash award.
  • Minimum selection criteria: A first-class honors undergraduate degree from any UK university (or international equivalent), plus evidence of key academic, professional and practical achievements. Achievements should be at national or international level and demonstrate local impact.
  • Merit Award
  • £1,000 cash award with an additional £1,000 off your fees for your postgraduate program at LSBU.
Minimum selection criteria for these Overseas Education scholarships: A minimum 2.1 in an undergraduate degree (from any university), plus evidence of key extra-curricular or entrepreneurial activities.
Alumni Award- £1,000 cash award
Minimum selection criteria
for these Overseas Education scholarships: A minimum 2.1 undergraduate degree (from LSBU), plus evidence of key achievements in extra-curricular activities.
Research Award- £1,000 cash award 
Minimum selection criteria
for these Overseas Education scholarships: Application for a MPhil, PhD or Professional Doctorate programme at LSBU.
Community Award- £1,000 cash award 
Minimum selection criteria: A minimum 2.2 undergraduate degree from any university, plus evidence of your significant contribution to the local community of Lambeth, Southwark or Lewisham, i.e. involvement in specific community projects, 
volunteering and other civic engagement.
Eligibility requirement 
for these Overseas Education scholarships
We invite you to apply for a scholarship if you hold a conditional or unconditional offer for one of LSBU's postgraduate programmes. Study can be either full- or part-time. Courses taken across more than one year will be paid on a pro-rata basis, with the total amount not exceeding £8,000.
Academic excellence (qualifications obtained from outside the UK will be assessed for equivalency using 
Evidence of an applicant's commitment to their future career and previous practical or academic achievement.
If you do not currently hold a conditional or unconditional offer simply apply to one of our postgraduate taught courses or a research degree.
How to apply 
for these Overseas Education scholarships
You can apply online via email after you firmly accept your unconditional or conditional offer to study at LSBU. We recommend you apply for your place at LSBU as soon as possible to ensure you have been made an offer and have time to complete your scholarship application. The application deadline is Thursday 30 June 2016. To submit your application, complete the application form (PDF File 186 KB) and send via email to along with scans of your university transcripts/certificates evidencing your degree classification. Your application will not be considered without these.
Selection process 
for these Overseas Education scholarships
All applications must be received by Thursday 30 June 2016. Scholarships are awarded primarily on academic merit and evidence of applicants' commitment to their future career and their previous practical or academic achievement. Selection is made by a scholarship panel. Their decision is final and no appeals will be received.
For more information about 
for these Overseas Education scholarships, please visit

Study Abroad News

Learn solving real business problem online from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania , USA
In this Specialization, you’ll develop basic literacy in the language of business, which you can use to transition to a new career, start or improve your own small business, or apply to
business school to continue your education. In four courses, you’ll learn the fundamentals of marketing, accounting, operations, and finance. In the final Capstone Project, you’ll apply the skills learned by developing a go-to-market strategy to address a real business challenge. price starts from Rs. 4,995
For more info about this study program, please visit
For more online program at Wharton, University of Pennsylvania, please visit

Overseas Education Scholarship for Indian students, Deadline-26/06/2016

PhD Scholarship at the Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
A position as a Ph.D. student at the Department of Public Health, is to be filled by. August 1, 2016 or soon thereafter. The project is conducted in close cooperation between the Department of Public Health, Division of Environmental Health, University of Copenhagen and the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH), University of Southern Denmark, which is a national research institute located in Copenhagen, who researches health. SIF has national obligations and focus on the previous sector tasks and authorities. PAUSE is a major research program supported by the Strategic Research Council. The project is linked to the PAUSE program and deals with relationships between cognition, psychiatric comorbidity and development respective cessation of alcohol problems. 
This Overseas PhD project 
utilizes data from and conducted in cooperation with the Danish Session Database, Research Centre for Prevention and Health, Glostrup Hospital containing information about 700,000 men born in the period 1939-59. Among these, the correlation between cognition (IQ) and the risk of hospitalization for alcohol problems. Among the approximately 10% with an alcohol-related hospitalization investigated predictive factors for cessation of alcohol problems.The analyzes included data on psychiatric comorbidity. In addition, utilized data on approximately 14,000 men born in 1939-59 and has been receiving treatment in Copenhagen. After pooling the session database, it is estimated that more than 10,000 of these can be supplied information on cognition. Among these, the correlation between cognition and age at first detection of alcohol abuse and the importance of psychiatric comorbidity in this context. This Overseas PhD project also analyzes the link between cognition and age at first hospitalization with psychiatric disorder among patients with alcohol problems into treatment. 
For more information about PAUSE program, visit .
Qualifications required for this Overseas PhD program- The position requires no specific educational background, but a background in public health science graduate, doctor or psychologist will be a good basis for the job. We're looking for someone who is analytically strong and interested in the subject. It
may for example
be a public health candidate with good knowledge of statistical analyzes and methodologies. Applicants who have previously worked with alcohol research as well as applicants who speak Danish, will be preferred.
The appointment condition for this Overseas Study Program- 
Appointment is 3 years and is subject to agreement between the AC and the Ministry of Finance on salaried PhD students as well as agreement on pay increases for PhD fellows at the Health Knowledge Sciences Faculty of 5 January 2004.
Applications documents required for this Overseas PhD program- Send application (max 1 page),
CV, list
of publications and graduate certificate via the link below no later than 26 June 2016. Applications delivered after this date will not be considered.
For more info about this Overseas PhD program, please visit

Abroad Education Scholarship for Indian students, Deadline-24/06/2016

Adelaide International Undergraduate Scholarships (AIUS), Australia
The University of Adelaide offers Abroad Education scholarship program for commencing international students undertaking an undergraduate study. The condition of this Abroad Education Scholarships program are:
a) Available for commencing international undergraduate students only;
b) Open to citizens of any country (except Australia and New Zealand);
c) Provides a waiver of 25% of the annual tuition fee for each year of the program for the full duration of the program, up to a maximum of four years;
d) Up to 40 scholarships available each year;
e) Available for study in any discipline except Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS), Bachelor of Oral Health and Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience)
f) Open to eligible applicants completing Foundation Studies or secondary studies overseas or in Australia, or those transferring into the later years of an undergraduate degree with advanced standing
Academic Eligibility for this Abroad Education Scholarship Program- The selection process for the Adelaide International Undergraduate Scholarships is competitive, with academic achievement forming the main basis for scholarship selection. As a general guide, the University of Adelaide will consider applicants who have achieved an academic level which is the equivalent of a GPA of 6/7 (85%) for a scholarship. As the aim of the scholarship program is to attract excellent applicants from a wide range of countries, factors such as country of citizenship and program of study may also be taken into consideration in some cases in the scholarship selection process.
Terms of this Abroad Education Scholarship- Please download a copy of the scholarship conditions for University Website
Application Process 
of this Abroad Education Scholarship- Applicants may apply online for a scholarship at any time Applicants must have received an offer of admission from the University before lodging their scholarship application (applicants with a conditional offer may apply, but will need to accept and meet the conditions of their offer before a scholarship can be confirmed). Scholarship selection is based on academic merit (in certain cases country of citizenship and program of study may also be taken into consideration when awarding scholarships). Applications will be considered and scholarships offered on a rolling basis until all scholarships have been awarded. Successful applicants will be notified within 4 to 6 weeks of lodging the scholarship application; unsuccessful applicants will NOT be contacted.
Last day to Apply for this
Abroad Education Scholarship- For students commencing in Semester 2 (July) 2016    24 June 2016
For more info, about this 
Abroad Education program with scholarship please visit

Abroad Education Scholarship for Indian students, Deadline-22/06/2016

International Mathematical Union (IMU) Breakout Graduate Fellowships in Mathematics in collaboration with The World Academy of Science (TWAS)
Deadline for this Abroad Education Program- 22 June 2016
of this Abroad Education Program- PhD
Minimum degree held- MSc
of this Abroad Education Program- Up to 5 years
Field- Mathematical Sciences
Professional mathematicians are invited to nominate highly motivated and mathematically talented students from developing countries who plan to complete a doctoral degree in a developing country, including their own home country. Nominees must have a consistently good academic record from the high school level and must be seriously interested in pursuing a career 
of research and teaching in mathematics. It is the hope of the donors, the IMU, FIMU and TWAS that the fellowship allows students to study in centres of excellence in the developing world, and helps educate the next generation of mathematicians and hopefully results in extended benefits to the home countries of those chosen for the fellowships.
Eligibility Conditions required 
for this Abroad Education Program
The nomination form has to be filled out online and be submitted by the nominator. Students cannot apply themselves for the fellowship. Paper applications are not accepted. Changes after submission are not possible.
Conditions for the Nominator (Professional Mathematician) 
for this Abroad Education Program
Professional mathematicians (including those who have superannuated, but continue to mentor young students). It is preferable that the nominator has been mentoring the nominee.
Conditions for the Nominee (Student) 
for this Abroad Education Program
The student must be A) resident AND B) a citizen of a developing country which must be contained in the IMU list of Developing countries. 
The student must either
A) be pre-accepted to join a doctoral program in the first academic year 
after the time of selection in a university or research institution which is based in a developing country from the following list. See here OR
B) already be enrolled in a doctoral program in a university or research institution which is based on a developing country from the following list.  
There is no age limit for the student.
Nomination for women students is strongly encouraged.
*For a nomination to be eligible, the country of citizenship of the student, the country of 
residency and the country where the study will take place must be contained in the list of Developing Countries as defined by IMU for the period 2016 – 2019, those with GNI per capita in USD, not exceeding USD 11,000, in accordance with the United Nations data.
Expenses that can be covered by the fellowship 
for this Abroad Education Program
The fellowship can cover the entire period of the doctoral program up to five years of the student (nominee). The following costs can be covered by the grant.
Full tuition fee
Accommodation expenses 
Travel expenses to the host institution (if different from the home country)
Basic living expenses that will depend on the cost of the living of the country in which the student will study his/ her doctoral program 
Fellowship Conditions
The fellowship is incompatible with any other scholarship.
The fellowship will be awarded starting from the time of selection Fellowship (i.e. without retrospective effect) in 
case of awardees already enrolled in a doctoral program, and from the time the awardee enrols in a recognized doctoral program otherwise.
The fellowship will be sanctioned for one year at a time and is renewable annually, based on 
satisfactory progress of the awardee and will cease to be awarded when the awardee completes the doctoral program or at the end of five years, whichever is earlier.
Nomination/ Application Process 
for this Abroad Education Program
The nomination has to be filled out and submitted online by the nominator. The online nomination form can be found here.
Information to be filled out online (by the Nominator) 
for this Abroad Education Program
For an overview of the nomination form, please download the nomination form here. Please notice that application is not to be uploaded, but filled out on line and that paper applications can unfortunately NOT be accepted.
Material to be uploaded during the process: (Only files in PDF format can be uploaded.) 
for this Abroad Education Program
Statement from nominator
Scanned copy of student (nominee) passport
Official letter of pre-acceptance in the
PhD Program
Budget of total expenses requested
Two (2) letters of recommendation which both cannot come from the nominator
Transcripts of coursework (certified copies (e.g. stamped by the university)) of the student
A) High school diploma
B) BSc degree or equivalent
C) MSc degree or equivalent
List of publications (if applicable) of the student
Nominee letter of motivation, 
research project and future plans of the student
Nominator declaration
Nominee (student) declaration
Both nominations and accompanying documentation must be submitted in English only. If the documentation furnished were incomplete the entry would not be accepted for consideration.
for this Abroad Education Program:
Application Deadline: 22 June 2016 09:00 AM Central European Time (CET, Berlin).
Questions before submitting the nomination
In case of questions, please go to
Selection Process 
for this Abroad Education Program
TWAS will administer this program after submission of the application on behalf of IMU and will liaise with the awarded nominees with regards to their stipends and monitor the progress of the nominees during and after their PhD studies.
The selection will be done by the Breakout Fellowship Selection Committee.
Obligations of the Awardees
The awardees of the fellowship and their research supervisors will be asked to submit annual reports to TWAS and IMU. All awardees will be asked, on the completion of
thePhD program, to submit a copy of the approved thesis and a final report on the work carried out to IMU and TWAS.
For more info about 
this Abroad Education Program, please visit

Abroad Education Scholarship for Indian students, Deadline-19/06/2016

International Scholarship Award, University of West London, UK
Introduction of this Abroad Education Program with Scholarship- University of West London is offering a fantastic opportunity for three students with international offers from the University of West London to be awarded one of our prestigious International Scholarships, one award covering 100% of your tuition fees, and the other two places covering 50%.* All you need to do is send us a video of up to 60 seconds showing us why you’re excited about studying at UWL and what you will do after your time here. See below for information on how you can enter your video for this abroad education program. Check out our hints and tips to ensure you make a video that will wow our judges.
The deadline is 19 June 2016.
… So, what are you waiting for?
For more info about this 
Abroad Education Program with Scholarship, please visit

Overseas Education Scholarship for India students, Deadline-16/06/2016

 Richard H. Tomlinson Doctoral Fellowships 2016-2017, McGill University, Canada
The Tomlinson Doctoral Fellowship was established in 2000 through a very generous gift from Dr. Richard H. Tomlinson (Ph.D. 1948) - $35,000, renewable twice.
Eligibility criterion for this Overseas Education Program
All Tomlinson Doctoral Fellowships are for recruiting NEW graduate students to McGill. Students currently enrolled at McGill, or whose latest degree was completed or in progress at McGill, are therefore ineligible. Former McGill students who later completed a graduate degree elsewhere may apply. Visiting students at McGill, who are completing the requirements for a degree from another university, may apply.
First Class Applicants: Only applicants with a 1st class academic record (A- or better overall grade or ≥ 3.70/4.00) will be considered.
Citizenship: There are no citizenship restrictions.
Please Note: Tomlinson Doctoral Fellowships are adjudicated by the Faculty of Medicine Research and Graduate Studies Office.
Application/Departmental Review/Nomination Procedures 
for this Overseas Education Program
Applicants must submit their application and 
supporting documents to the Department/Unit/School where they intend to study.
Departments will perform a pre-selection of doctoral applicants and will submit, at most, 3 nominations to the Faculty of Medicine Research and Graduate Studies Office, along with all supporting documents to the Faculty of Medicine Research and Graduate Studies Office.  Deadline for departments to submit their nominations is June 16th, 2016.
Check List for Nomination 
for this Overseas Education Program
  • Nomination Form (one for each applicant to be nominated)
  • Ph.D. Student Application Form plus the following attachments
  • Publication List – section 4
  • Detailed Project Description – section 7 (one page maximum)
  • Applicant’s Statement – section 8 (one page maximum)
  • Two Referee Reports – section 10
  • Report – form page with addresses and Part A completed
  • Referee Letter – Part B (on letterhead)
  • Proposed Supervisor’s Statement – section 11
  • All Graduate and Undergraduate Transcripts – official transcripts or certified copies
For more info for this Overseas Education Program please visit

Overseas Education Scholarship for India students, Deadline-15/06/2016

Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship, USA
Deadline for this Overseas Education Program- 15/06/2016
Objectives of this Overseas Education Program with Scholarship- Reliance Industries Limited generously created the Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Program to support Indian nationals living in India who need financial assistance in obtaining an MBA at StanfordStanford GSB has a strong emphasis on global management education. Stanford GSB is proud to have enrolled many Indian students over the years; they are a vital part of our student body and provide our community with direct and personal insight into an emerging global economy that also is the world’s largest democracy. We hope this fellowship encourages talented and motivated Indian men and women who may not otherwise apply to the business school because of financial concerns. The Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Program provides future Indian leaders with the educational 
foundation to effect positive change in India. Fellows return to India to lead organizations that are at the forefront of growth and development in the rapidly emerging Indian economy.

Each year, Stanford may award up to five fellowships: -Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows will receive financial support for the cost of tuition and associated fees for each year of the two-year Stanford MBA overseas Program (approximately $150,000 total). Within two years of completing their Stanford MBA overseas education studies, Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows are required to return to India for a period of at least two years to work for an Indian 
. Upon their return to India, Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows are integral members of Stanford University, Stanford GSB, and Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows communities.
Process and Evaluation Criteria for this overseas Education Program
Apply for Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Program
Apply to Stanford MBA Program
Attend Stanford MBA Program
Return to work in India for at least two years
Stage 1: Complete the Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Program Application
Up to 50 Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows finalists will be selected based on:
Commitment to developing India
Financial need
Stage 2: Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Program Finalists Complete the Standard Application Process for the Stanford MBA Program
As part of the overseas MBA program admission process, Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Program finalists must meet all Stanford GSB application requirements, including submission of GMAT or GRE and IELTS, PTE, or TOEFL if applicable.
Stanford may select up to five Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows each year from among the finalists based on our primary admission criteria:
Intellectual vitality
Demonstrated leadership potential
Personal qualities and contributions

For more info about this overseas Education program with scholarship, please visit

Visit our Group's Site